Recent empirical studies have established the importance of intra and inter-industry heterogeneity in investment in innovation and other outcomes. This paper examines the role of industry and technology heterogeneity in the diffusion of advanced manufacturing technologies from a simple Markovian approach. Using the Maximum Entropy estimator, I estimate transition probabilities and corresponding half-lives, look for outliers in technology and industry diffusion patterns, and try to find explanations of their unusual behavior in idiosyncratic technology and industry characteristics. A consistent industry-level pattern that emerged is one that relates consumer demand and production processes. It seems that in industries where hand-made products are a sign of quality to the customer, technology spreads very slowly. On the other hand, in industries where demand for sophisticated, high-precision goods is high or in industries where demand-driven product specifications vary quite rapidly over relatively short periods of time, advanced technologies diffuse much more rapidly.
An Option-Value Approach to Technology in U.S. Maufacturing: Evidence from Plant-Level Data
July 2000
Working Paper Number:
Numerous empirical studies have examined the role of firm and industry heterogeneity in the decision to adopt new technologies using a Net Present Value framework. However, as suggested by the recently developed option-value theory, these studies may have overlooked the role of investment reversibility and uncertainty as important determinants of technology adoption. Using the option-value investment model as my underlying theoretical framework, I examine how these two factors affect the decision to adopt three advanced manufacturing technologies. My results support the option-value model's prediction that plants operating in industries facing higher investment reversibility and lower degrees of demand and technological uncertainty are more likely to adopt advanced manufacturing technologies.
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The Effect Of Technology Use On Productivity Growth
April 1996
Working Paper Number:
This paper examines the relationship between the use of advanced technologies and productivity and productivity growth rates. We use data from the 1993 and 1988 Survey of Manufacturing Technology (SMT) to examine the use of advanced (computer based) technologies at two different points in time. We are also able to combine the survey data with the Longitudinal Research Database (LRD) to examine the relationships between plant performance, plant characteristics, and the use of advanced technologies. In addition, a subset of these plants were surveyed in both years, enabling us to directly associate changes in technology use with changes in plant productivity performance. The main findings of the study are as follows. First, diffusion is not the same across the surveyed technologies. Second, the adoption process is not smooth: plants added and dropped technologies over the six-year interval 1988-93. In fact, the average plant showed a gross change of roughly four technologies in achieving an average net increase of less than one new technology. In this regard, technology appears to be an experience good: plants experiment with particular technologies before deciding to add additional units or drop the technology entirely. We find that establishments that use advanced technologies exhibit higher productivity. This relationship is observed in both 1988 and 1993 even after accounting for other important factors associated with productivity: size, age, capital intensity, labor skill mix, and other controls for plant characteristics such as industry and region. In addition, the relationship between productivity and advanced technology use is observed both in the extent of technologies used and the intensity of their use. Finally, while there is some evidence that the use of advanced technologies is positively related to improved productivity performance, the data suggest that the dominant explanation for the observed cross-section relationship is that good performers are more likely to use advanced technologies than poorly performing operations.
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Technology Usage in U.S. Manufacturing Industries: New Evidence from the Survey of Manufacturing Technology
October 1991
Working Paper Number:
Using a new dataset on technology usage in U.S. manufacturing plants, this paper describes how technology usage varies by plant and firm characteristics. The paper extends the previous literature in three important ways. First, it examines a wide range of relatively new technologies. Second, the paper uses a much larger and more representative set of firms and establishments than previous studies. Finally, the paper explores the role of firm R&D expenditures in the process of technology adoption. The main findings indicate that larger plants more readily use new technologies, plants owned by firms with high R&D-to-sales ratios adopt technologies more rapidly, and the relationship between plant age and technology usage is relatively weak.
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The Adoption and Diffusion of Organizational Innovation: Evidence for the U.S. Economy
June 2007
Working Paper Number:
Using a unique longitudinal representative survey of both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing businesses in the United States during the 1990's, I examine the incidence and intensity of organizational innovation and the factors associated with investments in organizational innovation. Past profits tend to be positively associated with organizational innovation. Employers with a more external focus and broader networks to learn about best practices (as proxied by exports, benchmarking, and being part of a multi-establishment firm) are more likely to invest in organizational innovation. Investments in human capital, information technology, R&D, and physical capital appear to be complementary with investments in organizational innovation. In addition, nonunionized manufacturing plants are more likely to have invested more broadly and intensely in organizational innovation.
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An 'Algorithmic Links with Probabilities' Crosswalk for USPC and CPC Patent Classifications with an Application Towards Industrial Technology Composition
March 2016
Working Paper Number:
Patents are a useful proxy for innovation, technological change, and diffusion. However, fully exploiting patent data for economic analyses requires patents be tied to measures of economic activity, which has proven to be difficult. Recently, Lybbert and Zolas (2014) have constructed an International Patent Classification (IPC) to industry classification crosswalk using an 'Algorithmic Links with Probabilities' approach. In this paper, we utilize a similar approach and apply it to new patent classification schemes, the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) system and Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) system. The resulting USPC-Industry and CPC-Industry concordances link both U.S. and global patents to multiple vintages of the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), Harmonized System (HS) and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). We then use the crosswalk to highlight changes to industrial technology composition over time. We find suggestive evidence of strong persistence in the association between technologies and industries over time.
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Advanced Technologies Adoption and Use by U.S. Firms: Evidence from the Annual Business Survey
December 2020
Working Paper Number:
We introduce a new survey module intended to complement and expand research on the causes and consequences of advanced technology adoption. The 2018 Annual Business Survey (ABS), conducted by the Census Bureau in partnership with the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES), provides comprehensive and timely information on the diffusion among U.S. firms of advanced technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, robotics, and the digitization of business information. The 2018 ABS is a large, nationally representative sample of over 850,000 firms covering all private, nonfarm sectors of the economy. We describe the motivation for and development of the technology module in the ABS, as well as provide a first look at technology adoption and use patterns across firms and sectors. We find that digitization is quite widespread, as is some use of cloud computing. In contrast, advanced technology adoption is rare and generally skewed towards larger and older firms. Adoption patterns are consistent with a hierarchy of increasing technological sophistication, in which most firms that adopt AI or other advanced business technologies also use the other, more widely diffused technologies. Finally, while few firms are at the technology frontier, they tend to be large so technology exposure of the average worker is significantly higher. This new data will be available to qualified researchers on approved projects in the Federal Statistical Research Data Center network.
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Linking Investment Spikes and Productivity Growth: U.S. Food Manufacturing Industry
October 2008
Working Paper Number:
We investigate the relationship between productivity growth and investment spikes using Census Bureau's plant-level data set for the U.S. food manufacturing industry. We find that productivity growth increases after investment spikes suggesting an efficiency gain or plants' learning effect. However, efficiency and the learning period associated with investment spikes differ among plants' productivity quartile ranks implying the differences in the plants' investment types such as expansionary, replacement or retooling. We find evidence of both convex and non-convex types of adjustment costs where lumpy plant-level investments suggest the possibility of non-convex adjustment costs and hazard estimation results suggest the possibility of convex adjustment costs. The downward sloping hazard can be due to the unobserved heterogeneity across plants such as plants' idiosyncratic obsolescence caused by different R&D capabilities and implies the existence of convex adjustment costs. Food plants frequently invest during their first few years of operation and high productivity plants postpone investing due to high fixed costs.
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Data in Action: Data-Driven Decision Making in U.S. Manufacturing
January 2016
Working Paper Number:
Manufacturing in America has become significantly more data-intensive. We investigate the adoption, performance effects and organizational complementarities of data-driven decision making (DDD) in the U.S. Using data collected by the Census Bureau for 2005 and 2010, we observe the extent to which manufacturing firms track and use data to guide decision making, as well as their investments in information technology (IT) and the use of other structured management practices. Examining a representative sample of over 18,000 plans, we find that adoption of DDD is earlier and more prevalent among larger, older plants belonging to multi-unit firms. Smaller single-establishment firms adopt later but have a higher correlation with performance than similar non-adopters. Using a fixed-effects estimator, we find the average value-added for later DDD adopters to be 3% greater than non-adopters, controlling for other inputs to production. This effect is distinct from that associated with IT and other structured management practices and is concentrated among single-unit firms. Performance improves after plants adopt DDD, but not before ' consistent with a causal relationship. However, DDD-related performance differentials decrease over time for early and late adopters, consistent with firm learning and development of organizational complementarities. Formal complementarity tests suggest that DDD and high levels of IT capital reinforce each other, as do DDD and skilled workers. For some industries, the benefits of DDD adoption appear to be greater for plants that delegate some decision making to frontline workers.
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The Energy Efficiency Gap and Energy Price Responsiveness in Food Processing
June 2020
Working Paper Number:
This paper estimates stochastic frontier energy demand functions with non-public, plant-level data from the U.S. Census Bureau to measure the energy efficiency gap and energy price elasticities in the food processing industry. The estimates are for electricity and fuel use in 4 food processing sectors, based on the disaggregation of this industry used by the National Energy Modeling System Industrial Demand Module. The estimated demand functions control for plant inputs and output, energy prices, and other observables including 6-digit NAICS industry designations. Own price elasticities range from 0.6 to -0.9 with little evidence of fuel/electricity substitution. The magnitude of the efficiency estimates is sensitive to the assumptions but consistently reveal that few plants achieve 100% efficiency. Defining a 'practical level of energy efficiency' as the 95th percentile of the efficiency distributions and averaging across all the models result in a ~20% efficiency gap. However, most of the potential reductions in energy use from closing this efficiency gap are from plants that are 'low hanging fruit'; 13% of the 20% potential reduction in the efficiency gap can be obtained by bringing the lower half of the efficiency distribution up to just the median level of observed performance. New plants do exhibit higher energy efficiency than existing plants which is statistically significant, but the difference is small for most of the industry; ranging from a low of 0.4% to a high of 5.7%.
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Measuring Plant Level Energy Efficiency and Technical Change in the U.S. Metal-Based Durable Manufacturing Sector Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis
January 2016
Working Paper Number:
This study analyzes the electric and thermal energy efficiency for five different metal-based durable manufacturing industries in the United States from 1987-2012 at the 3 digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) level. Using confidential plant-level data on energy use and production from the quinquennial U.S. Economic Census, a stochastic frontier regression analysis (SFA) is applied in six repeated cross sections for each five year census. The SFA controls for energy prices and climate-driven energy demand (heating degree days - HDD - and cooling degree days - CDD) due to differences in plant level locations, as well as 6-digit NAICS industry effects. A Malmquist index is used to decompose aggregate plant technical change in energy use into indices of efficiency and frontier (best practice) change. Own energy price elasticities range from -.7 to -1.0, with electricity tending to have slightly higher elasticity than fuel. Mean efficiency estimates (100 percent equals best practice level) range from a low of 32 percent (thermal 334 - Computer and Electronic Products) to a high of 86 percent (electricity 332 - Fabricated Metal Products). Electric efficiency is consistently better than thermal efficiency for all NAICS. There is no clear pattern to the decomposition of aggregate technical Thermal change. In some years efficiency improvement dominates; in other years aggregate technical change is driven by improvement in best practice.
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