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Papers Containing Keywords(s): 'economically'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

Longitudinal Business Database - 46

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 42

North American Industry Classification System - 41

Total Factor Productivity - 38

Standard Industrial Classification - 36

Annual Survey of Manufactures - 35

Ordinary Least Squares - 33

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 32

Center for Economic Studies - 31

Census of Manufactures - 29

National Science Foundation - 28

National Bureau of Economic Research - 26

Census of Manufacturing Firms - 21

Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board - 21

Federal Reserve Bank - 19

Metropolitan Statistical Area - 17

Federal Statistical Research Data Center - 15

Longitudinal Research Database - 14

Internal Revenue Service - 13

American Community Survey - 13

Current Population Survey - 13

Chicago Census Research Data Center - 13

Employer Identification Number - 12

Cobb-Douglas - 12

Census Bureau Longitudinal Business Database - 11

University of Chicago - 11

Special Sworn Status - 11

Herfindahl Hirschman Index - 10

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics - 10

Economic Census - 10

Decennial Census - 10

Standard Statistical Establishment List - 10

Longitudinal Firm Trade Transactions Database - 9

Disclosure Review Board - 9

County Business Patterns - 8

Federal Reserve System - 8

Generalized Method of Moments - 8

Census Bureau Business Register - 8

TFPQ - 7

Environmental Protection Agency - 7

Department of Economics - 7

Research Data Center - 7

Business Dynamics Statistics - 6

Business Register - 6

2SLS - 6

Wholesale Trade - 6

New York University - 6

World Bank - 6

Harmonized System - 6

North American Free Trade Agreement - 6

Foreign Direct Investment - 5

Council of Economic Advisers - 5

Alfred P Sloan Foundation - 5

Patent and Trademark Office - 5

World Trade Organization - 5

TFPR - 5

Energy Information Administration - 5

Cornell University - 5

European Union - 5

Boston College - 5

International Trade Research Report - 5

New York Times - 5

Federal Trade Commission - 5

Michigan Institute for Teaching and Research in Economics - 5

Washington University - 4

Social Security - 4

International Standard Industrial Classification - 4

Herfindahl-Hirschman - 4

Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Industries - 4

Retirement History Survey - 4

Department of Commerce - 4

Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey - 4

Survey of Industrial Research and Development - 4

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - 4

UC Berkeley - 4

American Economic Association - 4

Securities and Exchange Commission - 4

Kauffman Foundation - 4

PSID - 4

NBER Summer Institute - 3

Social Security Administration - 3

Adjusted Gross Income - 3

Princeton University - 3

Retail Trade - 3

1990 Census - 3

Initial Public Offering - 3

Department of Energy - 3

Accommodation and Food Services - 3

Protected Identification Key - 3

2020 Census - 3

National Ambient Air Quality Standards - 3

Survey of Manufacturing Technology - 3

Labor Productivity - 3

Department of Justice - 3

National Income and Product Accounts - 3

Agriculture, Forestry - 3

Core Based Statistical Area - 3

University of Toronto - 3

Characteristics of Business Owners - 3

Securities Data Company - 3

University of California Los Angeles - 3

Commodity Flow Survey - 3

Boston Research Data Center - 3

Survey of Income and Program Participation - 3

North American Industry Classi - 3


market - 44

production - 35

econometric - 35

macroeconomic - 28

manufacturing - 24

economist - 23

demand - 22

investment - 22

industrial - 22

expenditure - 21

produce - 21

growth - 20

spillover - 19

labor - 18

revenue - 18

gdp - 18

recession - 18

export - 17

endogeneity - 17

sale - 16

efficiency - 16

earnings - 15

profit - 15

employ - 14

monopolistic - 14

sector - 13

finance - 13

estimating - 12

regional - 12

manufacturer - 11

exporter - 11

workforce - 10

multinational - 10

leverage - 10

employed - 9

financial - 9

technological - 9

estimation - 9

household - 9

factory - 9

employment growth - 8

innovation - 8

enterprise - 8

depreciation - 8

company - 8

entrepreneurship - 8

metropolitan - 8

rent - 8

geographically - 8

corporation - 7

corporate - 7

econometrician - 7

technology - 7

pricing - 7

poverty - 7

impact - 7

heterogeneity - 7

labor markets - 7

merger - 7

price - 7

lender - 6

patent - 6

stock - 6

externality - 6

trading - 6

establishment - 6

entrepreneur - 6

neighborhood - 6

emission - 6

housing - 6

disparity - 6

country - 6

area - 6

region - 6

local economic - 6

acquisition - 6

tariff - 6

productivity growth - 5

labor productivity - 5

monopolistically - 5

endogenous - 5

earn - 5

banking - 5

investing - 5

invest - 5

productivity dispersion - 5

import - 5

specialization - 5

industry productivity - 5

regressing - 5

firms productivity - 5

regress - 5

plant productivity - 5

venture - 5

entrepreneurial - 5

socioeconomic - 5

exogeneity - 5

subsidiary - 5

rural - 5

incentive - 5

pollution - 5

trend - 5

bankruptcy - 5

cost - 5

city - 5

regulation - 5

commodity - 5

regression - 5

profitability - 5

welfare - 4

worker - 4

conglomerate - 4

industry variation - 4

industry concentration - 4

reallocation productivity - 4

financing - 4

patenting - 4

immigrant - 4

epa - 4

industries estimate - 4

bank - 4

residential - 4

poorer - 4

supplier - 4

sourcing - 4

agriculture - 4

regional economic - 4

borrowing - 4

resident - 4

pollutant - 4

environmental - 4

proprietorship - 4

firm dynamics - 4

exporting - 4

debt - 4

equity - 4

liquidation - 4

bankrupt - 4

organizational - 4

yield - 4

exported - 4

capital - 4

regressors - 4

gain - 3

productivity shocks - 3

decline - 3

declining - 3

layoff - 3

international trade - 3

foreign - 3

globalization - 3

salary - 3

earner - 3

competitor - 3

firms plants - 3

incorporated - 3

plant investment - 3

plants firms - 3

competitive - 3

diversify - 3

labor statistics - 3

productive - 3

firms grow - 3

consolidated - 3

research - 3

startup - 3

proprietor - 3

geography - 3

consumption - 3

electricity - 3

ethnicity - 3

institutional - 3

industry output - 3

lending - 3

loan - 3

residence - 3

disadvantaged - 3

firms trade - 3

economic census - 3

population - 3

immigration - 3

estimates production - 3

inventory - 3

outsource - 3

elasticity - 3

opportunity - 3

impact employment - 3

wealth - 3

generation - 3

tax - 3

decade - 3

trends labor - 3

investor - 3

debtor - 3

credit - 3

creditor - 3

wages productivity - 3

industry wages - 3

share - 3

aggregate - 3

rate - 3

restructuring - 3

consumer - 3

environmental regulation - 3

polluting - 3

regulatory - 3

dispersion productivity - 3

state - 3

profitable - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 107

  • Working Paper

    Entry Costs Rise with Growth

    October 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Over time and across states in the U.S., the number of firms is more closely tied to overall employment than to output per worker. In many models of firm dynamics, trade, and growth with a free entry condition, these facts imply that the costs of creating a new firm increase sharply with productivity growth. This increase in entry costs can stem from the rising cost of labor used in entry and weak or negative knowledge spillovers from prior entry. Our findings suggest that productivity-enhancing policies will not induce firm entry, thereby limiting the total impact of such policies on welfare.
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  • Working Paper

    Transitional Costs and the Decline of Coal: Worker-Level Evidence

    September 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    We examine the labor market impacts of the U.S. coal industry's decline using comprehensive administrative data on workers from 2005-2021. Coal workers most exposed to the industry's contraction experienced substantial earnings losses, equivalent to 1.6 years of predecline wages. These losses stem from both reduced employment duration (0.37 fewer years employed) and lower annual earnings (17 percent decline) between 2012-2019, relative to similar workers less exposed to coal's decline. Earnings reductions primarly occur when workers remain in local labor markets but are not employed in mining. While coal workers do not exhibit lower geographic mobility, relocation does not significantly mitigate their earnings losses.
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  • Working Paper

    Foreign Direct Investment, Geography, and Welfare

    September 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    We study the impact of FDI on domestic welfare using a model of internal trade with variable markups that incorporates intranational transport costs. The model allows us to disentangle the various channels through which FDI affects welfare. We apply the model to the case of Ethiopian manufacturing, which received considerable amounts of FDI during our study period. We find substantial gains from the presence of foreign firms, both in the local market and in other connected markets in the country. FDI, however, resulted in a modest worsening of allocative efficiency because foreign firms tend to have significantly higher markups than domestic firms. We report consistent findings from our empirical analysis, which utilises microdata on manufacturing firms, information on FDI projects, and geospatial data on improvements in the road network.
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  • Working Paper

    Employer Dominance and Worker Earnings in Finance

    August 2024

    Authors: Wenting Ma

    Working Paper Number:


    Large firms in the U.S. financial system achieve substantial economic gains. Their dominance sets them apart while also raising concerns about the suppression of worker earnings. Utilizing administrative data, this study reveals that the largest financial firms pay workers an average of 30.2% more than their smallest counterparts, significantly exceeding the 7.9% disparity in nonfinance sectors. This positive size-earnings relationship is consistently more pronounced in finance, even during the 2008 crisis or compared to the hightech sector. Evidence suggests that large financial firms' excessive gains, coupled with their workers' sought-after skills, explain this distinct relationship.
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  • Working Paper

    Competition, Firm Innovation, and Growth under Imperfect Technology Spillovers

    July 2024

    Authors: Karam Jo, Seula Kim

    Working Paper Number:


    We study how friction in learning others' technology, termed 'imperfect technology spillovers,' incentivizes firms to use different types of innovation and impacts the implications of competition through changes in innovation composition. We build an endogenous growth model in which multi-product firms enhance their products via internal innovation and enter new product markets through external innovation. When learning others' technology takes time due to this friction, increased competitive pressure leads firms with technological advantages to intensify internal innovation to protect their markets, thereby reducing others' external innovation. Using the U.S. administrative firm-level data, we provide regression results supporting the model predictions. Our findings highlight the importance of strategic firm innovation choices and changes in their composition in shaping the aggregate implications of competition.
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  • Working Paper

    Good Dispersion, Bad Dispersion

    March 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    We document that most dispersion in marginal revenue products of inputs occurs across plants within firms rather than between firms. This is commonly thought to reflect misallocation: dispersion is 'bad.' However, we show that eliminating frictions hampering internal capital markets in a multi-plant firm model may in fact increase productivity dispersion and raise output: dispersion can be 'good.' This arises as firms optimally stagger investment activity across their plants over time to avoid raising costly external finance, instead relying on reallocating internal funds. The staggering in turn generates dispersion in marginal revenue products. We use U.S. Census data on multi-plant manufacturing firms to provide empirical evidence for the model mechanism and show a quantitatively important role for good dispersion. Since there is less scope for good dispersion in emerging economies, the difference in the degree of misallocation between emerging and developed economies looks more pronounced than previously thought.
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  • Working Paper

    The Rise of Specialized Firms

    February 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper studies firm diversification over 6-digit NAICS industries in U.S. manufacturing. We find that firms specializing in fewer industries now account for a substantially greater share of production than 40 years ago. This reallocation is a key driver of rising industry concentration. Specialized firms have displaced diversified firms among industry leaders'absent this reallocation concentration would have decreased. We then provide evidence that specialized firms produce higher-quality goods: specialized firms tend to charge higher unit prices and are more insulated against Chinese import competition. Based on our empirical findings, we propose a theory in which growth shifts demand toward specialized, high-quality firms, which eventually increases concentration. We conclude that one should expect rising industry concentration in a growing economy.
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  • Working Paper

    Is the Gender Pay Gap Largest at the Top?

    December 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    No: it is at least as large at bottom percentiles of the earnings distribution. Conditional quantile regressions reveal that while the gap at top percentiles is largest among the most-educated, the gap at bottom percentiles is largest among the least-educated. Gender differences in labor supply create more pay inequality among the least-educated than they do among the most-educated. The pay gap has declined throughout the distribution since 2006, but it declined more for the most-educated women. Current economics-of-gender research focuses heavily on the top end; equal emphasis should be placed on mechanisms driving gender inequality for noncollege-educated workers.
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  • Working Paper

    Productivity Dispersion and Structural Change in Retail Trade

    December 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    The retail sector has changed from a sector full of small firms to one dominated by large, national firms. We study how this transformation has impacted productivity levels, growth, and dispersion between 1987 and 2017. We describe this transformation using three overlapping phases: expansion (1980s and 1990s), consolidation (2000s), and stagnation (2010s). We document five findings that help us understand these phases. First, productivity growth was high during the consolidation phase but has fallen more recently. Second, entering establishments drove productivity growth during the expansion phase, but continuing establishments have increased in importance more recently. Third, national chains have more productive establishments than single-unit firms on average, but some single-unit establishments are highly productive. Fourth, productivity dispersion is significant and increasing over time. Finally, more productive firms pay higher wages and grow more quickly. Together, these results suggest that the increasing importance of large national retail firms has been an important driver of productivity and wage growth in the retail sector.
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  • Working Paper

    Temperature and Local Industry Concentration

    October 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    We use plant-level data from the US Census of Manufacturers to study the short and long run effects of temperature on manufacturing activity. We document that temperature shocks significantly increase energy costs and lower the productivity of small manufacturing plants, while large plants are mostly unaffected. In US counties that experienced higher increases in average temperatures between the 1980s and the 2010s, these heterogeneous effects have led to higher concentration of manufacturing activity within large plants, and a reallocation of labor from small to large manufacturing establishments. We offer a preliminary discussion of potential mechanisms explaining why large manufacturing firms might be better equipped for long-run adaptation to climate change, including their ability to hedge across locations, easier access to finance, and higher managerial skills.
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