In light of the recent concerns regarding the solvency of Social Security's Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI), private pensions may play an increasingly important role in retirement welfare of US retirees. However, the private pension landscape has evolved in ways that may result in lower private pension wealth for retirees. One recent such phenomenon involves the conversion of traditional defined benefit pension plans to cash balance plans, which resulted in lower pension benefits for many workers. In this study, I investigate how characteristics of the firm's workforce influenced whether the firm converted their traditional pension plan to a cash balance plan and how these characteristics related to the firm's pension plan policy more generally. Using the Longitudinal Employer-Household Data and pension plan data from the Department of Labor/Internal Revenue Service and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, I found little evidence of workforce age distribution effects on the likelihood of DB plan conversion to a cash balance plan in the 1990s. More generally, I consistently find positive associations between firms with older and more female workforces and defined contribution plans during the same time.
Manufacturing Firms' Decisions Regarding Retiree Health Insurance
June 2003
Working Paper Number:
This study analyzes the firm's decision to offer and contribute to retiree health insurance. We apply a binomial probit model and an interval regression model to analyze the likelihood of offering and the proportion of costs contributed by the firm. Our findings indicate that while firm characteristics affect the probability that a firm offers retiree health insurance, financial performance and alternative insurance options significantly affect the firm's generosity towards its cost. This study expands on previous research by including potentially important policy-related measures to the more limited set of firm and workforce characteristics that have been typically employed.
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Why are employer-sponsored health insurance premiums higher in the public sector than in the private sector?
February 2019
Working Paper Number:
In this article, we examine the factors explaining differences in public and private sector health insurance premiums for enrollees with single coverage. We use data from the 2000 and 2014 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component, along with decomposition methods, to explore the relative explanatory importance of plan features and benefit generosity, such as deductibles and other forms of cost sharing, basic employee characteristics (e.g., age, gender, and education), and unionization. While there was little difference in public and private sector premiums in 2000, by 2014, public premiums had exceeded private premiums by 14 to 19 percent. We find that differences in plan characteristics played a substantial role in explaining premium differences in 2014, but they were not the only, or even the most important, factor. Differences in worker age, gender, marital status, and educational attainment were also important factors, as was workforce unionization.
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A Comparison of Employee Benefits Data from the MEPS-IC and Form 5500
September 2008
Working Paper Number:
This paper compares data on employers\u2019 health and pension offerings from the two sources: publicly available administrative data from Form 5500 filings and survey data from the Insurance Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-IC). The basic findings are that the 5500 filings cover too few health plans to be very useful as a substitute or supplement to the MEPS-IC measure of whether or not employers offer health insurance. The pension information in the 5500 filings is potentially more useful as a supplement to the MEPSIC for research purposes where additional pension information would be useful in studying employers\u2019 decisions to offer health insurance.
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Using the MEPS-IC to Study Retiree Health Insurance
April 2006
Working Paper Number:
This paper discusses using the restricted-access Medical Expenditure Panel Survey- Insurance Component (MEPS-IC) to study employer-sponsored retiree health insurance (RHI). This topic is particularly interesting given current events such as the aging of baby boomers, rising health care costs, new prescription drug coverage under Medicare, and changes in accounting standards for reporting liabilities related to RHI offerings. Consequently, employers are grappling with an aging workforce, evaluating Medicare subsidies to employers for offering retiree drug plans, facing rising premium costs as a result of rising health care costs, and trying to show profitability on financial reports. This paper provides technical information on using the MEPS-IC to study RHI and points out data issues with some of the measures in the database. Descriptive statistics are provided to illustrate the types of retiree estimates possible using the MEPS-IC and to show some of the trends in this subject area. Not surprising, these estimates show that employer offers of RHI have declined, greater numbers of retirees are enrolling in these plans, and expenditures for employer-sponsored RHI have been rising.
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Employer Health Benefit Costs and Demand for Part-Time Labor
April 2009
Working Paper Number:
The link between rising employer costs for health insurance benefits and demand for part-time workers is investigated using non-public data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey- Insurance Component (MEPS-IC). The MEPS-IC is a nationally representative, annual establishment survey from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Pooling the establishment level data from the MEPS-IC from 1996-2004 and matching with the Longitudinal Business Database and supplemental economic data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a reduced form model of the percent of total FTE employees working part-time is estimated. This is modeled as a function of the employer health insurance contribution, establishment characteristics, and state-level economic indicators. To account for potential endogeneity, health insurance expenditures are estimated using instrumental variables (IVs). The unit of analysis is establishments that offer health insurance to full-time employees but not part time employees. Conditional on establishments offering health insurance to full-time employees, a 1 percent increase in employer health insurance contributions results in a 3.7 percent increase in part-time employees working at establishments in the U.S.
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How Do Health Insurance Costs Affect Firm Labor Composition and Technology Investment?
September 2023
Working Paper Number:
Employer-sponsored health insurance is a significant component of labor costs. We examine the causal effect of health insurance premiums on firms' employment, both in terms of quantity and composition, and their technology investment decisions. To address endogeneity concerns, we instrument for insurance premiums using idiosyncratic variation in insurers' recent losses, which is plausibly exogenous to their customers who are employers. Using Census microdata, we show that following an increase in premiums, firms reduce employment. Relative to higher-income coworkers, lower-income workers see a larger increase in their likelihood of being separated from their jobs and becoming unemployed. Firms also invest more in information technology, potentially to substitute labor.
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Going Entrepreneurial? IPOs and New Firm Creation
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
Using matched employee-employer US Census data, we examine the effect of a successful initial public offering (IPO) on employee departures to startups. Accounting for the endogeneity of a firm's choice to go public, we find strong evidence that going public induces employees to leave for start-ups. Moreover, we document that the increase in turnover following an IPO is driven by employees departing to start-ups; we find no change in the rate of employee departures for established firms. We present evidence that, following an IPO, many employees who received stock grants experience a positive shock to their wealth which allows them to better tolerate the risks associated with joining a startup or to obtain funding. Our results suggest that the recent declines in IPO activity and new firm creation in the US may be causally linked. The recent decline in IPOs means fewer workers may move to startups, decreasing overall new firm creation in the economy.
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Labor Market Rigidities and the Employment Behavior of Older Workers
July 2007
Working Paper Number:
The labor market is often asserted to be characterized by rigidities that make it difficult for older workers to carry out their desired trajectory from work to retirement. An important source of rigidity is restrictions on hours of work imposed by firms that use team production or face high fixed costs of employment. Such rigidities are difficult to measure directly. We develop a model of the labor market in which technological rigidity affects the age structure of a firm's work force in equilibrium. Firms using relatively flexible technology care only about total hours of labor input, but not hours of work per worker. Older workers with a desire for short or flexible hours of work are attracted to such firms. Firms using a more rigid technology involving team production impose a minimum hours constraint, and as a result tend to have a younger age structure. A testable hypothesis of the model is that the hazard of separation of older workers is lower in firms with an older age structure. We use matched worker-firm data to test this hypothesis, and find support for it. Specification tests and alternative proxies for labor market rigidity support our interpretation of the effect of firm age structure on the separation propensity These results provide indirect but suggestive evidence of the importance of labor market rigidities.
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July 2013
Working Paper Number:
This paper quantifies the 'human costs of bankruptcy' by estimating employee wage losses induced by the bankruptcy filing of employers using employee-employer matched data from the U.S. Census Bureau's LEHD program. We find that employee wages begin to deteriorate one year prior to bankruptcy. One year after bankruptcy, the magnitude of the decline in annual wages is 30% of pre-bankruptcy wages. The decrease in wages persists (at least) for five years post-bankruptcy. The present value of wage losses summed up to five years after bankruptcy amounts to 29-49% of the average pre-bankruptcy market value of firm. Furthermore, we find that the ex-ante wage premium to compensate for the ex-post wage loss due to bankruptcy can be of similar magnitude with that of the tax benefits of debt.
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August 2013
Working Paper Number:
The degree to which firms contribute to the payment of workers' health insurance premiums is an important consideration in the measurement of income and for understanding the potential impact of the 2010 Affordable Care Act on employment-based health insurance participation. Currently the U.S. Census Bureau imputes employer contributions in the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey based on data from the 1977 National Medical Care Expenditure Survey. The goal of this paper is to assess the extent to which this imputation methodology produces estimates reflective of the current distribution of employer contributions. The paper uses recent contributions data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component to estimate a new model to inform the imputation procedure and to compare the resulting distribution of contributions. These new estimates are compared with those produced under current production methods across employee and employer characteristics.
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