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Papers Containing Tag(s): 'Longitudinal Research Database'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

Center for Economic Studies - 121

Annual Survey of Manufactures - 90

Standard Industrial Classification - 79

Total Factor Productivity - 67

Census of Manufactures - 62

National Science Foundation - 55

Ordinary Least Squares - 45

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 45

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 43

National Bureau of Economic Research - 42

Longitudinal Business Database - 32

Standard Statistical Establishment List - 31

Census Bureau Longitudinal Business Database - 30

Cobb-Douglas - 29

Internal Revenue Service - 28

North American Industry Classification System - 25

Chicago Census Research Data Center - 24

Permanent Plant Number - 21

Metropolitan Statistical Area - 19

Research Data Center - 18

Economic Census - 17

Environmental Protection Agency - 17

Federal Reserve Bank - 17

Special Sworn Status - 17

Employer Identification Number - 15

Social Security Administration - 15

County Business Patterns - 15

Department of Commerce - 15

American Economic Review - 14

Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures - 14

Current Population Survey - 14

Service Annual Survey - 13

Census of Manufacturing Firms - 13

Review of Economics and Statistics - 12

Small Business Administration - 11

Business Register - 11

Boston Research Data Center - 10

University of Maryland - 10

Securities Data Company - 9

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - 9

Generalized Method of Moments - 9

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - 9

Federal Reserve System - 9

New England County Metropolitan - 9

Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies - 9

Department of Agriculture - 9

Company Organization Survey - 8

Securities and Exchange Commission - 8

MIT Press - 8

Census Bureau Business Register - 8

PAOC - 8

Decennial Census - 8

WECD - 8

Columbia University - 8

National Establishment Time Series - 7

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics - 7

Initial Public Offering - 7

University of Chicago - 7

Center for Research in Security Prices - 7

Cambridge University Press - 7

Harvard University - 7

New York University - 7

Federal Trade Commission - 7

American Economic Association - 7

American Statistical Association - 7

Survey of Manufacturing Technology - 7

Journal of Political Economy - 7

Herfindahl-Hirschman - 6

Board of Governors - 6

Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Industries - 6

Survey of Industrial Research and Development - 6


Heckscher-Ohlin - 6

Schools Under Registration Review - 6

Department of Homeland Security - 5

Survey of Income and Program Participation - 5

Review of Economic Studies - 5

Journal of International Economics - 5

Toxics Release Inventory - 5

European Commission - 5

Patent and Trademark Office - 5

United States Census Bureau - 5

Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas - 5

Journal of Economic Literature - 5

Energy Information Administration - 5

Office of Management and Budget - 5

Computer Aided Design - 5

Disclosure Review Board - 4

Federal Statistical Research Data Center - 4

Alfred P Sloan Foundation - 4

Fabricated Metal Products - 4

Department of Economics - 4

Retail Trade - 4

Journal of Economic Perspectives - 4

Yale University - 4

European Union - 4

Kauffman Foundation - 4

Boston College - 4

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation - 4

Regional Economic Information System - 4

World Bank - 4

Economic Research Service - 4

National Research Council - 4

Journal of Econometrics - 4

Quarterly Journal of Economics - 4

North American Free Trade Agreement - 4

New York Times - 4

General Accounting Office - 3

Quarterly Workforce Indicators - 3

Business Dynamics Statistics - 3

Cornell University - 3

Michigan Institute for Teaching and Research in Economics - 3

Net Present Value - 3

2020 Census - 3

Department of Justice - 3

Characteristics of Business Owners - 3

Department of Energy - 3

National Employer Survey - 3

Department of Defense - 3

Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research - 3

Geographic Information Systems - 3

Administrative Records - 3

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth - 3

Retirement History Survey - 3

1990 Census - 3

Insurance Information Institute - 3

production - 100

manufacturing - 82

econometric - 69

growth - 68

industrial - 62

produce - 53

estimating - 42

expenditure - 41

labor - 39

macroeconomic - 38

investment - 35

efficiency - 35

sector - 32

recession - 30

sale - 30

estimation - 30

economist - 30

market - 29

company - 29

acquisition - 26

merger - 26

productivity growth - 26

enterprise - 25

plant productivity - 25

manufacturer - 25

profit - 23

demand - 23

revenue - 22

productive - 22

employ - 21

regression - 20

technological - 20

innovation - 19

earnings - 18

factory - 18

aggregate - 18

quarterly - 17

productivity plants - 17

employed - 17

industry productivity - 17

depreciation - 16

export - 16

profitability - 16

gdp - 16

establishment - 16

workforce - 16

regulation - 15

endogeneity - 15

productivity measures - 15

regional - 15

statistical - 15

economically - 14

emission - 14

environmental - 14

pollution - 14

specialization - 14

employee - 14

incorporated - 13

acquirer - 13

epa - 13

technology - 13

payroll - 12

agency - 12

aggregation - 12

regulatory - 12

plant - 12

plant industry - 12

employment growth - 12

report - 11

takeover - 11

organizational - 11

survey - 11

analysis productivity - 11

pollutant - 11

polluting - 11

region - 11

finance - 11

diversification - 11

worker - 11

product - 11

data - 10

consumption - 10

corporation - 10

econometrician - 10

inventory - 10

acquired - 10

exporter - 10

efficient - 10

impact - 10

competitor - 10

measures productivity - 10

heterogeneity - 10

agriculture - 10

agricultural - 10

textile - 10

stock - 9

financial - 9

labor productivity - 9

competitiveness - 9

investing - 9

state - 9

regional economic - 9

geographically - 9

productivity dynamics - 9

capital - 9

producing - 9

corporate - 9

import - 9

factor productivity - 9

rates productivity - 9

observed productivity - 9

firms productivity - 8

cost - 8

exporting - 8

refinery - 8

estimates employment - 8

spillover - 8

environmental regulation - 8

analysis - 8

metropolitan - 8

area - 8

estimates production - 8

financing - 8

job - 8

estimates productivity - 8

industry growth - 8

employment dynamics - 8

firms plants - 8

plants firms - 8

econometrically - 8

longitudinal - 7

employment data - 7

economic census - 7

investor - 7

equity - 7

estimator - 7

gain - 7

respondent - 7

regulation productivity - 7

pollution abatement - 7

costs pollution - 7

monopolistic - 7

endogenous - 7

patent - 7

wages productivity - 7

restructuring - 7

conglomerate - 7

industry concentration - 7

microdata - 7

invest - 7

layoff - 7

profitable - 7

technical - 7

plants industries - 7

manufacturing plants - 7

growth productivity - 7

empirical - 7

data census - 6

accounting - 6

entrepreneurial - 6

firms grow - 6

productivity dispersion - 6

expense - 6

mergers acquisitions - 6

development - 6

abatement expenditures - 6

shareholder - 6

agglomeration economies - 6

productivity wage - 6

labor statistics - 6

quantity - 6

leverage - 6

study - 6

research - 6

plant investment - 6

meat - 6

shift - 6

employment changes - 6

salary - 6

spending - 6

incentive - 5

database - 5

venture - 5

aggregate productivity - 5

entrepreneurship - 5

utilization - 5

export growth - 5

firms exporting - 5

regulated - 5

productivity impact - 5

regional industries - 5

regional industry - 5

agglomeration - 5

plant employment - 5

strategic - 5

midwest - 5

sectoral - 5

externality - 5

researcher - 5

investment productivity - 5

industry variation - 5

employment estimates - 5

city - 5

turnover - 5

firms census - 5

shipment - 5

trend - 5

commodity - 5

ownership - 5

productivity differences - 5

performance - 5

bias - 4

relocation - 4

business data - 4

establishments data - 4

census years - 4

entrepreneur - 4

average - 4

firm growth - 4

partnership - 4

budget - 4

tariff - 4

subsidy - 4

innovation productivity - 4

industry employment - 4

prospect - 4

disclosure - 4

confidentiality - 4

industrialized - 4

locality - 4

classified - 4

wage variation - 4

exported - 4

fluctuation - 4

innovator - 4

valuation - 4

indicator - 4

fuel - 4

productivity increases - 4

diversify - 4

industry heterogeneity - 4

diversified - 4

outsourcing - 4

multinational - 4

liquidation - 4

manufacturing industries - 4

pollution regulation - 4

productivity analysis - 4

wages production - 4

polluting industries - 4

capital productivity - 4

statistician - 4

dispersion productivity - 4

proprietorship - 4

job growth - 4

owner - 4

debt - 4

industrial classification - 4

information census - 3

work census - 3

census data - 3

yearly - 3

record - 3

firms size - 3

census research - 3

survey data - 3

household - 3

consolidated - 3

patenting - 3

exogenous - 3

equilibrium - 3

urbanization - 3

geography - 3

location - 3

statistical agencies - 3

information - 3

privacy - 3

datasets - 3

oligopoly - 3

firms export - 3

price - 3

labor markets - 3

disparity - 3

productivity firms - 3

tax - 3

advantage - 3

tech - 3

innovate - 3

measure - 3

model - 3

productivity size - 3

employment production - 3

employment count - 3

increase employment - 3

productivity shocks - 3

worker wages - 3

wage differences - 3

exogeneity - 3

regressing - 3

outsource - 3

wage regressions - 3

wholesale - 3

heterogeneous - 3

small firms - 3

larger firms - 3

industry output - 3

wage growth - 3

rural - 3

managerial - 3

manager - 3

productivity estimates - 3

department - 3

asset - 3

wage industries - 3

farm - 3

employment flows - 3

reallocation productivity - 3

bankruptcy - 3

workplace - 3

technology adoption - 3

classifying - 3

classification - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 186

  • Working Paper

    Unionization, Employer Opposition, and Establishment Closure

    July 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    We study the effect of private-sector unionization on establishment employment and survival. Specifically, we analyze National Labor Relations Board union elections from 1981'2005 using administrative Census data. Our empirical strategy extends standard difference-in-differences techniques with regression discontinuity extrapolation methods. This allows us to avoid biases from only comparing close elections and to estimate treatment effects that include larger marginof- victory elections. Using this strategy, we show that unionization decreases an establishment's employment and likelihood of survival, particularly in manufacturing and other blue-collar and industrial sectors. We hypothesize that two reasons for these effects are firms' ability to avoid working with new unions and employers' opposition to unions. We find that the negative effects are significantly larger for elections at multi-establishment firms. Additionally, after a successful union election at one establishment, employment increases at the firms' other establishments. Both pieces of evidence are consistent with firms avoiding new unions by shifting production from unionized establishments to other establishments. Finally, we find larger declines in employment and survival following elections where managers or owners were likely more opposed to the union. This evidence supports new reasons for the negative effects of unionization we document.
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  • Working Paper

    Redesigning the Longitudinal Business Database

    May 2021

    Working Paper Number:


    In this paper we describe the U.S. Census Bureau's redesign and production implementation of the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) first introduced by Jarmin and Miranda (2002). The LBD is used to create the Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS), tabulations describing the entry, exit, expansion, and contraction of businesses. The new LBD and BDS also incorporate information formerly provided by the Statistics of U.S. Businesses program, which produced similar year-to-year measures of employment and establishment flows. We describe in detail how the LBD is created from curation of the input administrative data, longitudinal matching, retiming of economic census-year births and deaths, creation of vintage consistent industry codes and noise factors, and the creation and cleaning of each year of LBD data. This documentation is intended to facilitate the proper use and understanding of the data by both researchers with approved projects accessing the LBD microdata and those using the BDS tabulations.
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  • Working Paper

    The Disappearing IPO Puzzle: New Insights from Proprietary U.S. Census Data on Private Firms

    June 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    The U.S. equity markets have experienced a remarkable decline in IPOs since 2000, both in terms of smaller IPO volume and entrepreneurial firms' greater tendency to exit through acquisitions rather than IPOs. Using proprietary U.S. Census data on private firms, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the above two notable trends and provide several new insights. First, we find that the dramatic reduction in U.S. IPOs is not due to a weaker economy that is unable to produce enough 'exit eligible' private firms: in fact, the average total factor productivity (TFP) of private firms is slightly higher post-2000 compared to pre-2000. Second, we do not find evidence supporting the conventional wisdom that the disappearing IPO puzzle is mainly driven by the decline in IPO propensity among small private firms. Third, we do not find a significant change in the characteristics of private firms exiting through acquisitions from pre- to post-2000. Fourth, the decline in IPO propensity persists even after we account for the changing characteristics of private firms over time. Fifth, we show that the difference in TFP between IPO firms and acquired firms (and between IPO firms and firms remaining private) went up considerably post-2000 compared to pre-2000. Finally, venture-capital-backed (VC-backed) IPO firms have significantly lower postexit long-term TFP than matched VC-backed private firms in the post-2000 era relative to the pre- 2000 era, while this pattern is absent among IPO and matched private firms without VC backing. Overall, our results strongly support the explanations based on standalone public firms' greater sensitivity to product market competition and entrepreneurial firms' access to more abundant private equity financing in the post-2000 era. We find mixed evidence regarding the explanations based on the smaller net financial benefits of being standalone public firms or the increased need for confidentiality after 2000.
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  • Working Paper

    Misallocation or Mismeasurement?

    February 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    The ratio of revenue to inputs differs greatly across plants within countries such as the U.S. and India. Such gaps may reflect misallocation which hinders aggregate productivity. But differences in measured average products need not reflect differences in true marginal products. We propose a way to estimate the gaps in true marginal products in the presence of measurement error. Our method exploits how revenue growth is less sensitive to input growth when a plant's average products are overstated by measurement error. For Indian manufacturing from 1985'2013, our correction lowers potential gains from reallocation by 20%. For the U.S. the effect is even more dramatic, reducing potential gains by 60% and eliminating 2/3 of a severe downward trend in allocative efficiency over 1978'2013.
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  • Working Paper

    Statistics on the Small Business Administration's Scale-Up America Program

    April 2019

    Authors: C.J. Krizan

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper attempts to quantify the difference in performance, of 'treated' (program participant) and 'non-treated' (non-participant) firms in SBA's Scale-Up initiative. I combine data from the SBA with administrative data housed at Census using a combination of numeric and name and address matching techniques. My results show that after controlling for available observable characteristics, a positive correlation exists between participation in the Scale-Up initiative and firm growth. However, publicly available survey results have shown that entrepreneurs have a variety of goals in-mind when they start their businesses. Two prominent, and potentially contradictory ones are work-life balance and greater income. That means that not all firms may want to grow and I am unable to completely control for owner motivations. Finally, I do not find a statistically significant relationship between participation in Scale-Up and firm survival once other business characteristics are accounted for.
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  • Working Paper

    Optimal Probabilistic Record Linkage: Best Practice for Linking Employers in Survey and Administrative Data

    March 2019

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper illustrates an application of record linkage between a household-level survey and an establishment-level frame in the absence of unique identifiers. Linkage between frames in this setting is challenging because the distribution of employment across firms is highly asymmetric. To address these difficulties, this paper uses a supervised machine learning model to probabilistically link survey respondents in the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) with employers and establishments in the Census Business Register (BR) to create a new data source which we call the CenHRS. Multiple imputation is used to propagate uncertainty from the linkage step into subsequent analyses of the linked data. The linked data reveal new evidence that survey respondents' misreporting and selective nonresponse about employer characteristics are systematically correlated with wages.
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  • Working Paper

    An Empirical Analysis of Capacity Costs

    January 2017

    Working Paper Number:


    A central premise of management accounting is that including the cost of unused capacity in product costs can distort these costs and misguide users. Yet, there is little large-scale empirical evidence on the materiality of the cost of unused capacity. This study uses a confidential Census sample of 151,900 U.S. manufacturing plants from 1974-2011 to investigate the impact of separating the cost of unused capacity. We find that excluding the cost of unused capacity increases operating profit margins by approximately 26 percent. This order of magnitude is economically significant, and is pervasive across industries and over time. In additional analyses, we find that separating the cost of unused capacity largely smooths the time-series variation in unitized product costs and profit margins. Our finding of higher mean and lower variation of adjusted margins should be of considerable interest to both investors and managers.
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  • Working Paper

    Evidence for the Effects of Mergers on Market Power and Efficiency

    January 2016

    Working Paper Number:


    Study of the impact of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on productivity and market power has been complicated by the difficulty of separating these two effects. We use newly-developed techniques to separately estimate productivity and markups across a wide range of industries using confidential data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Employing a difference-in-differences framework, we find that M&As are associated with increases in average markups, but find little evidence for effects on plant-level productivity. We also examine whether M&As increase efficiency through reallocation of production to more efficient plants or through reductions in administrative operations, but again find little evidence for these channels, on average. The results are robust to a range of approaches to address the endogeneity of firms' merger decisions.
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  • Working Paper

    Statistics on the International Trade Administration's Global Markets Program

    September 2015

    Authors: C.J. Krizan

    Working Paper Number:


    Recent mandates for evidence-based policy choices from both the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government underscore the importance of understanding the relationship between program participation and business outcomes. In this paper, we examine the correlations between participation in an export-promotion program and business outcomes. We use this experience to provide more general lessons learned about combining program data on treatments with Census Bureau micro data that can be used as a control. Note this paper does not evaluate a program, but instead provides critical information about a program. The mission of the Commercial Service/Global Markets program is to help companies either start or increase their exports of goods and services. It pursues this mission through advocacy, events, and counseling. This study looks at a very small part of the overall program. While we cannot rule-out several sources of bias in our results, we do observe several consistent patterns across our models. In particular, program participation is positively correlated with export growth and change and, for small businesses, also with positive employment growth. However, overall, and for large firms in particular, there is a negative correlation with employment growth and counseling. The paper concludes with a 'Lessons Learned' section that highlights areas where measurement can be improved.
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  • Working Paper

    Environmental Regulation, Abatement, and Productivity: A Frontier Analysis

    September 2013

    Authors: Shital Sharma

    Working Paper Number:


    This research studies the link between environmental regulation and plant level productivity in two U.S. manufacturing industries: pulp and paper mills and oil refineries using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models. Data on abatement spending, emissions and abated emissions are used in different DEA models to study plant productivity outcomes when accounting for abatement spending or emissions regulations. Results indicate that pulp and paper mills and oil refineries in the U.S. suffered decreases in productivity due to pollution abatement activities from 1974 to 2000. These losses in productivity are substantial but have been slowly trending downwards even when the regulations have tended to become more stringent and emission of pollutants has declined suggesting that the best practice has shifted over time. Results also show that the reported abatement expenditures are not able to explain all the losses arising out of regulation suggesting that these abatement expenditures are consistently under-reported.
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