CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

Papers written by Author(s): 'Lucia Foster'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

Longitudinal Business Database - 26

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 23

North American Industry Classification System - 21

Economic Census - 18

Annual Survey of Manufactures - 18

Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board - 17

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 16

Center for Economic Studies - 15

National Science Foundation - 14

National Bureau of Economic Research - 13

Census of Manufactures - 12

Current Population Survey - 11

Federal Statistical Research Data Center - 11

Total Factor Productivity - 11

Internal Revenue Service - 10

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics - 10

Census Bureau Business Register - 10

Business Register - 10

Ordinary Least Squares - 10

Management and Organizational Practices Survey - 10

Business Dynamics Statistics - 9

Metropolitan Statistical Area - 9

Employer Identification Number - 8

Disclosure Review Board - 8

Annual Business Survey - 8

Social Security Administration - 7

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics - 7

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages - 7

Kauffman Foundation - 7

TFPQ - 7

American Community Survey - 6

Federal Reserve Bank - 6

Journal of Economic Literature - 6

University of Maryland - 6

IQR - 6

Retail Trade - 6

Small Business Administration - 6

Accommodation and Food Services - 5

National Academy of Sciences - 5

Michigan Institute for Teaching and Research in Economics - 5

University of Chicago - 5

Department of Labor - 4

Census Bureau Business Dynamics Statistics - 4

Business Formation Statistics - 4

Decennial Census - 4

Quarterly Journal of Economics - 4

American Economic Review - 4

Princeton University Press - 4

Federal Reserve System - 4

Census of Manufacturing Firms - 4

Sloan Foundation - 4

TFPR - 4

Information and Communication Technology Survey - 4

Survey of Business Owners - 4

County Business Patterns - 4

National Center for Health Statistics - 4

Business R&D and Innovation Survey - 4

Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs - 4

Research Data Center - 4

Survey of Industrial Research and Development - 4

Business Research and Development and Innovation Survey - 4

World Bank - 4

Census of Retail Trade - 4

Longitudinal Research Database - 4

NBER Summer Institute - 3

Unemployment Insurance - 3

Economic Research Service - 3

Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Industries - 3

Journal of Econometrics - 3

Journal of Economic Perspectives - 3

Cobb-Douglas - 3

Retirement History Survey - 3

American Economic Association - 3

Technical Services - 3

Stanford University - 3

Computer Network Use Supplement - 3

Paycheck Protection Program - 3

COVID-19 - 3

National Establishment Time Series - 3

Statistics Canada - 3

Patent and Trademark Office - 3

Generalized Method of Moments - 3

Kauffman Firm Survey - 3

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - 3

Business Master File - 3

Quarterly Workforce Indicators - 3

Business Employment Dynamics - 3

Standard Industrial Classification - 3

manufacturing - 18

growth - 16

production - 16

sector - 14

recession - 14

sale - 12

labor - 11

enterprise - 11

survey - 10

revenue - 10

industrial - 10

econometric - 10

investment - 9

productive - 9

demand - 8

company - 8

industry productivity - 8

market - 8

workforce - 7

census bureau - 7

innovation - 7

economic census - 7

estimation - 6

employee - 6

trend - 6

gdp - 6

entrepreneur - 6

macroeconomic - 6

productivity dispersion - 6

economist - 6

expenditure - 6

productivity growth - 6

growth productivity - 6

quarterly - 6

practices productivity - 6

population - 5

entrepreneurial - 5

entrepreneurship - 5

aggregate - 5

employ - 5

productivity measures - 5

efficiency - 5

establishment - 5

estimating - 5

agency - 5

payroll - 4

earnings - 4

statistical - 4

technological - 4

patent - 4

innovate - 4

household - 4

aggregate productivity - 4

manufacturer - 4

respondent - 4

produce - 4

dispersion productivity - 4

retailer - 4

retail - 4

managerial - 4

management - 4

report - 4

utilization - 4

productivity dynamics - 4

acquisition - 4

profitability - 4

organizational - 4

reallocation productivity - 4

salary - 3

data census - 3

employed - 3

financial - 3

productivity differences - 3

measures productivity - 3

tech - 3

metropolitan - 3

policymakers - 3

census survey - 3

pandemic - 3

inventory - 3

commerce - 3

customer - 3

innovator - 3

accounting - 3

manager - 3

productivity analysis - 3

profit - 3

turnover - 3

industry growth - 3

employment changes - 3

relocation - 3

state - 3

employment dynamics - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 42

  • Working Paper

    Tip of the Iceberg: Tip Reporting at U.S. Restaurants, 2005-2018

    November 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Tipping is a significant form of compensation for many restaurant jobs, but it is poorly measured and therefore not well understood. We combine several large administrative and survey datasets and document patterns in tip reporting that are consistent with systematic under-reporting of tip income. Our analysis indicates that although the vast majority of tipped workers do report earning some tips, the dollar value of tips is under-reported and is sensitive to reporting incentives. In total, we estimate that about eight billion in tips paid at full-service, single-location, restaurants were not captured in tax data annually over the period 2005-2018. Due to changes in payment methods and reporting incentives, tip reporting has increased over time. Our findings have implications for downstream measures dependent on accurate measures of compensation including poverty measurement among tipped restaurant workers.
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  • Working Paper

    Tracking Firm Use of AI in Real Time: A Snapshot from the Business Trends and Outlook Survey

    March 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Timely and accurate measurement of AI use by firms is both challenging and crucial for understanding the impacts of AI on the U.S. economy. We provide new, real-time estimates of current and expected future use of AI for business purposes based on the Business Trends and Outlook Survey for September 2023 to February 2024. During this period, bi-weekly estimates of AI use rate rose from 3.7% to 5.4%, with an expected rate of about 6.6% by early Fall 2024. The fraction of workers at businesses that use AI is higher, especially for large businesses and in the Information sector. AI use is higher in large firms but the relationship between AI use and firm size is non-monotonic. In contrast, AI use is higher in young firms although, on an employment-weighted basis, is U-shaped in firm age. Common uses of AI include marketing automation, virtual agents, and data/text analytics. AI users often utilize AI to substitute for worker tasks and equipment/software, but few report reductions in employment due to AI use. Many firms undergo organizational changes to accommodate AI, particularly by training staff, developing new workflows, and purchasing cloud services/storage. AI users also exhibit better overall performance and higher incidence of employment expansion compared to other businesses. The most common reason for non-adoption is the inapplicability of AI to the business.
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  • Working Paper

    AI Adoption in America: Who, What, and Where

    September 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    We study the early adoption and diffusion of five AI-related technologies (automated-guided vehicles, machine learning, machine vision, natural language processing, and voice recognition) as documented in the 2018 Annual Business Survey of 850,000 firms across the United States. We find that fewer than 6% of firms used any of the AI-related technologies we measure, though most very large firms reported at least some AI use. Weighted by employment, average adoption was just over 18%. AI use in production, while varying considerably by industry, nevertheless was found in every sector of the economy and clustered with emerging technologies such as cloud computing and robotics. Among dynamic young firms, AI use was highest alongside more educated, more-experienced, and younger owners, including owners motivated by bringing new ideas to market or helping the community. AI adoption was also more common alongside indicators of high-growth entrepreneurship, including venture capital funding, recent product and process innovation, and growth-oriented business strategies. Early adoption was far from evenly distributed: a handful of 'superstar' cities and emerging hubs led startups' adoption of AI. These patterns of early AI use foreshadow economic and social impacts far beyond this limited initial diffusion, with the possibility of a growing 'AI divide' if early patterns persist.
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  • Working Paper

    Same-Sex Couples and the Child Earnings Penalty

    May 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    Existing work has shown that the entry of a child into a household results in a large and sustained increase in the earnings gap between male and female partners in opposite-sex couples. Potential reasons for this include work-life preferences, comparative advantage over earnings, and gender norms. We expand this analysis of the child penalty to examine earnings of individuals in same sex couples in the U.S. around the time their first child enters the household. Using linked survey and administrative data and event-study methodology, we confirm earlier work finding a child penalty for women in opposite-sex couples. We find this is true even when the female partner is the primary earner pre-parenthood, lending support to the importance of gender norms in opposite-sex couples. By contrast, in both female and male same-sex couples, earnings changes associated with child entry differ by the relative pre-parenthood earnings of the partners: secondary earners see an increase in earnings, while on average the earnings of primary and equal earners remain relatively constant. While this finding seems supportive of a norm related to equality within same-sex couples, transition analysis suggests a more complicated story.
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  • Working Paper

    Investment and Subjective Uncertainty

    November 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    A longstanding challenge in evaluating the impact of uncertainty on investment is obtaining measures of managers' subjective uncertainty. We address this challenge by using a detailed new survey measure of subjective uncertainty collected by the U.S. Census Bureau for approximately 25,000 manufacturing plants. We find three key results. First, investment is strongly and robustly negatively associated with higher uncertainty, with a two standard deviation increase in uncertainty associated with about a 6% reduction in investment. Second, uncertainty is also negatively related to employment growth and overall shipments (sales) growth, which highlights the damaging impact of uncertainty on firm growth. Third, flexible inputs like rental capital and temporary workers show a positive relationship to uncertainty, demonstrating that businesses switch from less flexible to more flexible factor inputs at higher levels of uncertainty.
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  • Working Paper

    Opening the Black Box: Task and Skill Mix and Productivity Dispersion

    September 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    An important gap in most empirical studies of establishment-level productivity is the limited information about workers' characteristics and their tasks. Skill-adjusted labor input measures have been shown to be important for aggregate productivity measurement. Moreover, the theoretical literature on differences in production technologies across businesses increasingly emphasizes the task content of production. Our ultimate objective is to open this black box of tasks and skills at the establishment-level by combining establishment-level data on occupations from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) with a restricted-access establishment-level productivity dataset created by the BLS-Census Bureau Collaborative Micro-productivity Project. We take a first step toward this objective by exploring the conceptual, specification, and measurement issues to be confronted. We provide suggestive empirical analysis of the relationship between within-industry dispersion in productivity and tasks and skills. We find that within-industry productivity dispersion is strongly positively related to within-industry task/skill dispersion.
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  • Working Paper

    Rising Markups or Changing Technology?

    September 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    Recent evidence suggests the U.S. business environment is changing, with rising market concentration and markups. The most prominent and extensive evidence backs out firm-level markups from the first-order conditions for variable factors. The markup is identified as the ratio of the variable factor's output elasticity to its cost share of revenue. Our analysis starts from this indirect approach, but we exploit a long panel of manufacturing establishments to permit output elasticities to vary to a much greater extent - relative to the existing literature - across establishments within the same industry over time. With our more detailed estimates of output elasticities, the measured increase in markups is substantially dampened, if not eliminated, for U.S. manufacturing. As supporting evidence, we relate differences in the markups' patterns to observable changes in technology (e.g., computer investment per worker, capital intensity, diversification to non-manufacturing) and find patterns in support of changing technology as the driver of those differences.
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  • Working Paper

    Diversity and Labor Market Outcomes in the Economics Profession

    July 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    While the lack of gender and racial diversity in economics in academia (for students and professors) is well-established, less is known about the overall placement and earnings of economists by gender and race. Understanding demand-side factors is important, as improvements in the supply side by diversifying the pipeline alone may not be enough to improve equity in the profession. Using the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) linked to Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) jobs data, we examine placements and earnings for economists working in the U.S. after receiving a PhD by gender and race. We find enormous dispersion in pay for economists within and across sectors that grows over time. Female PhD economists earn about 12 percent less than their male colleagues on average; Black PhD economists earn about 15 percent less than their white counterparts on average; and overall underrepresented minority PhD economists earn about 8 percent less than their white counterparts. These pay disparities are attenuated in some sectors and when controlling for rank of PhD granting institution and employer.
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  • Working Paper

    Automation and the Workforce: A Firm-Level View from the 2019 Annual Business Survey

    April 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper describes the adoption of automation technologies by US firms across all economic sectors by leveraging a new module introduced in the 2019 Annual Business Survey, conducted by the US Census Bureau in partnership with the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). The module collects data from over 300,000 firms on the use of five advanced technologies: AI, robotics, dedicated equipment, specialized software, and cloud computing. The adoption of these technologies remains low (especially for AI and robotics), varies substantially across industries, and concentrates on large and young firms. However, because larger firms are much more likely to adopt them, 12-64% of US workers and 22-72% of manufacturing workers are exposed to these technologies. Firms report a variety of motivations for adoption, including automating tasks previously performed by labor. Consistent with the use of these technologies for automation, adopters have higher labor productivity and lower labor shares. In particular, the use of these technologies is associated with a 11.4% higher labor productivity, which accounts for 20'30% of the difference in labor productivity between large firms and the median firm in an industry. Adopters report that these technologies raised skill requirements and led to greater demand for skilled labor, but brought limited or ambiguous effects to their employment levels.
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  • Working Paper

    Small Business Pulse Survey Estimates by Owner Characteristics and Rural/Urban Designation

    September 2021

    Working Paper Number:


    In response to requests from policymakers for additional context for Small Business Pulse Survey (SBPS) measures of the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses, we researched developing estimates by owner characteristics and rural/urban locations. Leveraging geographic coding on the Business Register, we create estimates of the effect of the pandemic on small businesses by urban and rural designations. A more challenging exercise entails linking micro-level data from the SBPS with ownership data from the Annual Business Survey (ABS) to create estimates of the effect of the pandemic on small businesses by owner race, sex, ethnicity, and veteran status. Given important differences in survey design and concerns about nonresponse bias, we face significant challenges in producing estimates for owner demographics. We discuss our attempts to meet these challenges and provide discussion about caution that must be used in interpreting the results. The estimates produced for this paper are available for download. Reflecting the Census Bureau's commitment to scientific inquiry and transparency, the micro data from the SBPS will be available to qualified researchers on approved projects in the Federal Statistical Research Data Center network.
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