Adaptive Design methods for social surveys utilize the information from the data as it is collected to make decisions about the sampling design. In some cases, the decision is either to continue or stop the data collection. We evaluate this decision by proposing measures to compare the collected data with follow-up samples. The options are assessed by imputation of the nonrespondents under different missingness scenarios, including Missing Not at Random. The variation in the utility measures is compared to the cost induced by the follow-up sample sizes. We apply the proposed method to the 2007 U.S. Census of Manufacturers.
R&D, Attrition and Multiple Imputation in BRDIS
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
Multiple imputation in business establishment surveys like BRDIS, an annual business survey in which some companies are sampled every year or multiple years, may enhance the estimates of total R&D in addition to helping researchers estimate models with subpopulations of small sample size. Considering a panel of BRDIS companies throughout the years 2008 to 2013 linked to LBD data, this paper uses the conclusions obtained with missing data visualization and other explorations to come up with a strategy to conduct multiple imputation appropriate to address the item nonresponse in R&D expenditures. Because survey design characteristics are behind much of the item and unit nonresponse, multiple imputation of missing data in BRDIS changes the estimates of total R&D significantly and alters the conclusions reached by models of the determinants of R&D investment obtained with complete case analysis.
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Distribution Preserving Statistical Disclosure Limitation
September 2006
Working Paper Number:
One approach to limiting disclosure risk in public-use microdata is to release multiply-imputed,
partially synthetic data sets. These are data on actual respondents, but with confidential data
replaced by multiply-imputed synthetic values. A mis-specified imputation model can invalidate
inferences because the distribution of synthetic data is completely determined by the model used
to generate them. We present two practical methods of generating synthetic values when the imputer
has only limited information about the true data generating process. One is applicable when
the true likelihood is known up to a monotone transformation. The second requires only limited
knowledge of the true likelihood, but nevertheless preserves the conditional distribution of the confidential
data, up to sampling error, on arbitrary subdomains. Our method maximizes data utility
and minimizes incremental disclosure risk up to posterior uncertainty in the imputation model and
sampling error in the estimated transformation. We validate the approach with a simulation and
application to a large linked employer-employee database.
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Simultaneous Edit-Imputation for Continuous Microdata
December 2015
Working Paper Number:
Many statistical organizations collect data that are expected to satisfy linear constraints; as examples, component variables should sum to total variables, and ratios of pairs of variables should be bounded by expert-specified constants. When reported data violate constraints, organizations identify and replace values potentially in error in a process known as edit-imputation. To date, most approaches separate the error localization and imputation steps, typically using optimization methods to identify the variables to change followed by hot deck imputation. We present an approach that fully integrates editing and imputation for continuous microdata under linear constraints. Our approach relies on a Bayesian hierarchical model that includes (i) a flexible joint probability model for the underlying true values of the data with support only on the set of values that satisfy all editing constraints, (ii) a model for latent indicators of the variables that are in error, and (iii) a model for the reported responses for variables in error. We illustrate the potential advantages of the Bayesian editing approach over existing approaches using simulation studies. We apply the model to edit faulty data from the 2007 U.S. Census of Manufactures. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.
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Some Open Questions on Multiple-Source Extensions of Adaptive-Survey Design Concepts and Methods
February 2023
Working Paper Number:
Adaptive survey design is a framework for making data-driven decisions about survey data collection operations. This paper discusses open questions related to the extension of adaptive principles and capabilities when capturing data from multiple data sources. Here, the concept of 'design' encompasses the focused allocation of resources required for the production of high-quality statistical information in a sustainable and cost-effective way. This conceptual framework leads to a discussion of six groups of issues including: (i) the goals for improvement through adaptation; (ii) the design features that are available for adaptation; (iii) the auxiliary data that may be available for informing adaptation; (iv) the decision rules that could guide adaptation; (v) the necessary systems to operationalize adaptation; and (vi) the quality, cost, and risk profiles of the proposed adaptations (and how to evaluate them). A multiple data source environment creates significant opportunities, but also introduces complexities that are a challenge in the production of high-quality statistical information.
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File Matching with Faulty Continuous Matching Variables
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
We present LFCMV, a Bayesian file linking methodology designed to link records using continuous matching variables in situations where we do not expect values of these matching variables to agree exactly across matched pairs. The method involves a linking model for the distance between the matching variables of records in one file and the matching variables of their linked records in the second. This linking model is conditional on a vector indicating the links. We specify a mixture model for the distance component of the linking model, as this latent structure allows the distance between matching variables in linked pairs to vary across types of linked pairs. Finally, we specify a model for the linking vector. We describe the Gibbs sampling algorithm for sampling from the posterior distribution of this linkage model and use artificial data to illustrate model performance. We also introduce a linking application using public survey information and data from the U.S. Census of Manufactures and use
LFCMV to link the records.
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Plant-Level Productivity and Imputation of Missing Data in the Census of Manufactures
January 2011
Working Paper Number:
In the U.S. Census of Manufactures, the Census Bureau imputes missing values using a combination of mean imputation, ratio imputation, and conditional mean imputation. It is wellknown that imputations based on these methods can result in underestimation of variability and potential bias in multivariate inferences. We show that this appears to be the case for the existing imputations in the Census of Manufactures. We then present an alternative strategy for handling the missing data based on multiple imputation. Specifically, we impute missing values via sequences of classification and regression trees, which offer a computationally straightforward and flexible approach for semi-automatic, large-scale multiple imputation. We also present an approach to evaluating these imputations based on posterior predictive checks. We use the multiple imputations, and the imputations currently employed by the Census Bureau, to estimate production function parameters and productivity dispersions. The results suggest that the two approaches provide quite different answers about productivity.
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Fatal Errors: The Mortality Value of Accurate Weather Forecasts
June 2023
Working Paper Number:
We provide the first revealed preference estimates of the benefits of routine weather forecasts. The benefits come from how people use advance information to reduce mor tality from heat and cold. Theoretically, more accurate forecasts reduce mortality if and only if mortality risk is convex in forecast errors. We test for such convexity using data on the universe of mortality events and weather forecasts for a twelve-year period in the U.S. Results show that erroneously mild forecasts increase mortality whereas erro neously extreme forecasts do not reduce mortality. Making forecasts 50% more accurate would save 2,200 lives per year. The public would be willing to pay $112 billion to make forecasts 50% more accurate over the remainder of the century, of which $22 billion reflects how forecasts facilitate adaptation to climate change.
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Towards Unrestricted Public Use Business Microdata: The Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database
February 2011
Working Paper Number:
In most countries, national statistical agencies do not release establishment-level business microdata, because doing so represents too large a risk to establishments\' confidentiality. One approach with the potential for overcoming these risks is to release synthetic data; that is, the released establishment data are simulated from statistical models designed to mimic the distributions of the underlying real microdata. In this article, we describe an application of this strategy to create a public use file for the Longitudinal Business Database, an annual economic census of establishments in the United States comprising more than 20 million records dating back to 1976. The U.S. Bureau of the Census and the Internal Revenue Service recently approved the release of these synthetic microdata for public use, making the synthetic Longitudinal Business Database the first-ever business microdata set publicly released in the United States. We describe how we created the synthetic data, evaluated analytical validity, and assessed disclosure risk.
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February 2014
Working Paper Number:
In most countries, national statistical agencies do not release establishment-level business microdata, because doing so represents too large a risk to establishments' confidentiality. Agencies potentially can manage these risks by releasing synthetic microdata, i.e., individual establishment records simulated from statistical models de- signed to mimic the joint distribution of the underlying observed data. Previously, we used this approach to generate a public-use version'now available for public use'of the U. S. Census Bureau's Longitudinal Business Database (LBD), a longitudinal cen- sus of establishments dating back to 1976. While the synthetic LBD has proven to be a useful product, we now seek to improve and expand it by using new synthesis models and adding features. This article describes our efforts to create the second generation of the SynLBD, including synthesis procedures that we believe could be replicated in other contexts.
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Using Partially Synthetic Microdata to Protect Sensitive Cells in Business Statistics
February 2016
Working Paper Number:
We describe and analyze a method that blends records from both observed and synthetic microdata into public-use tabulations on establishment statistics. The resulting tables use synthetic data only in potentially sensitive cells. We describe different algorithms, and present preliminary results when applied to the Census Bureau's Business Dynamics Statistics and Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database, highlighting accuracy and protection afforded by the method when compared to existing public-use tabulations (with suppressions).
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