Interpreting Cohort Profiles of Lifecycle Earnings Volatility
April 2024
Working Paper Number:
We present new estimates of earnings volatility over time and the lifecycle for men and women by race and human capital. Using a long panel of restricted-access administrative Social Security earnings linked to the Current Population Survey, we estimate volatility with both transparent summary measures, as well as decompositions into permanent and transitory components. From the late 1970s to the mid 1990s there is a strong negative trend in earnings volatility for both men and women. We show this is driven by a reduction in transitory variance. Starting in the mid 1990s there is relative stability in trends of male earnings volatility because of an increase in the variance of permanent shocks, especially among workers without a college education, and a more attenuated trend decline among women. Cohort analyses indicate a strong U-shape pattern of volatility over the working life, which comes from large permanent shocks early and later in the lifecycle. However, this U-shape shifted downward and leftward in more recent cohorts, the latter from the fanning out of lifecycle transitory volatility in younger cohorts. These patterns are more pronounced among White men and women compared to Black workers.
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Building the Census Bureau Index of Economic Activity (IDEA)
March 2023
Working Paper Number:
The Census Bureau Index of Economic Activity (IDEA) is constructed from 15 of the Census Bureau's primary monthly economic time series. The index is intended to provide a single time series reflecting, to the extent possible, the variation over time in the whole set of component series. The component series provide monthly measures of activity in retail and wholesale trade, manufacturing, construction, international trade, and business formations. Most of the input series are Principal Federal Economic Indicators. The index is constructed by applying the method of principal components analysis (PCA) to the time series of monthly growth rates of the seasonally adjusted component series, after standardizing the growth rates to series with mean zero and variance 1. Similar PCA approaches have been used for the construction of other economic indices, including the Chicago Fed National Activity Index issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and the Weekly Economic Index issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. While the IDEA is constructed from time series of monthly data, it is calculated and published every business day, and so is updated whenever a new monthly value is released for any of its component series. Since release dates of data values for a given month vary across the component series, with slight variations in the monthly release date for any one component series, updates to the index are frequent. It is unavoidably the case that, at almost all updates, some of the component series lack observations for the current (most recent) data month. To address this situation, component series that are one month behind are predicted (nowcast) for the current index month, using a multivariate autoregressive time series model. This report discusses the input series to the index, the construction of the index by PCA, and the nowcasting procedure used. The report then examines some properties of the index and its relation to quarterly U.S. Gross Domestic Product and to some monthly non-Census Bureau economic indicators.
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Business Applications as Economic Indicators
May 2021
Working Paper Number:
How are applications to start new businesses related to aggregate economic activity? This paper explores the properties of three monthly business application series from the U.S. Census Bureau's Business Formation Statistics as economic indicators: all business applications, business applications that are relatively likely to turn into new employer businesses ('likely employers'), and the residual series -- business applications that have a relatively low rate of becoming employers ('likely non-employers'). The analysis indicates that growth in applications for likely employers significantly leads total nonfarm employment growth and has a positive correlation with it, whereas growth in all applications and applications for likely non-employers have weaker positive correlations and shorter leads. Furthermore, growth in applications for likely employers leads growth in nearly all of the monthly Principal Federal Economic Indicators (PFEI) included in this study. Impulse response functions from vector autoregression analysis indicate that growth of both total nonfarm employment and advance monthly sales in retail and food services have positive and long-lasting responses to innovations in growth of applications for likely employers. Overall, applications for likely employers appear to be a strong leading indicator of monthly PFEIs and aggregate economic activity, whereas applications for likely non-employers provide early information about changes in increasingly prevalent self-employment activity in the U.S. economy.
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The Nature of Firm Growth
June 2018
Working Paper Number:
Only half of all startups survive past the age of five and surviving businesses grow at vastly different speeds. Using micro data on employment in the population of U.S. Businesses, we estimate that the lion's share of these differences is driven by ex-ante heterogeneity across firms, rather than by ex-post shocks. We embed such heterogeneity in a firm dynamics model and study how ex-ante differences shape the distribution of firm size, "up-or-out" dynamics, and the associated gains in aggregate output. "Gazelles" - a small subset of startups with particularly high growth potential - emerge as key drivers of these outcomes. Analyzing changes in the distribution of ex-ante firm heterogeneity over time reveals that the birth rate and growth potential of gazelles has declined, creating substantial aggregate losses.
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Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire: Employment Dynamics with Asymmetric Responses to News
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
Concave hiring rules imply that firms respond more to bad shocks than to good shocks. They provide a united explanation for several seemingly unrelated facts about employment growth in macro and micro data. In particular, they generate countercyclical movement in both aggregate conditional 'macro' volatility and cross-sectional 'micro' volatility as well as negative skewness in the cross section and in the time series at different level of aggregation. Concave establishment level responses of employment growth to TFP shocks estimated from Census data induce significant skewness, movements in volatility and amplification of bad aggregate shocks.
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Labor Reallocation, Employment, and Earnings: Vector Autoregression Evidence
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
Analysis of the labor market has given increasing attention to the reallocation of jobs across employers and workers across jobs. However, whether and how job reallocation and labor market 'churn' affects the health of the labor market remains an open question. In this paper, we present time series evidence for the U.S. 1993-2013 and consider the relationship between labor reallocation, employment, and earnings using a vector autoregression (VAR) framework. We find that an increase in labor market churn by 1 percentage point predicts that, in the next quarter, employment will increase by 100 to 560 thousand jobs, lowering the unemployment rate by 0.05 to 0.25 percentage points. Job destruction does not predict future changes in employment but a 1 percentage point increase in job destruction leads to an increase in future unemployment 0.14 to 0.42 percentage points. We find mixed results on the relationship between labor reallocation rates and earnings: we nd that, especially for earnings derived from administrative records data, a 1 percentage point increase to either job destruction or churn leads to increased earnings of less than 2 percent. Results vary substantially depending on the earnings measure we use, and so the evidence inconsistent on whether productivity-enhancing aspects of churn and job destruction provide earnings gains for workers in aggregate. Our findings on churn leading to increased employment and a lower unemployment rate are consistent with models of replacement hiring and vacancy chains.
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September 2014
Working Paper Number:
I quantify the contribution of sectoral shocks to business cycle fluctuations in aggregate output. I develop a multi-industry general equilibrium model in which each industry employs the material and capital goods produced by other sectors, and then estimate this model using data on U.S. industries sales, output prices, and input choices. Maximum likelihood estimates indicate that industry-specific shocks account for nearly two-thirds of the volatility of aggregate output, substantially larger than previously assessed. Identification of the relative importance of industry-specific shocks comes primarily from data on industries intermediate input purchases, data that earlier estimations of multi-industry models have ignored.
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March 2014
Working Paper Number:
We propose uncertainty shocks as a new shock that drives business cycles. First, we demonstrate that microeconomic uncertainty is robustly countercyclical, rising sharply during recessions, particularly during the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Second, we quantify the impact of time-varying uncertainty on the economy in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with heterogeneous firms. We find that reasonably calibrated uncertainty shocks can explain drops and rebounds in GDP of around 3%. Moreover, we show that increased uncertainty alters the relative impact of government policies, making them initially less effective and then subsequently more effective.
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Euler-Equation Estimation for Discrete Choice Models: A Capital Accumulation Application
January 2010
Working Paper Number:
This paper studies capital adjustment at the establishment level. Our goal is to characterize capital adjustment costs, which are important for understanding both the dynamics of aggregate investment and the impact of various policies on capital accumulation. Our estimation strategy searches for parameters that minimize ex post errors in an Euler equation. This strategy is quite common in models for which adjustment occurs in each period. Here, we extend that logic to the estimation of parameters of dynamic optimization problems in which non-convexities lead to extended periods of investment inactivity. In doing so, we create a method to take into account censored observations stemming from intermittent investment. This methodology allows us to take the structural model directly to the data, avoiding time-consuming simulation based methods. To study the effectiveness of this methodology, we first undertake several Monte Carlo exercises using data generated by the structural model. We then estimate capital adjustment costs for U.S. manufacturing establishments in two sectors.
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Volatility and Dispersion in Business Growth Rates: Publicly Traded Versus Privately Held Firms
July 2006
Working Paper Number:
We study the variability of business growth rates in the U.S. private sector from 1976 onwards. To carry out our study, we exploit the recently developed Longitudinal Business Database (LBD), which contains annual observations on employment and payroll for all U.S. businesses. Our central finding is a large secular decline in the cross sectional dispersion of firm growth rates and in the average magnitude of firm level volatility. Measured the same way as in other recent research, the employment-weighted mean volatility of firm growth rates has declined by more than 40% since 1982. This result stands in sharp contrast to previous findings of rising volatility for publicly traded firms in COMPUSTAT data. We confirm the rise in volatility among publicly traded firms using the LBD, but we show that its impact is overwhelmed by declining volatility among privately held firms. This pattern holds in every major industry group. Employment shifts toward older businesses account for 27 percent or more of the volatility decline among privately held firms. Simple cohort effects that capture higher volatility among more recently listed firms account for most of the volatility rise among publicly traded firms.
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