This study analyzes the firm's decision to offer and contribute to retiree health insurance. We apply a binomial probit model and an interval regression model to analyze the likelihood of offering and the proportion of costs contributed by the firm. Our findings indicate that while firm characteristics affect the probability that a firm offers retiree health insurance, financial performance and alternative insurance options significantly affect the firm's generosity towards its cost. This study expands on previous research by including potentially important policy-related measures to the more limited set of firm and workforce characteristics that have been typically employed.
Using the MEPS-IC to Study Retiree Health Insurance
April 2006
Working Paper Number:
This paper discusses using the restricted-access Medical Expenditure Panel Survey- Insurance Component (MEPS-IC) to study employer-sponsored retiree health insurance (RHI). This topic is particularly interesting given current events such as the aging of baby boomers, rising health care costs, new prescription drug coverage under Medicare, and changes in accounting standards for reporting liabilities related to RHI offerings. Consequently, employers are grappling with an aging workforce, evaluating Medicare subsidies to employers for offering retiree drug plans, facing rising premium costs as a result of rising health care costs, and trying to show profitability on financial reports. This paper provides technical information on using the MEPS-IC to study RHI and points out data issues with some of the measures in the database. Descriptive statistics are provided to illustrate the types of retiree estimates possible using the MEPS-IC and to show some of the trends in this subject area. Not surprising, these estimates show that employer offers of RHI have declined, greater numbers of retirees are enrolling in these plans, and expenditures for employer-sponsored RHI have been rising.
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Why are employer-sponsored health insurance premiums higher in the public sector than in the private sector?
February 2019
Working Paper Number:
In this article, we examine the factors explaining differences in public and private sector health insurance premiums for enrollees with single coverage. We use data from the 2000 and 2014 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component, along with decomposition methods, to explore the relative explanatory importance of plan features and benefit generosity, such as deductibles and other forms of cost sharing, basic employee characteristics (e.g., age, gender, and education), and unionization. While there was little difference in public and private sector premiums in 2000, by 2014, public premiums had exceeded private premiums by 14 to 19 percent. We find that differences in plan characteristics played a substantial role in explaining premium differences in 2014, but they were not the only, or even the most important, factor. Differences in worker age, gender, marital status, and educational attainment were also important factors, as was workforce unionization.
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Health Insurance and Productivity: Evidence from the Manufacturing Sector
September 2009
Working Paper Number:
This paper examines the relationship between employer-sponsored offers of health insurance and establishments' labor productivity. Our empirical work is based on unique plant level data that links the 1997 and 2002 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component with the 1992, 1997, and 2002 Census of Manufactures. These linked data provide information on employer-provided insurance and productivity. We find that health insurance offers are positively associated with levels of establishments' labor productivity. These findings hold for all manufacturers as well as those with fewer than 100 employees. Our preliminary results also show a drop in health care costs from the 75th to the 25th percentile would increase the probability of a plant offering insurance by 1.5-2.0 percent in both 1997 and 2002. The results from this paper provide encouraging and new empirical evidence on the benefits employers may reap by offering health insurance to workers.
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Older Workers' Access to Employer-Sponsored Retiree Health Insurance, 2000-2004
April 2007
Working Paper Number:
Using a multivariate framework, we analyze recent trends in employer provision of retiree health insurance (RHI), eligibility for new retirees, and retiree contribution requirements. We also explore whether local labor market characteristics such as the unemployment rate influence RHI provision. Finally, we examine whether the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) was associated with diverging trends in RHI access for Medicare-eligible and early retirees. Data come for the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey'Insurance Component (MEPS-IC). We find that, while RHI provision to existing retirees remained stable, eligibility for new retirees declined, and contribution requirements increased between 2000 and 2004. The local labor market had no effect on RHI provision. While early retiree coverage was more common than coverage for Medicare-eligible retirees, we did not find a divergence subsequent to MMA. These results suggest growing financial instability for retirees, both because RHI contribution requirements increased, and because businesses dropped coverage for new retirees.
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Health-Related Research Using Confidential U.S. Census Bureau Data
August 2008
Working Paper Number:
Economic studies on health-related issues have the potential to benefit all Americans. The approaches for dealing with the growth of health care costs and health insurance coverage are ever changing and information is needed on their efficacy. Research on health-related topics has been conducted for about a decade at the Census Bureau\u2019s Center for Economic Studies and the Research Data Centers. This paper begins by describing the confidential business and demographic Census Bureau data products used in this research. The discussion continues with summaries of nearly 30 papers, including how this work has benefited the Census Bureau and its research findings. Some focus on data linkages and assessing data quality, while others address important questions in the employer, public, and individual insurance markets. This research could not have been accomplished with public-use data. The newly available data from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and National Center for Health Statistics, as well as additional Census Bureau data now available in the Research Data Centers are also discussed.
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Employer Health Benefit Costs and Demand for Part-Time Labor
April 2009
Working Paper Number:
The link between rising employer costs for health insurance benefits and demand for part-time workers is investigated using non-public data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey- Insurance Component (MEPS-IC). The MEPS-IC is a nationally representative, annual establishment survey from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Pooling the establishment level data from the MEPS-IC from 1996-2004 and matching with the Longitudinal Business Database and supplemental economic data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a reduced form model of the percent of total FTE employees working part-time is estimated. This is modeled as a function of the employer health insurance contribution, establishment characteristics, and state-level economic indicators. To account for potential endogeneity, health insurance expenditures are estimated using instrumental variables (IVs). The unit of analysis is establishments that offer health insurance to full-time employees but not part time employees. Conditional on establishments offering health insurance to full-time employees, a 1 percent increase in employer health insurance contributions results in a 3.7 percent increase in part-time employees working at establishments in the U.S.
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Declines in Employer Sponsored Coverage Between 2000 and 2008: Offers, Take-Up, Premium Contributions, and Dependent Options
September 2010
Working Paper Number:
Even before the current economic downturn, rates of employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) declined substantially, falling six percentage points between 2000 and 2008 for nonelderly Americans. During a previously documented decline in ESI, from 1987 to 1996, the fall was found to be the result of a reduction in enrollment or 'take-up' of offered coverage and not a decline in employer offer/eligibility rates. In this paper, we investigate the components of the more recent decline in ESI coverage by firm size, using data from the MEPS-IC, a large nationally representative survey of employers. We examine changes in offer rates, eligibility rates and take-up rates for coverage, and include a new dimension, the availability of and enrollment in dependent coverage. We investigate how these components changed for employers of different sizes and find that declining coverage rates for small firms were due to declines in both offer and take-up rates while declining rates for large firms were due to declining enrollment in offered coverage. We also find a decrease in the availability of dependent coverage at small employers and a shift towards single coverage across employers of all sizes. Understanding the components of the decline in coverage for small and large firms is important for establishing the baseline for observing the effects of the current economic downturn and the implementation of health insurance reform.
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The Role of Agents and Brokers in the Market for Health Insurance
December 2013
Working Paper Number:
Health insurance markets in the United States are characterized by imperfect information, complex products, and substantial search frictions. Insurance agents and brokers play a significant role in helping employers navigate these problems. However, little is known about the relation between the structure of the agent/broker market and access and affordability of insurance. This paper aims to fill this gap by investigating the influence of agents/brokers on health insurance decisions of small firms, which are particularly vulnerable to problems of financing health insurance. Using a unique membership database from the National Association of Health Underwriters together with a nationally representative survey of employers, we find that small firms in more competitive agent/broker markets are more likely to offer health insurance and at lower premiums. Moreover, premiums are less dispersed in more competitive agent/broker markets.
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Estimating the Costs of Covering Dependents through Employer-Sponsored Plans
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
Several health reform microsimulation models use synthetic firms to estimate how changes in federal and state policies will affect employers' offers of health insurance, as well as the price of health insurance for workers and firms. These models typically rely on distinct measures of the average costs of single and dependent coverage, for employees and employers, which do not capture the joint distribution of these costs. Since some firms pay a large share of the premium for single polices but a lower share for dependent coverage, or the reverse, simulation models that do not account for the joint distribution of premium costs may not be sufficient to answer certain policy questions. To address this issue, we developed a method to extract estimates of the joint distribution of employer and employee costs of health insurance coverage from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey ' Insurance Component (MEPS-IC). This paper describes how these distributions were constructed and how they were incorporated into the Urban Institute's Health Insurance Policy Simulation Model (HIPSM). The estimates presented in this paper and those available in supplementary datasets may be useful for other simulation models that need to utilize information on the joint distribution of single and dependent employee premium contributions.
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January 2014
Working Paper Number:
Economic incentives such as the preferential tax treatment of premiums and economies of scale encourage employers to provide health insurance through the workplace. The employer's decision to offer health insurance depends on how much workers value insurance relative to wages, and that value is likely to vary, given the composition of the establishment's workforce. Using the 2008-2010 MEPS Insurance Component augmented with information from other data sources, we generate new estimates of employers' price-sensitivity of offering insurance. Our results suggest that employers are sensitive to changes in the tax price of insurance, with very small employers exhibiting the largest price-sensitivity. Employer size, workforce composition, and local labor market conditions also influence the employer's decision to offer insurance. New evidence can inform policy discussions about the implications of broad-based reforms that change marginal tax rates as well as targeted strategies that address the tax-exempt status of premiums.
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