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Papers Containing Keywords(s): 'regulation'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

Environmental Protection Agency - 30

Center for Economic Studies - 21

Census of Manufactures - 19

Annual Survey of Manufactures - 19

Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures - 19

National Science Foundation - 17

National Bureau of Economic Research - 15

Total Factor Productivity - 15

Longitudinal Research Database - 15

Ordinary Least Squares - 14

Longitudinal Business Database - 13

National Ambient Air Quality Standards - 11

Standard Industrial Classification - 11

PAOC - 11

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 10

North American Industry Classification System - 9

Special Sworn Status - 9

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 8

Cobb-Douglas - 7

Toxics Release Inventory - 7

North American Free Trade Agreement - 7

Standard Statistical Establishment List - 6

Energy Information Administration - 6

Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey - 6

Chicago Census Research Data Center - 6

Census Bureau Longitudinal Business Database - 5

Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board - 5

Disclosure Review Board - 5

Federal Statistical Research Data Center - 5

Census of Manufacturing Firms - 5

Boston Research Data Center - 5

Supreme Court - 4

General Accounting Office - 4

American Community Survey - 4

Establishment Micro Properties - 4

University of Chicago - 4

Internal Revenue Service - 4

Department of Energy - 4

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - 4

Federal Trade Commission - 3

Economic Census - 3

Research Data Center - 3

International Trade Research Report - 3

Metropolitan Statistical Area - 3

American Economic Review - 3

Journal of International Economics - 3

University of Michigan - 3

Labor Productivity - 3

Review of Economics and Statistics - 3

Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies - 3

Alfred P Sloan Foundation - 3

American Economic Association - 3

Department of Agriculture - 3

Schools Under Registration Review - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 48

  • Working Paper

    Antitrust Enforcement Increases Economic Activity

    October 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    We hand-collect and standardize information describing all 3,055 antitrust law suits brought by the Department of Justice (DOJ) between 1971 and 2018. Using restricted establishment-level microdata from the U.S. Census, we compare the economic outcomes of a non-tradable industry in states targeted by DOJ antitrust lawsuits to outcomes of the same industry in other states that were not targeted. We document that DOJ antitrust enforcement actions permanently increase employment by 5.4% and business formation by 4.1%. Using an event-study design, we find (1) a sharp increase in payroll that exceeds the increase in employment, meaning that DOJ antitrust enforcement increases average wages, (2) an economically smaller increase in sales that is statistically insignificant, and (3) a precise increase in the labor share. While we cannot separately measure the quantity and price of output, the increase in production inputs (employment), together with a proportionally smaller increase in sales, strongly suggests that these DOJ antitrust enforcement actions increase the quantity of output and simultaneously decrease the price of output. Our results show that government antitrust enforcement leads to persistently higher levels of economic activity in targeted industries.
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  • Working Paper

    Is Air Pollution Regulation Too Lenient? Evidence from US Offset Markets

    June 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper describes a framework to estimate the marginal cost of air pollution regulation, then applies it to assess whether a large set of existing U.S. air pollution regulations have marginal benefits exceeding their marginal costs. The approach utilizes an important yet under-explored provision of the Clean Air Act requiring new or expanding plants to pay incumbents in the same or neighboring counties to reduce their pollution emissions. These "offset" regulations create several hundred decentralized, local markets for pollution that differ by pollutant and location. Economic theory and empirical tests suggest these market prices reveal information about the marginal cost of abatement for new or expanding firms. We compare estimates of the marginal benefit of abatement from leading air quality models to offset prices. We find that, for most regions and pollutants, the marginal benefits of pollution abatement exceed mean offset prices more than ten-fold. In at least one market, however, estimated marginal benefits are below offset prices.
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  • Working Paper

    Is Affirmative Action in Employment Still Effective in the 21st Century?

    November 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    We study Executive Order 11246, an employment-based affirmative action policy tar geted at firms holding contracts with the federal government. We find this policy to be in effective in the 21st century, contrary to the positive effects found in the late 1900s (Miller, 2017). Our novel dataset combines data on federal contract acquisition and enforcement with US linked employer-employee Census data 2000'2014. We employ an event study around firms' acquiring a contract, based on Miller (2017), and find the policy had no ef fect on employment shares or on hiring, for any minority group. Next, we isolate the impact of the affirmative action plan, which is EO 11246's preeminent requirement that applies to firms with contracts over $50,000. Leveraging variation from this threshold in an event study and regression discontinuity design, we find similarly null effects. Last, we show that even randomized audits are not effective, suggesting weak enforcement. Our results highlight the importance of the recent budget increase for the enforcement agency, as well as recent policies enacted to improve compliance
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  • Working Paper

    The U.S. Manufacturing Sector's Response to Higher Electricity Prices: Evidence from State-Level Renewable Portfolio Standards

    October 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    While several papers examine the effects of renewable portfolio standards (RPS) on electricity prices, they mainly rely on state-level data and there has been little research on how RPS policies affect manufacturing activity via their effect on electricity prices. Using plant-level data for the entire U.S. manufacturing sector and all electric utilities from 1992 ' 2015, we jointly estimate the effect of RPS adoption and stringency on plant-level electricity prices and production decisions. To ensure that our results are not sensitive to possible pre-existing differences across manufacturing plants in RPS and non-RPS states, we implement coarsened exact covariate matching. Our results suggest that electricity prices for plants in RPS states averaged about 2% higher than in non-RPS states, notably lower than prior estimates based on state-level data. In response to these higher electricity prices, we estimate that plant electricity usage declined by 1.2% for all plants and 1.8% for energy-intensive plants, broadly consistent with published estimates of the elasticity of electricity demand for industrial users. We find smaller declines in output, employment, and hours worked (relative to the decline in electricity use). Finally, several key RPS policy design features that vary substantially from state-to-state produce heterogeneous effects on plant-level electricity prices.
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  • Working Paper

    Home Equity Lending, Credit Constraints and Small Business in the US

    October 2020

    Working Paper Number:


    We use Texas's constitutional amendment in 1997 that expanded the scope of home equity loans as a source of exogenous variation to estimate the effects of relaxing credit constraints on small businesses. We find, using standard panel data methods and restricted-use microdata from the US Census Bureau, that the Texas amendment increased the use of home equity finance by small businesses, increased new business and job creation and reduced establishment exit and job loss. The effects are larger and significant for businesses with fewer than ten employees.
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  • Working Paper

    Regulating Mismeasured Pollution: Implications of Firm Heterogeneity for Environmental Policy

    August 2018

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper provides the first estimates of within-industry heterogeneity in energy and CO2 productivity for the entire U.S. manufacturing sector. We measure energy and CO2 productivity as output per dollar energy input or per ton CO2 emitted. Three findings emerge. First, within narrowly defined industries, heterogeneity in energy and CO2 productivity across plants is enormous. Second, heterogeneity in energy and CO2 productivity exceeds heterogeneity in most other productivity measures, like labor or total factor productivity. Third, heterogeneity in energy and CO2 productivity has important implications for environmental policies targeting industries rather than plants, including technology standards and carbon border adjustments.
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  • Working Paper

    The Effects of Occupational Licensing Evidence from Detailed Business-Level Data

    January 2017

    Authors: Marek Zapletal

    Working Paper Number:


    Occupational licensing regulation has increased dramatically in importance over the last several decades, currently affecting more than one thousand occupations in the United States. I use confidential U.S. Census Bureau micro-data to study the relationship between occupational licensing and key business outcomes, such as number of practitioners, prices for consumers, and practitioners' entry and exit rates. The paper sheds light on the effect of occupational licensing on industry dynamics and intensity of competition, and is the first to study the effects on providers of required occupational training. I find that occupational licensing regulation does not affect the equilibrium number of practitioners or prices of services to consumers, but reduces significantly practitioner entry and exit rates. I further find that providers of occupational licensing training, namely, schools, are larger and seem to do better, in terms of revenues and gross margins, in states with more stringent occupational licensing regulation.
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  • Working Paper

    A Loan by any Other Name: How State Policies Changed Advanced Tax Refund Payments

    June 2016

    Authors: Maggie R. Jones

    Working Paper Number:


    In this work, I examine the impact of state-level regulation of Refund Anticipation Loans (RALs) on the increase in the use of Refund Anticipation Checks (RACs) and on taxpayer outcomes. Both RALs and RACs are products offered by tax-preparers that provide taxpayers with an earlier refund (in the case of a RAL) or a temporary bank account from which tax preparation fees can be deducted (in the case of a RAC). Each product is costly compared with the value of the refund, and they are often marketed to low-income taxpayers who may be liquidity constrained or unbanked. States have responded to the potentially predatory nature of RALs through regulation, leading to a switch to RACs. Using zip-code-level tax data, I examine the effects of various state-level policies on RAL activity and the transition of tax-preparers to RACs. I then specifically analyze New Jersey's interest rate cap on RALs, a regulation that was accompanied by greater enforcement of existing tax-preparer regulations. Employing an empirical strategy that uses variation in taxpayer location, which should be uninfluenced by tax preparers' decisions to provide these products and a state's decision to regulate them, I find increases in RAL and RAC use for taxpayers living near New Jersey's border with another state. Furthermore, I find that these same border taxpayers reported more social program use and more persons per household - a finding that is in line with the results of similar research into the effects of short-term borrowing on family finances.
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  • Working Paper

    Does Higher Productivity Dispersion Imply Greater Misallocation?A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

    January 2016

    Working Paper Number:


    Recent research maintains that the observed variation in productivity within industries reflects resource misallocation and concludes that large GDP gains may be obtained from market-liberalizing polices. Our theoretical analysis examines the impact on productivity dispersion of reallocation frictions in the form of costs of entry, operation, and restructuring, and shows that reforms reducing these frictions may raise dispersion of productivity across firms. The model does not imply a negative relationship between aggregate productivity and productivity dispersion. Our empirical analysis focuses on episodes of liberalizing policy reforms in the U.S. and six East European transition economies. Deregulation of U.S. telecommunications equipment manufacturing is associated with increased, not reduced, productivity dispersion, and every transition economy in our sample shows a sharp rise in dispersion after liberalization. Productivity dispersion under central planning is similar to that in the U.S., and it rises faster in countries adopting faster paces of liberalization. Lagged productivity dispersion predicts higher future productivity growth. The analysis suggests there is no simple relationship between the policy environment and productivity dispersion.
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  • Working Paper

    Cogeneration Technology Adoption in the U.S.

    January 2016

    Authors: Mary Jialin Li

    Working Paper Number:


    Well over half of all electricity generated in recent years in Denmark is through cogeneration. In U.S., however, this number is only roughly eight percent. While both the federal and state governments provided regulatory incentives for more cogeneration adoption, the capacity added in the past five years have been the lowest since late 1970s. My goal is to first understand what are and their relative importance of the factors that drive cogeneration technology adoption, with an emphasis on estimating the elasticity of adoption with respect to relative energy input prices and regulatory factors. Very preliminary results show that with a 1 cent increase in purchased electricity price from 6 cents (roughly current average) to 7 cents per kwh, the likelihood of cogeneration technology adoption goes up by about 0.7-1 percent. Then I will try to address the general equilibrium effect of cogeneration adoption in the electricity generation sector as a whole and potentially estimate some key parameters that the social planner would need to determine the optimal cogeneration investment amount. Partial equilibrium setting does not consider the decrease in investment in the utilities sector when facing competition from the distributed electricity generators, and therefore ignore the effects from the change in equilibrium price of electricity. The competitive market equilibrium setting does not consider the externality in the reduction of CO2 emissions, and leads to socially sub-optimal investment in cogeneration. If we were to achieve the national goal to increase cogeneration capacity half of the current capacity by 2020, the US Department of Energy (DOE) estimated an annual reduction of 150 million metric tons of CO2 annually ' equivalent to the emissions from over 25 million cars. This is about five times the annual carbon reduction from deregulation and consolidation in the US nuclear power industry (Davis, Wolfram 2012). Although the DOE estimates could be an overly optimistic estimate, it nonetheless suggests the large potential in the adoption of cogeneration technology.
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