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Papers Containing Keywords(s): 'wages employment'

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  • Working Paper

    Twisting the Demand Curve: Digitalization and the Older Workforce

    November 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper uses U.S. Census Bureau panel data that link firm software investment to worker earnings. We regress the log of earnings of workers by age group on the software investment by their employing firm. To unpack the potential causal factors for differential software effects by age group we extend the AKM framework by including job-spell fixed effects that allow for a correlation between the worker-firm match and age and by including time-varying firm effects that allow for a correlation between wage-enhancing productivity shocks and software investments. Within job-spell, software capital raises earnings at a rate that declines post age 50 to about zero after age 65. By contrast, the effects of non-IT equipment investment on earnings increase for workers post age 50. The difference between the software and non-IT equipment effects suggests that our results are attributable to the technology rather than to age-related bargaining power. Our data further show that software capital increases the earnings of high-wage workers relative to low-wage workers and the earnings in high-wage firms relative to low-wage firms, and may thus widen earnings inequality within and across firms.
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  • Working Paper

    Do Cash Windfalls Affect Wages? Evidence from R&D Grants to Small Firms

    February 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper examines how employee earnings at small firms respond to a cash flow shock in the form of a government R&D grant. We use ranking data on applicant firms, which we link to IRS W2 earnings and other U.S. Census Bureau datasets. In a regression discontinuity design, we find that the grant increases average earnings with a rent-sharing elasticity of 0.07 (0.21) at the employee (firm) level. The beneficiaries are incumbent employees who were present at the firm before the award. Among incumbent employees, the effect increases with worker tenure. The grant also leads to higher employment and revenue, but productivity growth cannot fully explain the immediate effect on earnings. Instead, the data and a grantee survey are consistent with a backloaded wage contract channel, in which employees of financially constrained firms initially accept relatively low wages and are paid more when cash is available.
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  • Working Paper

    Measuring the Effects of the Tipped Minimum Wage Using W-2 Data

    June 2016

    Authors: Maggie R. Jones

    Working Paper Number:


    While an extensive literature exists on the effects of federal and state minimum wages, the minimum wage received by tipped workers has received less attention. Researchers have found it difficult to capture the hourly wages of tipped workers and thus assess the economic effects of the tipped minimum wage. In this paper, I present a new measure of hourly wages for tipped servers (wait staff and bartenders) using linked W-2 and survey data. I estimate the effect of tipped minimum wages on the wages and hourly tips of servers, as well as server employment and hours worked. I find that higher mandatory tipped minimum wages increase that portion of wages paid by employers, but decrease tip income by a similar percentage. I also find evidence that employment increases over lower values of the tipped minimum wage and then decreases at higher values. These results are consistent with a monopsony model of server employment. The wide variance of tipped minimum wages compared to non-tipped minimums provide insight into monopsony effects that may not be discernible over a smaller range of minimum wage values.
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  • Working Paper

    Labor Market Rigidities and the Employment Behavior of Older Workers

    July 2007

    Working Paper Number:


    The labor market is often asserted to be characterized by rigidities that make it difficult for older workers to carry out their desired trajectory from work to retirement. An important source of rigidity is restrictions on hours of work imposed by firms that use team production or face high fixed costs of employment. Such rigidities are difficult to measure directly. We develop a model of the labor market in which technological rigidity affects the age structure of a firm's work force in equilibrium. Firms using relatively flexible technology care only about total hours of labor input, but not hours of work per worker. Older workers with a desire for short or flexible hours of work are attracted to such firms. Firms using a more rigid technology involving team production impose a minimum hours constraint, and as a result tend to have a younger age structure. A testable hypothesis of the model is that the hazard of separation of older workers is lower in firms with an older age structure. We use matched worker-firm data to test this hypothesis, and find support for it. Specification tests and alternative proxies for labor market rigidity support our interpretation of the effect of firm age structure on the separation propensity These results provide indirect but suggestive evidence of the importance of labor market rigidities.
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  • Working Paper

    Worker Advancement in the Low-Wage Labor Market: The Importance of Good Jobs

    July 2003

    Working Paper Number:


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  • Working Paper

    The 1990 Decennial Employer-Employee Dataset

    October 2002

    Working Paper Number:


    We describe the construction and assessment of a new matched employer-employee data set, the 1990 Decennial Employer-Employee Dataset (1990 DEED). By using place of work name and address, we link workers from the 1990 Long Form Sample to their place of work in the 1990 Standard Statistical Establishment List. The resulting data set is much larger and more representative across regional and industry dimensions than previous matched data sets for the United States. The known strengths and limitations of the data set are discussed in detail.
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  • Working Paper

    Modeling Labor Markets with Heterogeneous Agents and Matches

    May 2002

    Authors: Simon Woodcock

    Working Paper Number:


    I present a matching model with heterogeneous workers, firms, and worker-fim matches. The model generalizes the seminal Jovanovic (1979) model to the case of heterogeneous agents. The equilibrium wage is linear in a person-specific component, a firm-specific component, and a match specific component that varies with tenure. Under certain conditions, the equilibrium wage takes a simpler structure where the match specific component does not vary with tenure. I discuss fixed- and mixedeffect methods for estimating wage models with this structure on longitudinal linked employer-employee data. The fixed effect specification relies on restrictive identification conditions, but is feasible for very large databases. The mixed model requires less restrictive identification conditions, but is feasible only on relatively small databases. Both the fixed and mixed models generate empirical person, firm, and match effects with characteristics that are consistent with predictions from the matching model; the mixed model moreso than the fixed model. Shortcomings of the fixed model appear to be artifacts of the identification conditions.
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  • Working Paper

    Escaping poverty for low-wage workers The role of employer characteristics and changes

    June 2001

    Working Paper Number:


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  • Working Paper

    Wages, Employer Size-Wage Premia and Employment Structure: Their Relationship to Advanced-Technology Usage at U.S. Manufacturing Establishments

    December 1992

    Working Paper Number:


    We study wages, size-wage premia and the employment structure (measured as the fraction of production workers in an establishment) and their relationship to the extent of advanced-technology usage at U.S, manufacturing plants. We begin by sketching a model of technology adoption based on Lucas (1978) that provides a framework for interpreting the data analysis. We then study a new Census Bureau survey of technology use at manufacturing plants. Workers in establishments that are classified as the most technology intensive earn a premium of 16 percent as compared to those in plants that are the least premium earned by workers in all but the very largest plants. The inclusion of the technology classification variables in standard wage regressions reduced the size-wage premia by as much as 60 percent for some size categories.
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