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Papers written by Author(s): 'James A Schmitz'

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  • Working Paper

    On The Turnover of Business Firms and Business Managers

    April 1994

    Working Paper Number:


    The success of a business depends in part on whether or not the manager and the business make a good "fit" or "match." Success also depends upon characteristics of the business that are distinct from the manager, for example, the convenience of the business location to customers. Variations across firms in "match quality" and in "business quality" account, in part, for why some businesses survive and others are discontinued. This paper is a first attempt at assessing the relative importance of variation in match quality and variation in business quality in accounting for the turnover dynamics of the U.S. small business sector. An evolutionary model is developed in which a selection process tends to eliminate both "unfit" business as well as "unfit" pairings between businesses and managers. We estimated this model with the Characteristics of Business Owners Survey. Our estimates suggest that variations in match quality play a more significant role than variations in business, or general, quality in accounting for turnover behavior of U.S. of small businesses. We discuss the implications of this finding and demonstrate its importance in the context of an experiment conducted in the estimated model economy.
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  • Working Paper

    Managerial Tenure, Business Age And Small Business Dynamics

    September 1992

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper studies a Census Bureau survey of the small business sector that contains information on business age, business size and other proxies for business quality, information, typically available on business data sets, as well as proxies for the quality of the manager of each business, information that is not common to such data sets. One of the key proxies for managerial quality is the length of time the manager has been running the business, that is, managerial tenure. With proxies for both the underlying quality of each business and for the quality of the manager running the business, we are able to begin separating the influences of the manager from that of the underlying business on such factors as business discontinuance and business transfer. An example of the questions we explore is: Holding business quality fixed, what is the impact of the manager on the probability of business discontinuance? Regarding this question, we find that managers have a large impact on the course of their businesses, in particular, among businesses of the same age, managerial tenure has a significant impact on the probability of business discontinuance and transfer.
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