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Papers Containing Tag(s): 'North American Industry Classi'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

North American Industry Classification System - 20

Standard Industrial Classification - 14

Longitudinal Business Database - 12

Ordinary Least Squares - 10

National Science Foundation - 9

Center for Economic Studies - 8

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 8

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics - 8

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 7

Disclosure Review Board - 7

Business Register - 7

Census of Manufactures - 6

Total Factor Productivity - 6

Standard Statistical Establishment List - 6

Alfred P Sloan Foundation - 6

Harmonized System - 5

Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board - 5

Employer Identification Number - 5

Service Annual Survey - 5

Internal Revenue Service - 5

Annual Survey of Manufactures - 5

Current Population Survey - 5

Metropolitan Statistical Area - 5

National Bureau of Economic Research - 4

Census of Manufacturing Firms - 4

Economic Census - 4

Federal Statistical Research Data Center - 4

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages - 4

Protected Identification Key - 4

Employer Characteristics File - 4

Employment History File - 4

Chicago Census Research Data Center - 4

American Community Survey - 4

Cornell University - 4

Research Data Center - 4

Business Register Bridge - 4

Cobb-Douglas - 4

Department of Homeland Security - 3

Public Administration - 3

American Economic Association - 3

International Trade Commission - 3

International Trade Research Report - 3

Decennial Census - 3

Survey of Income and Program Participation - 3

Social Security Administration - 3

University of Chicago - 3

Business Master File - 3

Social Security Number - 3

Individual Characteristics File - 3

American Housing Survey - 3

Quarterly Workforce Indicators - 3

Core Based Statistical Area - 3

Local Employment Dynamics - 3

Business Employment Dynamics - 3

Master Address File - 3

Composite Person Record - 3

Special Sworn Status - 3

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - 3

Establishment Micro Properties - 3

Longitudinal Firm Trade Transactions Database - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 23

  • Working Paper

    Structural Change Within Versus Across Firms: Evidence from the United States

    June 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    We document the role of intangible capital in manufacturing firms' substantial contribution to non-manufacturing employment growth from 1977-2019. Exploiting data on firms' 'auxiliary' establishments, we develop a novel measure of proprietary in-house knowledge and show that it is associated with increased growth and industry switching. We rationalize this reallocation in a model where irms combine physical and knowledge inputs as complements, and where producing the latter in-house confers a sector-neutral productivity advantage facilitating within-firm structural transformation. Consistent with the model, manufacturing firms with auxiliary employment pivot towards services in response to a plausibly exogenous decline in their physical input prices.
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  • Working Paper

    Cyclical Worker Flows: Cleansing vs. Sullying

    May 2021

    Working Paper Number:


    Do recessions speed up or impede productivity-enhancing reallocation? To investigate this question, we use U.S. linked employer-employee data to examine how worker flows contribute to productivity growth over the business cycle. We find that in expansions high-productivity firms grow faster primarily by hiring workers away from lower-productivity firms. The rate at which job-to-job flows move workers up the productivity ladder is highly procyclical. Productivity growth slows during recessions when this job ladder collapses. In contrast, flows into nonemployment from low productivity firms disproportionately increase in recessions, which leads to an increase in productivity growth. We thus find evidence of both sullying and cleansing effects of recessions, but the timing of these effects differs. The cleansing effect dominates early in downturns but the sullying effect lingers well into the economic recovery.
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  • Working Paper

    Business Dynamics on American Indian Reservations: Evidence from Longitudinal Datasets

    November 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    We use confidential US Census Bureau data to analyze the difference in business establishment dynamics by geographic location on or off of American Indian reservations over the period of the Great Recession, and subsequent recovery (2007-2016). We geocoded U.S. Census Bureau's Longitudinal Business Database, a dataset with records of all employer business establishments in the U.S. for location in an American Indian Reservation and used it to examine whether there are differences in business establishment survival rates over time by virtue of their location. We find that business establishments located on American Indian reservations have higher survival rates than establishments located in comparable counties. These results are particularly strong for the education, arts and entertainment, wholesale and retail, and public administration industries. While we are not fully able to explain this result, it is consistent with the business establishments being positively selected with respect to survival given the large obstacles necessary to start a business on a reservation in the first place. Alternatively, there may be certain safeguards in a reservation economy that protect business establishments from external economic shocks.
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  • Working Paper

    Family-Leave Mandates and Female Labor at U.S. Firms: Evidence from a Trade Shock

    September 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    We study the role of family-leave mandates in shaping the gender composition at U.S. firms that experience a negative demand shock. In a regression discontinuity framework, we compare firms mandated to provide job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and firms that are exempt from the law (non-FMLA) following the post-2001 surge in Chinese imports. Using confidential microdata on matched employers and employees in the U.S. non-farm private sector, we find that between 2000 and 2003, an increase in import competition decreases the share of female workers at FMLA compared to non-FMLA firms. The negative differential effect is driven by female workers in prime childbearing years, with less than college education, and is strongest at firms with all male managers. We find similar patterns in changes in the female share of earnings and promotions. These results suggest that, when traditional gender norms prevail, adverse shocks may exacerbate gender inequalities in the presence of job-protected leave mandates.
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  • Working Paper

    Maternal Labor Dynamics: Participation, Earnings, and Employer Changes

    December 2019

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper describes the labor dynamics of U.S. women after they have had their first and subsequent children. We build on the child penalty literature by showing the heterogeneity of the size and pattern of labor force participation and earnings losses by demographic characteristics of mothers and the characteristics of their employers. The analysis uses longitudinal administrative earnings data from the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics database combined with the Survey of Income and Program Participation survey data to identify women, their fertility timing, and employment. We find that women experience a large and persistent decrease in earnings and labor force participation after having their first child. The penalty grows over time, driven by the birth of subsequent children. Non-white mothers, unmarried mothers, and mothers with more education are more likely to return to work following the birth of their first child. Conditional on returning to the labor force, women who change employers earn more after the birth of their first child than women who return to their pre-birth employers. The probability of returning to the pre-birth employer and industry is heterogeneous over both the demographics of mothers and the characteristics of their employers.
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  • Working Paper

    What Do Establishments Do When Wages Increase? Evidence from Minimum Wages in the United States

    November 2019

    Authors: Yuci Chen

    Working Paper Number:


    I investigate how establishments adjust their production plans on various margins when wage rates increase. Exploiting state-by-year variation in minimum wage, I analyze U.S. manufacturing plants' responses over a 23-year period. Using instrumental variable method and Census Microdata, I find that when the hourly wage of production workers increases by one percent, manufacturing plants reduce the total hours worked by production workers by 0.7 percent and increase capital expenditures on machinery and equipment by 2.7 percent. The reduction in total hours worked by production workers is driven by intensive-margin changes. The estimated elasticity of substitution between capital and labor is 0.85. Following the wage increases, no statistically significant changes emerge in revenue, materials or total factor productivity. Additionally, I nd that when wage rates increase, establishments are more likely to exit the market. Finally, I provide evidence that when the minimum wage increases the wages of some of the establishments in a firm, the firm also increases the wages for its other establishments.
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  • Working Paper

    LEHD Infrastructure S2014 files in the FSRDC

    September 2018

    Authors: Lars Vilhuber

    Working Paper Number:


    The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Program at the U.S. Census Bureau, with the support of several national research agencies, maintains a set of infrastructure files using administrative data provided by state agencies, enhanced with information from other administrative data sources, demographic and economic (business) surveys and censuses. The LEHD Infrastructure Files provide a detailed and comprehensive picture of workers, employers, and their interaction in the U.S. economy. This document describes the structure and content of the 2014 Snapshot of the LEHD Infrastructure files as they are made available in the Census Bureau's secure and restricted-access Research Data Center network. The document attempts to provide a comprehensive description of all researcher-accessible files, of their creation, and of any modifications made to the files to facilitate researcher access.
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  • Working Paper

    Upstream, Downstream: Diffusion and Impacts of the Universal Product Code

    January 2017

    Working Paper Number:


    We study the adoption, diffusion, and impacts of the Universal Product Code (UPC) between 1975 and 1992, during the initial years of the barcode system. We find evidence of network effects in the diffusion process. Matched-sample difference-in-difference estimates show that firm size and trademark registrations increase following UPC adoption by manufacturers. Industry-level import penetration also increases with domestic UPC adoption. Our findings suggest that barcodes, scanning, and related technologies helped stimulate variety-enhancing product innovation and encourage the growth of international retail supply chains.
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  • Working Paper

    Public-Use vs. Restricted-Use: An Analysis Using the American Community Survey

    January 2017

    Working Paper Number:


    Statistical agencies frequently publish microdata that have been altered to protect confidentiality. Such data retain utility for many types of broad analyses but can yield biased or Insufficiently precise results in others. Research access to de-identified versions of the restricted-use data with little or no alteration is often possible, albeit costly and time-consuming. We investigate the the advantages and disadvantages of public-use and restricted-use data from the American Community Survey (ACS) in constructing a wage index. The public-use data used were Public Use Microdata Samples, while the restricted-use data were accessed via a Federal Statistical Research Data Center. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each data source and compare estimated CWIs and standard errors at the state and labor market levels.
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  • Working Paper

    Cheap Imports and the Loss of U.S. Manufacturing Jobs

    January 2016

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper examines the role of international trade, and specifically imports from low-wage countries, in determining patterns of job loss in U.S. manufacturing industries between 1992 and 2007. Motivated by intuitions from factor-proportions-inspired work on offshoring and heterogeneous firms in trade, we build industry-level measures of import competition. Combining worker data from the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics dataset, detailed establishment information from the Census of Manufactures, and transaction-level trade data, we find that rising import competition from China and other developing economies increases the likelihood of job loss among manufacturing workers with less than a high school degree; it is not significantly related to job losses for workers with at least a college degree.
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