CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

The LEHD Infrastructure Files and the Creation of the Quarterly Workforce Indicators

January 2006


The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Program at the U.S. Census Bureau, with the support of several national research agencies, has built a set of infrastructure files using administrative data provided by state agencies, enhanced with information from other administrative data sources, demographic and economic (business) surveys and censuses. The LEHD Infrastructure Files provide a detailed and comprehensive picture of workers, employers, and their interaction in the U.S. economy. Beginning in 2003 and building on this infrastructure, the Census Bureau has published the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI), a new collection of data series that offers unprecedented detail on the local dynamics of labor markets. Despite the fine detail, confidentiality is maintained due to the application of state-of-the-art confidentiality protection methods. This article describes how the input files are compiled and combined to create the infrastructure files. We describe the multiple imputation methods used to impute in missing data and the statistical matching techniques used to combine and edit data when a direct identifier match requires improvement. Both of these innovations are crucial to the success of the final product. Finally, we pay special attention to the details of the confidentiality protection system used to protect the identity and micro data values of the underlying entities used to form the published estimates. We provide a brief description of public-use and restricted-access data files with pointers to further documentation for researchers interested in using these data.

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economist, estimating, payroll, quarterly, survey, earnings, employed, employ, employee, labor, statistician, employment growth, estimates employment, employment estimates, tenure, workplace, workforce, household, employment dynamics, labor statistics, longitudinal employer, employer household, census employment, workforce indicators, measures employment

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Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Science Foundation, Standard Industrial Classification, Metropolitan Statistical Area, Service Annual Survey, Center for Economic Studies, Employer Identification Number, American Economic Review, MIT Press, Current Population Survey, Decennial Census, Chicago Census Research Data Center, Survey of Income and Program Participation, Cornell University, Social Security, Economic Census, Unemployment Insurance, Business Master File, Research Data Center, Department of Labor, North American Industry Classification System, American Community Survey, Social Security Number, Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics, Alfred P Sloan Foundation, Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research, LEHD Program, Business Register, Census Bureau Business Register, Employer-Household Dynamics, Protected Identification Key, Individual Characteristics File, Employer Characteristics File, Employment History File, American Housing Survey, Quarterly Workforce Indicators, CDF, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, Local Employment Dynamics, Business Employment Dynamics, Business Register Bridge, Master Address File, Composite Person Record, Office of Personnel Management, Census Bureau Master Address File

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