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Papers Containing Keywords(s): 'apartment'

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Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 10

  • Working Paper

    From Marcy to Madison Square? The Effects of Growing Up in Public Housing on Early Adulthood Outcomes

    November 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper studies the effects of growing up in public housing in New York City on children's long-run outcomes. Using linked administrative data, we exploit variation in the age children move into public housing to estimate the effects of spending an additional year of childhood in public housing on a range of economic and social outcomes in early adulthood. We find that childhood exposure to public housing improves labor market outcomes and reduces participation in federal safety net programs, particularly for children from the most disadvantaged families. Additionally, we find there is some heterogeneity in impacts across public housing developments. Developments located in neighborhoods with relatively fewer renters and higher household incomes are better for children overall. Our estimate of the marginal value of public funds suggests that for every $1 the government spends per child on public housing, children receive $1.40 in benefits, including $2.30 for children from the most disadvantaged families.
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  • Working Paper

    Comparing the 2019 American Housing Survey to Contemporary Sources of Property Tax Records: Implications for Survey Efficiency and Quality

    June 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    Given rising nonresponse rates and concerns about respondent burden, government statistical agencies have been exploring ways to supplement household survey data collection with administrative records and other sources of third-party data. This paper evaluates the potential of property tax assessment records to improve housing surveys by comparing these records to responses from the 2019 American Housing Survey. Leveraging the U.S. Census Bureau's linkage infrastructure, we compute the fraction of AHS housing units that could be matched to a unique property parcel (coverage rate), as well as the extent to which survey and property tax data contain the same information (agreement rate). We analyze heterogeneity in coverage and agreement across states, housing characteristics, and 11 AHS items of interest to housing researchers. Our results suggest that partial replacement of AHS data with property data, targeted toward certain survey items or single-family detached homes, could reduce respondent burden without altering data quality. Further research into partial-replacement designs is needed and should proceed on an item-by-item basis. Our work can guide this research as well as those who wish to conduct independent research with property tax records that is representative of the U.S. housing stock.
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  • Working Paper

    The Shifting of the Property Tax on Urban Renters: Evidence from New York State's Homestead Tax Option

    December 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    In 1981, New York State enabled their cities to adopt the Homestead Tax Option (HTO), which created a multi-tiered property tax system for rental properties in New York City, Buffalo, and Rochester. The HTO enabled these municipalities to impose a higher property tax rate on rental units in buildings with four or more units, compared to rental units in buildings with three or fewer units. Using restricted-use American Housing Survey data and historical property tax rates from each of these cities, we exploit within-unit across-time variation in property tax rates and rents to estimate the degree to which property taxes are shifted onto renters in the form of higher rents. We find that property owners shift approximately 14 percent of an increase in taxes onto renters. This study is the first to use within-unit across time variation in property taxes and rents to identify this shifting effect. Our estimated effect is measurably smaller than most previous studies, which often found shifting effects of over 60 percent.
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  • Working Paper

    The Children of HOPE VI Demolitions: National Evidence on Labor Market Outcomes

    November 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    We combine national administrative data on earnings and participation in subsidized housing to study how the demolition of 160 public housing projects'funded by the HOPE VI program'affected the adult labor market outcomes for 18,500 children. Our empirical strategy compares children exposed to the program to children drawn from thousands of non-demolished projects, adjusting for observable differences using a flexible estimator that combines features of matching and regression. We find that children who resided in HOPE VI projects earn 14% more at age 26 relative to children in comparable non-HOPE VI projects. These earnings gains are strongest for demolitions in large cities, particularly in neighborhoods with higher pre-demolition poverty rates and lower pre-demolition job accessibility. There is no evidence that the labor market gains are driven by improvements in household or neighborhood environments that promote human capital development in children. Rather, subsequent improvements in job accessibility represent a likely pathway for the results.
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  • Working Paper

    Externalities of Public Housing: The Effect of Public Housing Demolitions on Local Crime

    March 2016

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper evaluates the potential for negative externalities from public housing by examining crime rates before and after demolition of public housing projects in Chicago between 1995 and 2010. Using data on block-level crimes by type of crime merged to detailed geographic data on individual public housing demolitions, I find evidence that Chicago's public housing imposed significant externalities on the surrounding neighborhood. Using a difference in difference approach comparing neighborhoods around public housing projects to nearby neighborhoods I find that crime decreases by 8.8% after a demolition. This decrease is concentrated in violent crime. I use an event study to show that the decrease occurs at the approximate date of the eviction of the residents and persists for at least 5 years after the demolition. Neighborhoods with large demolitions and demolitions of public housing that had been poorly maintained display the largest crime decreases.
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  • Working Paper

    Matching Addresses between Household Surveys and Commercial Data

    July 2015

    Authors: Quentin Brummet

    Working Paper Number:


    Matching third-party data sources to household surveys can benefit household surveys in a number of ways, but the utility of these new data sources depends critically on our ability to link units between data sets. To understand this better, this report discusses potential modifications to the existing match process that could potentially improve our matches. While many changes to the matching procedure produce marginal improvements in match rates, substantial increases in match rates can only be achieved by relaxing the definition of a successful match. In the end, the results show that the most important factor determining the success of matching procedures is the quality and composition of the data sets being matched.
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  • Working Paper

    Comparison of Survey, Federal, and Commercial Address Data Quality

    June 2014

    Authors: Quentin Brummet

    Working Paper Number:


    This report summarizes matching of survey, commercial, and administrative records housing units to the Census Bureau Master Address File (MAF). We document overall MAF match rates in each data set and evaluate differences in match rates across a variety of housing characteristics. Results show that over 90 percent of records in survey data from the American Housing Survey (AHS) match to the MAF. Commercial data from CoreLogic matches at much lower rates, in part due to missing address information and poor match rates for multi-unit buildings. MAF match rates for administrative records from the Department of Housing and Urban Development are also high, and open the possibility of using this information in surveys such as the AHS.
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  • Working Paper

    The Dynamics of House Price Capitalization and Locational Sorting: Evidence from Air Quality Changes

    September 2012

    Authors: Corey Lang

    Working Paper Number:


    Despite extensive use of housing data to reveal valuation of non-market goods, the process of house price capitalization remains vague. Using the restricted access American Housing Survey, a high-frequency panel of prices, turnover, and occupant characteristics, this paper examines the time path of capitalization and preference-based sorting in response to air quality changes caused by differential regulatory pressure from the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. The results demonstrate that owner-occupied units capitalize changes immediately, whereas rent capitalization lags. The delayed but sharp rent capitalization temporally coincides with evidence of sorting, suggesting a strong link between location choices and price dynamics.
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  • Working Paper

    What Has Been Capitalized into Property Values: Human Capital, Social Capital, or Cultural Capital?

    October 2005

    Authors: Shihe Fu

    Working Paper Number:


    Urban amenities can be capitalized into land values or property values. However, little attention has been paid to the capitalization of social amenities. This paper classifies three types of social-interaction-based social amenities: human capital, social capital, and cultural capital at residential neighborhood levels. We use the restricted version of the 1990 Massachusetts Census data and estimate hedonic housing models with social amenities. The findings are as follows: (1) Human capital has significant positive effects on property values. This tests the Lucas conjecture. (2) Different types of social capital have different effects on property values: an increase in the percentage of new residents has significant positive effects on property values, probably due to the strength of weak ties. However, an increase in the percentage of single-parent households has negative effects on property values. An increase in the home ownership rate has positive effects at large geographic levels. (3) Cultural capital effects vary from high to low geographic levels, the effects of English proficiency and racial homogeneity are positive at and beyond the tract level, but insignificant at the block level. This may imply that cultural capital is more important in social interactions at large geographic scale.
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  • Working Paper

    Interactions, Neighborhood Selection, and Housing Demand

    August 2002

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper contributes to the growing literature that identifies and measures the impact of social context on individual economic behavior. We develop a model of housing demand with neighborhood e'ects and neighborhood choice. Modelling neighborhood choice is of fundamental importance in estimating and understanding endogenous and exogenous neighborhood effects. That is, to obtain unbiased estimates of neighborhood effects, it is necessary to control for non-random sorting into neighborhoods. Estimation of the model exploits a unique data set of household data that has been augmented with contextual information at two di'erent levels ('scales') of aggregation. One is at the neighborhood cluster level, of about ten neighbors, with the data coming from a special sample of the American Housing Survey. A second level is the census tract to which these dwelling units belong. Tract-level data are available in the Summary Tape Files of the decennial Census data. We merge these two data sets by gaining access to confidential data of the U.S. Bureau of the Census. We overcome some limitations of these data by implementing some significant methodological advances in estimating discrete choice models. Our results for the neighborhood choice model indicate that individuals prefer to live near others like themselves. This can perpetuate income inequality since those with the best opportunities at economic success will cluster together. The results for the housing demand equation are similar to those in our earlier work [Ioannides and Zabel (2000] where we find evidence of significant endogenous and contextual neighborhood effects.
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