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Papers Containing Keywords(s): 'medicaid'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

American Community Survey - 20

Current Population Survey - 18

Social Security - 17

Internal Revenue Service - 14

Protected Identification Key - 14

Social Security Administration - 13

Department of Health and Human Services - 12

Social Security Number - 11

Medicaid Services - 11

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - 11

Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board - 10

Person Validation System - 10

Survey of Income and Program Participation - 9

Disclosure Review Board - 9

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - 9

Research Data Center - 9

Centers for Medicare - 8

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - 7

Person Identification Validation System - 7

Center for Economic Studies - 7

AHRQ Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component - 7

Housing and Urban Development - 6

W-2 - 6

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics - 6

Data Management System - 6

National Center for Health Statistics - 6

National Bureau of Economic Research - 6

Employer Identification Number - 5

Department of Housing and Urban Development - 5

Business Register - 5

2020 Census - 5

Decennial Census - 5

Earned Income Tax Credit - 5

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - 5

Census Bureau Business Register - 4

Disability Insurance - 4

Computer Assisted Personal Interview - 4

Census Household Composition Key - 4

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - 4

Administrative Records - 4

Social Science Research Institute - 4

National Institute on Aging - 4

University of Michigan - 4

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 4

National Health Interview Survey - 4

Cornell University - 4

Chicago Census Research Data Center - 4

Master Beneficiary Record - 3

Master Address File - 3

PSID - 3

Detailed Earnings Records - 3

Social and Economic Supplement - 3

New York University - 3

Census Numident - 3

COVID-19 - 3

Economic Census - 3

Personally Identifiable Information - 3

National Science Foundation - 3

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 3

Regional Economic Information System - 3

National Institutes of Health - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 41

  • Working Paper

    Nonresponse and Coverage Bias in the Household Pulse Survey: Evidence from Administrative Data

    October 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    The Household Pulse Survey (HPS) conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau is a unique survey that provided timely data on the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on American households and continues to provide data on other emergent social and economic issues. Because the survey has a response rate in the single digits and only has an online response mode, there are concerns about nonresponse and coverage bias. In this paper, we match administrative data from government agencies and third-party data to HPS respondents to examine how representative they are of the U.S. population. For comparison, we create a benchmark of American Community Survey (ACS) respondents and nonrespondents and include the ACS respondents as another point of reference. Overall, we find that the HPS is less representative of the U.S. population than the ACS. However, performance varies across administrative variables, and the existing weighting adjustments appear to greatly improve the representativeness of the HPS. Additionally, we look at household characteristics by their email domain to examine the effects on coverage from limiting email messages in 2023 to addresses from the contact frame with at least 90% deliverability rates, finding no clear change in the representativeness of the HPS afterwards.
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  • Working Paper

    Incorporating Administrative Data in Survey Weights for the 2018-2022 Survey of Income and Program Participation

    October 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Response rates to the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) have declined over time, raising the potential for nonresponse bias in survey estimates. A potential solution is to leverage administrative data from government agencies and third-party data providers when constructing survey weights. In this paper, we modify various parts of the SIPP weighting algorithm to incorporate such data. We create these new weights for the 2018 through 2022 SIPP panels and examine how the new weights affect survey estimates. Our results show that before weighting adjustments, SIPP respondents in these panels have higher socioeconomic status than the general population. Existing weighting procedures reduce many of these differences. Comparing SIPP estimates between the production weights and the administrative data-based weights yields changes that are not uniform across the joint income and program participation distribution. Unlike other Census Bureau household surveys, there is no large increase in nonresponse bias in SIPP due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In summary, the magnitude and sign of nonresponse bias in SIPP is complicated, and the existing weighting procedures may change the sign of nonresponse bias for households with certain incomes and program benefit statuses.
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  • Working Paper

    Measuring Income of the Aged in Household Surveys: Evidence from Linked Administrative Records

    June 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Research has shown that household survey estimates of retirement income (defined benefit pensions and defined contribution account withdrawals) suffer from substantial underreporting which biases downward measures of financial well-being among the aged. Using data from both the redesigned 2016 Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) and the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), each matched with administrative records, we examine to what extent underreporting of retirement income affects key statistics such as reliance on Social Security benefits and poverty among the aged. We find that underreporting of retirement income is still prevalent in the CPS ASEC. While the HRS does a better job than the CPS ASEC in terms of capturing retirement income, it still falls considerably short compared to administrative records. Consequently, the relative importance of Social Security income remains overstated in household surveys'53 percent of elderly beneficiaries in the CPS ASEC and 49 percent in the HRS rely on Social Security for the majority of their incomes compared to 42 percent in the linked administrative data. The poverty rate for those aged 65 and over is also overstated'8.8 percent in the CPS ASEC and 7.4 percent in the HRS compared to 6.4 percent in the linked administrative data. Our results illustrate the effects of using alternative data sources in producing key statistics from the Social Security Administration's Income of the Aged publication.
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  • Working Paper

    The Long-Term Effects of Income for At-Risk Infants: Evidence from Supplemental Security Income

    March 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper examines whether a generous cash intervention early in life can "undo" some of the long-term disadvantage associated with poor health at birth. We use new linkages between several large-scale administrative datasets to examine the short-, medium-, and long-term effects of providing low-income families with low birthweight infants support through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. This program uses a birthweight cutoff at 1200 grams to determine eligibility. We find that families of infants born just below this cutoff experience a large increase in cash benefits totaling about 27%of family income in the first three years of the infant's life. These cash benefits persist at lower amounts through age 10. Eligible infants also experience a small but statistically significant increase in Medicaid enrollment during childhood. We examine whether this support affects health care use and mortality in infancy, educational performance in high school, post-secondary school attendance and college degree attainment, and earnings, public assistance use, and mortality in young adulthood for all infants born in California to low-income families whose birthweight puts them near the cutoff. We also examine whether these payments had spillover effects onto the older siblings of these infants who may have also benefited from the increase in family resources. Despite the comprehensive nature of this early life intervention, we detect no improvements in any of the study outcomes, nor do we find improvements among the older siblings of these infants. These null effects persist across several subgroups and alternative model specifications, and, for some outcomes, our estimates are precise enough to rule out published estimates of the effect of early life cash transfers in other settings.
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  • Working Paper

    Methodology on Creating the U.S. Linked Retail Health Clinic (LiRHC) Database

    March 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    Retail health clinics (RHCs) are a relatively new type of health care setting and understanding the role they play as a source of ambulatory care in the United States is important. To better understand these settings, a joint project by the Census Bureau and National Center for Health Statistics used data science techniques to link together data on RHCs from Convenient Care Association, County Business Patterns Business Register, and National Plan and Provider Enumeration System to create the Linked RHC (LiRHC, pronounced 'lyric') database of locations throughout the United States during the years 2018 to 2020. The matching methodology used to perform this linkage is described, as well as the benchmarking, match statistics, and manual review and quality checks used to assess the resulting matched data. The large majority (81%) of matches received quality scores at or above 75/100, and most matches were linked in the first two (of eight) matching passes, indicating high confidence in the final linked dataset. The LiRHC database contained 2,000 RHCs and found that 97% of these clinics were in metropolitan statistical areas and 950 were in the South region of the United States. Through this collaborative effort, the Census Bureau and National Center for Health Statistics strive to understand how RHCs can potentially impact population health as well as the access and provision of health care services across the nation.
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  • Working Paper

    Maternal and Infant Health Inequality: New Evidence from Linked Administrative Data

    November 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    We use linked administrative data that combines the universe of California birth records, hospitalizations, and death records with parental income from Internal Revenue Service tax records and the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics file to provide novel evidence on economic inequality in infant and maternal health. We find that birth outcomes vary nonmonotonically with parental income, and that children of parents in the top ventile of the income distribution have higher rates of low birth weight and preterm birth than those in the bottom ventile. However, unlike birth outcomes, infant mortality varies monotonically with income, and infants of parents in the top ventile of the income distribution---who have the worst birth outcomes---have a death rate that is half that of infants of parents in the bottom ventile. When studying maternal health, we find a similar pattern of non-monotonicity between income and severe maternal morbidity, and a monotonic and decreasing relationship between income and maternal mortality. At the same time, these disparities by parental income are small when compared to racial disparities, and we observe virtually no convergence in health outcomes across racial and ethnic groups as income rises. Indeed, infant and maternal health in Black families at the top of the income distribution is markedly worse than that of white families at the bottom of the income distribution. Lastly, we benchmark the health gradients in California to those in Sweden, finding that infant and maternal health is worse in California than in Sweden for most outcomes throughout the entire income distribution.
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  • Working Paper

    The Underserved Have Less Access to Employer-Sponsored Telemedicine Coverage

    September 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    Telemedicine has been proposed as one means of improving health care access for underserved communities, and information about insurance coverage for telemedicine (TMC) is important in understanding its utilization and provision. We use 2018-2019 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component data on employer-sponsored coverage to examine pre-pandemic TMC relative to employer, worker, and health plan characteristics. We find that the share of employees in private sector establishments offering TMC was lower in the most rural counties, in smaller firms, in establishments without unionized employees, and in establishments where most workers were low wage, part-time and older when compared to other establishments. These findings reflect differences across establishments in insurance offers, as well as differences in TMC conditional on an insurance offer, which suggests that TMC may function as a premium plan feature with limited availability and potential support for improving healthcare access for the underserved.
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  • Working Paper

    Introducing the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component with Administrative Records (MEPS-ICAR): Description, Data Construction Methodology, and Quality Assessment

    August 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    This report introduces a new dataset, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component with Administrative Records (MEPS-ICAR), consisting of MEPS-IC survey data on establishments and their health insurance benefits packages linked to Decennial Census data and administrative tax records on MEPS-IC establishments' workforces. These data include new measures of the characteristics of MEPS-IC establishments' parent firms, employee turnover, the full distribution of MEPS-IC workers' personal and family incomes, the geographic locations where those workers live, and improved workforce demographic detail. Next, this report details the methods used for producing the MEPS-ICAR. Broadly, the linking process begins by matching establishments' parent firms to their workforces using identifiers appearing in tax records. The linking process concludes by matching establishments to their own workforces by identifying the subset of their parent firm's workforce that best matches the expected size, total payroll, and residential geographic distribution of the establishment's workforce. Finally, this report presents statistics characterizing the match rate and the MEPS-ICAR data itself. Key results include that match rates are consistently high (exceeding 90%) across nearly all data subgroups and that the matched data exhibit a reasonable distribution of employment, payroll, and worker commute distances relative to expectations and external benchmarks. Notably, employment measures derived from tax records, but not used in the match itself, correspond with high fidelity to the employment levels that establishments report in the MEPS-IC. Cumulatively, the construction of the MEPS-ICAR significantly expands the capabilities of the MEPS-IC and presents many opportunities for analysts.
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  • Working Paper

    Covering Undocumented Immigrants: The Effects of a Large-Scale Prenatal Care Intervention

    August 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for public insurance coverage for prenatal care in most states, despite their children representing a large fraction of births and having U.S. citizenship. In this paper, we examine a policy that expanded Medicaid pregnancy coverage to undocumented immigrants. Using a novel dataset that links California birth records to Census surveys, we identify siblings born to immigrant mothers before and after the policy. Implementing a mothers' fixed effects design, we find that the policy increased coverage for and use of prenatal care among pregnant immigrant women, and increased average gestation length and birth weight among their children.
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  • Working Paper

    Age, Sex, and Racial/Ethnic Disparities and Temporal-Spatial Variation in Excess All-Cause Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Linked Administrative and Census Bureau Data

    May 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    Research on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States has highlighted substantial racial/ethnic disparities in excess mortality, but reports often differ in the details with respect to the size of these disparities. We suggest that these inconsistencies stem from differences in the temporal scope and measurement of race/ethnicity in existing data. We address these issues using death records for 2010 through 2021 from the Social Security Administration, covering the universe of individuals ever issued a Social Security Number, linked to race/ethnicity responses from the decennial census and American Community Survey. We use these data to (1) estimate excess all-cause mortality at the national level and for age-, sex-, and race/ethnicity-specific subgroups, (2) examine racial/ethnic variation in excess mortality over the course of the pandemic, and (3) explore whether and how racial/ethnic mortality disparities vary across states.
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