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Papers Containing Tag(s): 'PSID'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

Survey of Income and Program Participation - 28

Current Population Survey - 25

Social Security Administration - 22

Internal Revenue Service - 17

Social Security - 16

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics - 16

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth - 15

National Science Foundation - 14

Ordinary Least Squares - 14

American Community Survey - 13

Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board - 13

Social Security Number - 13

Chicago Census Research Data Center - 13

Protected Identification Key - 11

Center for Economic Studies - 11

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 10

Decennial Census - 9

Detailed Earnings Records - 9

Disclosure Review Board - 9

Federal Reserve Bank - 9

Metropolitan Statistical Area - 8

Federal Statistical Research Data Center - 7

National Institute on Aging - 7

W-2 - 7

North American Industry Classification System - 7

Alfred P Sloan Foundation - 7

National Bureau of Economic Research - 7

Research Data Center - 7

Characteristics of Business Owners - 6

Cornell University - 6

Journal of Economic Literature - 5

ASEC - 5

Person Validation System - 5

Master Earnings File - 5

Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Industries - 5

Longitudinal Business Database - 5

Federal Reserve System - 5

Employer Identification Number - 5

Business Register - 5

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages - 5

Summary Earnings Records - 5

Earned Income Tax Credit - 4

Federal Insurance Contributions Act - 4

Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement - 4

Supreme Court - 4

Department of Labor - 4

Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies - 4

University of Maryland - 4

Board of Governors - 4

Standard Industrial Classification - 4

Urban Institute - 4

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - 3

Health and Retirement Study - 3

University of Michigan - 3

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 3

Unemployment Insurance - 3

Local Employment Dynamics - 3

University of Minnesota - 3

Stern School of Business - 3

Quarterly Workforce Indicators - 3

Business Dynamics Statistics - 3

National Center for Health Statistics - 3

UC Berkeley - 3

Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research - 3

Public Use Micro Sample - 3

Service Annual Survey - 3

Russell Sage Foundation - 3

household - 29

recession - 23

employed - 22

labor - 18

earnings - 17

employ - 17

salary - 12

socioeconomic - 11

survey - 10

earner - 10

intergenerational - 9

retirement - 9

macroeconomic - 9

trend - 9

unemployed - 9

workforce - 9

racial - 9

economist - 9

family - 8

disparity - 8

job - 8

employee - 8

poverty - 8

black - 7

worker - 7

quarterly - 7

wealth - 6

parent - 6

welfare - 6

heterogeneity - 6

race - 6

generation - 6

hispanic - 6

segregation - 6

occupation - 6

longitudinal - 6

employment dynamics - 6

enterprise - 6

metropolitan - 6

statistical - 6

housing - 5

residential - 5

parental - 5

recessionary - 5

minority - 5

white - 5

earn - 5

entrepreneurial - 5

entrepreneurship - 5

resident - 5

population - 5

neighborhood - 5

migration - 5

regress - 5

parents income - 4

finance - 4

percentile - 4

saving - 4

ssa - 4

aging - 4

decade - 4

employment earnings - 4

dependent - 4

fertility - 4

census employment - 4

econometric - 4

entrepreneur - 4

immigrant - 4

employment statistics - 4

residence - 4

migrating - 4

migrant - 4

mobility - 4

divorced - 4

marriage - 4

employee data - 4

disadvantaged - 4

economically - 4

respondent - 4

statistician - 4

wage earnings - 4

financial - 3

loan - 3

household income - 3

medicaid - 3

retiree - 3

volatility - 3

women earnings - 3

enrollment - 3

schooling - 3

gdp - 3

segregated - 3

earnings employees - 3

earnings workers - 3

tax - 3

labor statistics - 3

career - 3

employer household - 3

agency - 3

tenure - 3

wage changes - 3

employment trends - 3

demand - 3

endogeneity - 3

cohort - 3

ethnic - 3

migrate - 3

estimates employment - 3

venture - 3

proprietorship - 3

census bureau - 3

health - 3

neighbor - 3

moving - 3

estimating - 3

discrepancy - 3

spending - 3

ownership - 3

owner - 3

owned businesses - 3

business owners - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 52

  • Working Paper

    The Impact of Parental Resources on Human Capital Investment and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Great Recession

    June 2024

    Authors: Jeremy Kirk

    Working Paper Number:


    I study the impact of parents' financial resources during adolescence on postsecondary human capital investment and labor market outcomes, using house value changes during the Great Recession of 2007-2009 as a natural experiment. I use several restricted-access datasets from the U.S. Census Bureau to create a novel dataset that includes intergenerational linkages between children and their parents. This data allows me to exploit house value variation within labor markets, addressing the identification concern that local house values are related to local economic conditions. I find that the average decrease to parents' home values lead to persistent decreases in bachelor's degree attainment of 1.26%, earnings of 1.96%, and full-time employment of 1.32%. Children of parents suffering larger house value shocks are more likely to substitute into two-year degree programs, drop out of college, or be enrolled in a college program in their late 20s.
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  • Working Paper

    Measuring Income of the Aged in Household Surveys: Evidence from Linked Administrative Records

    June 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Research has shown that household survey estimates of retirement income (defined benefit pensions and defined contribution account withdrawals) suffer from substantial underreporting which biases downward measures of financial well-being among the aged. Using data from both the redesigned 2016 Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) and the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), each matched with administrative records, we examine to what extent underreporting of retirement income affects key statistics such as reliance on Social Security benefits and poverty among the aged. We find that underreporting of retirement income is still prevalent in the CPS ASEC. While the HRS does a better job than the CPS ASEC in terms of capturing retirement income, it still falls considerably short compared to administrative records. Consequently, the relative importance of Social Security income remains overstated in household surveys'53 percent of elderly beneficiaries in the CPS ASEC and 49 percent in the HRS rely on Social Security for the majority of their incomes compared to 42 percent in the linked administrative data. The poverty rate for those aged 65 and over is also overstated'8.8 percent in the CPS ASEC and 7.4 percent in the HRS compared to 6.4 percent in the linked administrative data. Our results illustrate the effects of using alternative data sources in producing key statistics from the Social Security Administration's Income of the Aged publication.
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  • Working Paper

    Interpreting Cohort Profiles of Lifecycle Earnings Volatility

    April 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    We present new estimates of earnings volatility over time and the lifecycle for men and women by race and human capital. Using a long panel of restricted-access administrative Social Security earnings linked to the Current Population Survey, we estimate volatility with both transparent summary measures, as well as decompositions into permanent and transitory components. From the late 1970s to the mid 1990s there is a strong negative trend in earnings volatility for both men and women. We show this is driven by a reduction in transitory variance. Starting in the mid 1990s there is relative stability in trends of male earnings volatility because of an increase in the variance of permanent shocks, especially among workers without a college education, and a more attenuated trend decline among women. Cohort analyses indicate a strong U-shape pattern of volatility over the working life, which comes from large permanent shocks early and later in the lifecycle. However, this U-shape shifted downward and leftward in more recent cohorts, the latter from the fanning out of lifecycle transitory volatility in younger cohorts. These patterns are more pronounced among White men and women compared to Black workers.
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  • Working Paper

    Family Resources and Human Capital in Economic Downturns

    March 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    I study how recessions impact the human capital of young adults and how these effects vary over the parent income gradient. Using a novel confidential linked survey dataset from U.S. Census, I document that the negative effects of worse local unemployment shocks on educational attainment are strongly concentrated among middle-class children, with losses in parental home equity being potentially important mechanisms. To probe the aggregate implications of these findings and assess policy implications, I develop a model of selection into college and life-cycle earnings that comprises endogenous parental transfers for education, multiple schooling options, and uncertainty in post-graduation employment outcomes. Simulating a recession in the model produces a 'hollowing out the middle' in lifecycle earnings in the aggregate, and educational borrowing constraints play a key role in this result. Counterfactual policies to expand college access in response to the recession can mitigate these effects but struggle to be cost effective.
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  • Working Paper

    The Matching Multiplier and the Amplification of Recessions

    June 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper shows that the unequal incidence of recessions in the labor market amplifies aggregate shocks. Using administrative data from the United States, I document a positive covariance between worker marginal propensities to consume (MPCs) and their elasticities of earnings to GDP, which is a key moment for a new class of heterogeneous-agent models. I define the Matching Multiplier as the increase in the multiplier stemming from this matching of high MPC workers to more cyclical jobs. I show that this covariance is large enough to increase the aggregate MPC by 20 percent over an equal exposure benchmark.
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  • Working Paper

    The Long Run Impacts of Court-Ordered Desegregation

    April 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    Court ordered desegregation plans were implemented in hundreds of US school districts nationwide from the 1960s through the 1980s, and were arguably the most substantive national attempt to improve educational access for African American children in modern American history. Using large Census samples that are linked to Social Security records containing county of birth, we implement event studies that estimate the long run effects of exposure to desegregation orders on human capital and labor market outcomes. We find that African Americans who were relatively young when a desegregation order was implemented in their county of birth, and therefore had more exposure to integrated schools, experienced large improvements in adult human capital and labor market outcomes relative to Blacks who were older when a court order was locally implemented. There are no comparable changes in outcomes among whites in counties undergoing an order, or among Blacks who were beyond school ages when a local order was implemented. These effects are strongly concentrated in the South, with largely null findings in other regions. Our data and methodology provide the most comprehensive national assessment to date on the impacts of court ordered desegregation, and strongly indicate that these policies were in fact highly effective at improving the long run socioeconomic outcomes of many Black students.
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  • Working Paper

    U.S. Long-Term Earnings Outcomes by Sex, Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth

    May 2021

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper is part of the Global Income Dynamics Project cross-country comparison of earnings inequality, volatility, and mobility. Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau's Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) infrastructure files we produce a uniform set of earnings statistics for the U.S. From 1998 to 2019, we find U.S. earnings inequality has increased and volatility has decreased. The combination of increased inequality and reduced volatility suggest earnings growth differs substantially across different demographic groups. We explore this further by estimating 12-year average earnings for a single cohort of age 25-54 eligible workers. Differences in labor supply (hours paid and quarters worked) are found to explain almost 90% of the variation in worker earnings, although even after controlling for labor supply substantial earnings differences across demographic groups remain unexplained. Using a quantile regression approach, we estimate counterfactual earnings distributions for each demographic group. We find that at the bottom of the earnings distribution differences in characteristics such as hours paid, geographic division, industry, and education explain almost all the earnings gap, however above the median the contribution of the differences in the returns to characteristics becomes the dominant component.
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  • Working Paper

    The EITC and Intergenerational Mobility

    November 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    We study how the largest federal tax-based policy intended to promote work and increase incomes among the poor'the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)'affects the socioeconomic standing of children who grew up in households affected by the policy. Using the universe of tax filer records for children linked to their parents, matched with demographic and household information from the decennial Census and American Community Survey data, we exploit exogenous differences by children's ages in the births and 'aging out' of siblings to assess the effect of EITC generosity on child outcomes. We focus on assessing mobility in the child income distribution, conditional on the parents' position in the parental income distribution. Our findings suggest significant and mostly positive effects of more generous EITC refunds on the next generation that vary substantially depending on the child's household type (single-mother or married family) and by the child's gender. All children except White children from single-mother households experience increases in cohort-specific income rank, own family income, and the probability of working at ages 25'26 in response to greater EITC generosity. Children from married households show a considerably stronger response on these measures than do children from single-mother households. Because of the concentration of family types within race groups, the more positive response among children from married households suggests the EITC might lead to higher within-generation racial income inequality. Finally, we examine how the impact of EITC generosity varies by the age at which children are exposed to higher benefits. These results suggest that children who first receive the more generous two-child treatment at later ages have a stronger positive response in terms of rank and family income than children exposed at younger ages.
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  • Working Paper

    An Evaluation of the Gender Wage Gap Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data

    November 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    The narrowing of the gender wage gap has slowed in recent decades. However, current estimates show that, among full-time year-round workers, women earn approximately 18 to 20 percent less than men at the median. Women's human capital and labor force characteristics that drive wages increasingly resemble men's, so remaining differences in these characteristics explain less of the gender wage gap now than in the past. As these factors wane in importance, studies show that others like occupational and industrial segregation explain larger portions of the gender wage gap. However, a major limitation of these studies is that the large datasets required to analyze occupation and industry effectively lack measures of labor force experience. This study combines survey and administrative data to analyze and improve estimates of the gender wage gap within detailed occupations, while also accounting for gender differences in work experience. We find a gender wage gap of 18 percent among full-time, year-round workers across 316 detailed occupation categories. We show the wage gap varies significantly by occupation: while wages are at parity in some occupations, gaps are as large as 45 percent in others. More competitive and hazardous occupations, occupations that reward longer hours of work, and those that have a larger proportion of women workers have larger gender wage gaps. The models explain less of the wage gap in occupations with these attributes. Occupational characteristics shape the conditions under which men and women work and we show these characteristics can make for environments that are more or less conducive to gender parity in earnings.
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  • Working Paper

    Male Earnings Volatility in LEHD before, during, and after the Great Recession

    September 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper is part of a coordinated collection of papers on prime-age male earnings volatility. Each paper produces a similar set of statistics for the same reference population using a different primary data source. Our primary data source is the Census Bureau's Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) infrastructure files. Using LEHD data from 1998 to 2016, we create a well-defined population frame to facilitate accurate estimation of temporal changes comparable to designed longitudinal samples of people. We show that earnings volatility, excluding increases during recessions, has declined over the analysis period, a finding robust to various sensitivity analyses. Although we find volatility is declining, the effect is not homogeneous, particularly for workers with tenuous labor force attachment for whom volatility is increasing. These 'not stable' workers have earnings volatility approximately 30 times larger than stable workers, but more important for earnings volatility trends we observe a large increase in the share of stable employment from 60% in 1998 to 67% in 2016, which we show to largely be responsible for the decline in overall earnings volatility. To further emphasize the importance of not stable and/or low earning workers we also conduct comparisons with the PSID and show how changes over time in the share of workers at the bottom tail of the cross-sectional earnings distributions can produce either declining or increasing earnings volatility trends.
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