CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

Granular Income Inequality and Mobility using IDDA: Exploring Patterns across Race and Ethnicity

November 2023

Working Paper Number:



Shifting earnings inequality among U.S. workers over the last five decades has been widely stud ied, but understanding how these shifts evolve across smaller groups has been difficult. Publicly available data sources typically only ensure representative data at high levels of aggregation, so they obscure many details of earnings distributions for smaller populations. We define and construct a set of granular statistics describing income distributions, income mobility and con ditional income growth for a large number of subnational groups in the U.S. for a two-decade period (1998-2019). In this paper, we use the resulting data to explore the evolution of income inequality and mobility for detailed groups defined by race and ethnicity. We find that patterns identified from the universe of tax filers and W-2 recipients that we observe differ in important ways from those that one might identify in public sources. The full set of statistics that we construct is available publicly as the Income Distributions and Dynamics in America, or IDDA, data set.

Document Tags and Keywords

Keywords Keywords are automatically generated using KeyBERT, a powerful and innovative keyword extraction tool that utilizes BERT embeddings to ensure high-quality and contextually relevant keywords.

By analyzing the content of working papers, KeyBERT identifies terms and phrases that capture the essence of the text, highlighting the most significant topics and trends. This approach not only enhances searchability but provides connections that go beyond potentially domain-specific author-defined keywords.
economist, earnings, minority, hispanic, ethnicity, ethnic, recession, white, percentile, population, household, racial, race, poverty, irs, distribution, earner, disparity, income distributions

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The model is able to label words and phrases by part-of-speech, including "organizations." By filtering for frequent words and phrases labeled as "organizations", papers are identified to contain references to specific institutions, datasets, and other organizations.
Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, Federal Reserve Bank, Current Population Survey, Federal Reserve System, Decennial Census, Department of Housing and Urban Development, American Community Survey, Protected Identification Key, W-2, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board, Federal Reserve Board of Governors, ASEC, Indian Health Service, Adjusted Gross Income

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