CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

Papers Containing Tag(s): 'Department of Housing and Urban Development'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

American Community Survey - 32

Housing and Urban Development - 30

Internal Revenue Service - 28

Protected Identification Key - 26

Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board - 25

Social Security Administration - 23

2020 Census - 20

Social Security Number - 19

Decennial Census - 19

Master Address File - 18

Person Validation System - 17

Social Security - 16

Metropolitan Statistical Area - 12

Indian Health Service - 12

Current Population Survey - 11

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - 10

Census Household Composition Key - 10

Person Identification Validation System - 10

W-2 - 9

Personally Identifiable Information - 9

Computer Assisted Personal Interview - 9

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - 9

Indian Housing Information Center - 9

Ordinary Least Squares - 9

Employer Identification Number - 8


Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers - 8

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics - 8

Postal Service - 8

Some Other Race - 8

Disclosure Review Board - 8

American Housing Survey - 7

Census Numident - 7

Federal Reserve Bank - 7

Office of Management and Budget - 7

Master Beneficiary Record - 6

Disability Insurance - 6

Administrative Records - 6


Survey of Income and Program Participation - 6

Medicaid Services - 6

Census Bureau Master Address File - 6

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 6

National Science Foundation - 6

Census 2000 - 6

Business Register - 5

Census Bureau Business Register - 5

Social Science Research Institute - 5

Centers for Medicare - 5

Federal Statistical Research Data Center - 5

American Economic Association - 5

Adjusted Gross Income - 5

Center for Economic Studies - 5

SSA Numident - 4

Census Bureau Person Identification Validation System - 4

Census Edited File - 4

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 4

Composite Person Record - 4

Standard Statistical Establishment List - 4

Service Annual Survey - 4

1990 Census - 4

North American Industry Classification System - 4


Federal Reserve System - 4

National Center for Health Statistics - 4

COVID-19 - 4

Longitudinal Business Database - 4

Earned Income Tax Credit - 3

Arts, Entertainment - 3

Accommodation and Food Services - 3

Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews and Computer Assisted Personal Interviews - 3

Supreme Court - 3

National Bureau of Economic Research - 3

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages - 3

University of Chicago - 3

Department of Economics - 3

Chicago Census Research Data Center - 3

Alfred P Sloan Foundation - 3

Department of Homeland Security - 3

Department of Labor - 3

Department of Health and Human Services - 3

Small Business Administration - 3

University of Maryland - 3

Retail Trade - 3

Geographic Information Systems - 3

Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications - 3

Special Sworn Status - 3

household - 25

population - 21

housing - 18

survey - 18

ethnicity - 18

respondent - 16

neighborhood - 15

hispanic - 15

disadvantaged - 14

poverty - 14

residential - 12

ethnic - 12

resident - 12

minority - 11

residence - 11

rent - 9

data - 9

citizen - 9

census bureau - 9

racial - 9

renter - 9

welfare - 8

census data - 8

agency - 8

census response - 8

reside - 8

imputation - 8

data census - 7

immigrant - 7

record - 7

race - 7

state - 7

estimating - 7

socioeconomic - 6

family - 6

1040 - 6

immigration - 6

segregation - 6

apartment - 5

coverage - 5

household survey - 5

medicaid - 5

federal - 5

urban - 5

home - 5

census records - 5

econometric - 5

employ - 5

city - 5

employed - 5

expenditure - 4

child - 4

sampling - 4

pandemic - 4

assessed - 4

income data - 4

enrollment - 4

irs - 4

use census - 4

records census - 4

income households - 4

residing - 4

relocation - 4

subsidized - 4

discrimination - 4

neighbor - 4

migrant - 4

recession - 4

white - 4

disparity - 4

impact - 4

tax - 4

census use - 4

poor - 4

datasets - 4

black - 4

enterprise - 4

workforce - 4

matching - 4

intergenerational - 3

homeowner - 3

survey income - 3

dependent - 3

census household - 3

surveys censuses - 3

mexican - 3

latino - 3

ssa - 3

citizenship - 3

community - 3

statistical - 3

percentile - 3

eligibility - 3

segregated - 3

suburb - 3

income neighborhoods - 3

unemployed - 3

census 2020 - 3

revenue - 3

eligible - 3

department - 3

subsidy - 3

census research - 3

census survey - 3

2010 census - 3

geographically - 3

indian - 3

metropolitan - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 48

  • Working Paper

    From Marcy to Madison Square? The Effects of Growing Up in Public Housing on Early Adulthood Outcomes

    November 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper studies the effects of growing up in public housing in New York City on children's long-run outcomes. Using linked administrative data, we exploit variation in the age children move into public housing to estimate the effects of spending an additional year of childhood in public housing on a range of economic and social outcomes in early adulthood. We find that childhood exposure to public housing improves labor market outcomes and reduces participation in federal safety net programs, particularly for children from the most disadvantaged families. Additionally, we find there is some heterogeneity in impacts across public housing developments. Developments located in neighborhoods with relatively fewer renters and higher household incomes are better for children overall. Our estimate of the marginal value of public funds suggests that for every $1 the government spends per child on public housing, children receive $1.40 in benefits, including $2.30 for children from the most disadvantaged families.
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  • Working Paper

    Nonresponse and Coverage Bias in the Household Pulse Survey: Evidence from Administrative Data

    October 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    The Household Pulse Survey (HPS) conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau is a unique survey that provided timely data on the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on American households and continues to provide data on other emergent social and economic issues. Because the survey has a response rate in the single digits and only has an online response mode, there are concerns about nonresponse and coverage bias. In this paper, we match administrative data from government agencies and third-party data to HPS respondents to examine how representative they are of the U.S. population. For comparison, we create a benchmark of American Community Survey (ACS) respondents and nonrespondents and include the ACS respondents as another point of reference. Overall, we find that the HPS is less representative of the U.S. population than the ACS. However, performance varies across administrative variables, and the existing weighting adjustments appear to greatly improve the representativeness of the HPS. Additionally, we look at household characteristics by their email domain to examine the effects on coverage from limiting email messages in 2023 to addresses from the contact frame with at least 90% deliverability rates, finding no clear change in the representativeness of the HPS afterwards.
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  • Working Paper

    Incorporating Administrative Data in Survey Weights for the 2018-2022 Survey of Income and Program Participation

    October 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Response rates to the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) have declined over time, raising the potential for nonresponse bias in survey estimates. A potential solution is to leverage administrative data from government agencies and third-party data providers when constructing survey weights. In this paper, we modify various parts of the SIPP weighting algorithm to incorporate such data. We create these new weights for the 2018 through 2022 SIPP panels and examine how the new weights affect survey estimates. Our results show that before weighting adjustments, SIPP respondents in these panels have higher socioeconomic status than the general population. Existing weighting procedures reduce many of these differences. Comparing SIPP estimates between the production weights and the administrative data-based weights yields changes that are not uniform across the joint income and program participation distribution. Unlike other Census Bureau household surveys, there is no large increase in nonresponse bias in SIPP due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In summary, the magnitude and sign of nonresponse bias in SIPP is complicated, and the existing weighting procedures may change the sign of nonresponse bias for households with certain incomes and program benefit statuses.
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  • Working Paper

    Comparison of Child Reporting in the American Community Survey and Federal Income Tax Returns Based on California Birth Records

    September 2024

    Authors: Gloria Aldana

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper takes advantage of administrative records from California, a state with a large child population and a significant historical undercount of children in Census Bureau data, dependent information in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1040 records, and the American Community Survey to characterize undercounted children and compare child reporting. While IRS Form 1040 records offer potential utility for adjusting child undercounting in Census Bureau surveys, this analysis finds overlapping reporting issues among various demographic and economic groups. Specifically, older children, those of Non-Hispanic Black mothers and Hispanic mothers, children or parents with lower English proficiency, children whose mothers did not complete high school, and families with lower income-to-poverty ratio were less frequently reported in IRS 1040 records than other groups. Therefore, using IRS 1040 dependent records may have limitations for accurately representing populations with characteristics associated with the undercount of children in surveys.
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  • Working Paper

    Citizenship Question Effects on Household Survey Response

    June 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Several small-sample studies have predicted that a citizenship question in the 2020 Census would cause a large drop in self-response rates. In contrast, minimal effects were found in Poehler et al.'s (2020) analysis of the 2019 Census Test randomized controlled trial (RCT). We reconcile these findings by analyzing associations between characteristics about the addresses in the 2019 Census Test and their response behavior by linking to independently constructed administrative data. We find significant heterogeneity in sensitivity to the citizenship question among households containing Hispanics, naturalized citizens, and noncitizens. Response drops the most for households containing noncitizens ineligible for a Social Security number (SSN). It falls more for households with Latin American-born immigrants than those with immigrants from other countries. Response drops less for households with U.S.-born Hispanics than households with noncitizens from Latin America. Reductions in responsiveness occur not only through lower unit self-response rates, but also by increased household roster omissions and internet break-offs. The inclusion of a citizenship question increases the undercount of households with noncitizens. Households with noncitizens also have much higher citizenship question item nonresponse rates than those only containing citizens. The use of tract-level characteristics and significant heterogeneity among Hispanics, the foreign-born, and noncitizens help explain why the effects found by Poehler et al. were so small. Linking administrative microdata with the RCT data expands what we can learn from the RCT.
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  • Working Paper

    Whose Neighborhood Now? Gentrification and Community Life in Low-Income Urban Neighborhoods

    June 2024

    Authors: AJ Golio

    Working Paper Number:


    Gentrification is a process of urban change that has wide-ranging social and political impacts, but previous studies provide divergent findings. Does gentrification leave residents feeling alienated, or does it bolster neighborhood social satisfaction? Politically, does urban change mobilize residents, or leave them disengaged? I assess a national, cross-sectional sample of about 17,500 respondents in lower-income urban neighborhoods, and use a structural equation modeling approach to model six latent variables pertaining to local social environment and political participation. Amongst the full sample, gentrification has a positive association with all six factors. However, this relationship depends upon respondents' level of income, length of residency, and racial identity. White residents and those with shorter length of residency report higher levels of social cohesion as gentrification increases, but there is no such association amongst racial minority groups and longer-term residents. This finding aligns with a perspective on gentrification as a racialized process, and demonstrates that gentrification-related amenities primarily serve the interests of white residents and newcomers. All groups, however, are more likely to participate in neighborhood politics as gentrification increases, drawing attention to the agency of local residents as they attempt to influence processes of urban change.
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  • Working Paper

    Mobility, Opportunity, and Volatility Statistics (MOVS): Infrastructure Files and Public Use Data

    April 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Federal statistical agencies and policymakers have identified a need for integrated systems of household and personal income statistics. This interest marks a recognition that aggregated measures of income, such as GDP or average income growth, tell an incomplete story that may conceal large gaps in well-being between different types of individuals and families. Until recently, longitudinal income data that are rich enough to calculate detailed income statistics and include demographic characteristics, such as race and ethnicity, have not been available. The Mobility, Opportunity, and Volatility Statistics project (MOVS) fills this gap in comprehensive income statistics. Using linked demographic and tax records on the population of U.S. working-age adults, the MOVS project defines households and calculates household income, applying an equivalence scale to create a personal income concept, and then traces the progress of individuals' incomes over time. We then output a set of intermediate statistics by race-ethnicity group, sex, year, base-year state of residence, and base-year income decile. We select the intermediate statistics most useful in developing more complex intragenerational income mobility measures, such as transition matrices, income growth curves, and variance-based volatility statistics. We provide these intermediate statistics as part of a publicly released data tool with downloadable flat files and accompanying documentation. This paper describes the data build process and the output files, including a brief analysis highlighting the structure and content of our main statistics.
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  • Working Paper

    Neighborhood Revitalization and Residential Sorting

    March 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    The HOPE VI Revitalization program sought to transform high-poverty neighborhoods into mixed-income communities through the demolition of public housing projects and the construction of new housing. We use longitudinal administrative data to investigate how the program affected both neighborhoods and individual residential outcomes. In line with the stated objectives, we find that the program reduced poverty rates in targeted neighborhoods and enabled subsidized renters to live in lower-poverty neighborhoods, on average. The primary beneficiaries were not the original neighborhood residents, most of whom moved away. Instead, subsidized renters who moved into the neighborhoods after an award experienced the largest reductions in neighborhood poverty. The program reduced the stock of public housing in targeted neighborhoods but expanded access to housing vouchers in other, lower-poverty neighborhoods. Spillover effects on the poverty rates of other neighborhoods were small and dispersed throughout the city. Our estimates imply that cities that revitalized half of their public housing stock reduced the average neighborhood poverty rate among all subsidized renters by 4.1 percentage points.
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  • Working Paper

    Incorporating Administrative Data in Survey Weights for the Basic Monthly Current Population Survey

    January 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Response rates to the Current Population Survey (CPS) have declined over time, raising the potential for nonresponse bias in key population statistics. A potential solution is to leverage administrative data from government agencies and third-party data providers when constructing survey weights. In this paper, we take two approaches. First, we use administrative data to build a non-parametric nonresponse adjustment step while leaving the calibration to population estimates unchanged. Second, we use administratively linked data in the calibration process, matching income data from the Internal Return Service and state agencies, demographic data from the Social Security Administration and the decennial census, and industry data from the Census Bureau's Business Register to both responding and nonresponding households. We use the matched data in the household nonresponse adjustment of the CPS weighting algorithm, which changes the weights of respondents to account for differential nonresponse rates among subpopulations. After running the experimental weighting algorithm, we compare estimates of the unemployment rate and labor force participation rate between the experimental weights and the production weights. Before March 2020, estimates of the labor force participation rates using the experimental weights are 0.2 percentage points higher than the original estimates, with minimal effect on unemployment rate. After March 2020, the new labor force participation rates are similar, but the unemployment rate is about 0.2 percentage points higher in some months during the height of COVID-related interviewing restrictions. These results are suggestive that if there is any nonresponse bias present in the CPS, the magnitude is comparable to the typical margin of error of the unemployment rate estimate. Additionally, the results are overall similar across demographic groups and states, as well as using alternative weighting methodology. Finally, we discuss how our estimates compare to those from earlier papers that calculate estimates of bias in key CPS labor force statistics. This paper is for research purposes only. No changes to production are being implemented at this time.
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  • Working Paper

    Where to Build Affordable Housing? Evaluating the Tradeoffs of Location

    December 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    How does the location of affordable housing affect tenant welfare, the distribution of assistance, and broader societal objectives such as racial integration? Using administrative data on tenants of units funded by the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), we first show that characteristics such as race and proxies for need vary widely across neighborhoods. Despite fixed eligibility requirements, LIHTC developments in more opportunity-rich neighborhoods house tenants who are higher income, more educated, and far less likely to be Black. To quantify the welfare implications, we build a residential choice model in which households choose from both market-rate and affordable housing options, where the latter must be rationed. While building affordable housing in higher-opportunity neighborhoods costs more, it also increases household welfare and reduces city-wide segregation. The gains in household welfare, however, accrue to more moderate-need, non-Black/Hispanic households at the expense of other households. This change in the distribution of assistance is primarily due to a 'crowding out' effect: households that only apply for assistance in higher-opportunity neighborhoods crowd out those willing to apply regardless of location. Finally, other policy levers'such as lowering the income limits used for means-testing'have only limited effects relative to the choice of location.
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