A panel constructed from the Census Bureau's Longitudinal Research Database is used to measure total factor productivity growth at the plant-level and analyzes the multifactor bias of technical change for the U.S. meat products industry from 1972 through 1995. For example, addressing TFP growth decomposition for the meat products sub-sector by quartile ranks shows that the technical change effect is the dominant element of TFP growth for the first two quartiles, while the scale effect dominates TFP growth for the higher two quartiles. Throughout the time period, technical change is 1) capital-using; 2) material-saving; 3) labor-using; and, 4) energy-saving and becoming energy-using after 1980. The smaller sized plants are more likely to fluctuate in their productivity rankings; in contrast, large plants are more stable in their productivity rankings. Plant productivity analysis indicate that less than 50% of the plants in the meat industry stay in the same category, indicating considerable movement between productivity rank categories. Investment analysis results strongly indicate that plant-level investments are quite lumpy since a relatively small percent of observations account for a disproportionate share of overall investment. Productivity growth is found to be positively correlated with recent investment spikes for plants with TFP ranking in the middle two quartiles and uncorrelated with firms in the smallest and largest quartiles. Similarly, past TFP growth rates are positively correlated with future investment spikes for firms in the same quartiles. \
Productivity Growth Patterns in U.S. Food Manufacturing: Case of Dairy Products Industry
May 2004
Working Paper Number:
A panel constructed from the Census Bureau's Longitudinal Research Database is used to measure total factor productivity growth at the plant-level and analyzes the multifactor bias of technical change at three-digit product group level containing five different four-digit sub-group categories for the U.S. dairy products industry from 1972 through 1995. In the TFP growth decomposition, analyzing the growth and its components according to the quartile ranks show that scale effect is the most significant element of TFP growth except the plants in the third quartile rank where technical change dominates throughout the time periods. The exogenous input bias results show that throughout the time periods, technical change is 1) capital-using; 2) labor-using after 1980; 3) material-saving except 1981-1985 period; and, 4) energy-using except 1981-1985 and 1991-1995 periods. Plant productivity analysis indicate that less than 50% of the plants in the dairy products industry stay in the same category, indicating considerable movement between productivity rank categories. Investment analysis results indicate that plant-level investments are quite lumpy since a relatively small percent of observations account for a disproportionate share of overall investment. Productivity growth is found to be positively correlated with recent investment spikes for plants with TFP ranking in the middle two quartiles and uncorrelated with plants in the smallest and largest quartiles. Similarly, past TFP growth rates present no significant correlation with future investment spikes for plants in any quartile.
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Linking Investment Spikes and Productivity Growth: U.S. Food Manufacturing Industry
October 2008
Working Paper Number:
We investigate the relationship between productivity growth and investment spikes using Census Bureau's plant-level data set for the U.S. food manufacturing industry. We find that productivity growth increases after investment spikes suggesting an efficiency gain or plants' learning effect. However, efficiency and the learning period associated with investment spikes differ among plants' productivity quartile ranks implying the differences in the plants' investment types such as expansionary, replacement or retooling. We find evidence of both convex and non-convex types of adjustment costs where lumpy plant-level investments suggest the possibility of non-convex adjustment costs and hazard estimation results suggest the possibility of convex adjustment costs. The downward sloping hazard can be due to the unobserved heterogeneity across plants such as plants' idiosyncratic obsolescence caused by different R&D capabilities and implies the existence of convex adjustment costs. Food plants frequently invest during their first few years of operation and high productivity plants postpone investing due to high fixed costs.
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The Missing Link: Technology, Productivity, and Investment
October 1995
Working Paper Number:
This paper examines the relationship between productivity, investment, and age for over 14,000 plants in the U.S. manufacturing sector in the 1972-1988 period. Productivity patterns vary significantly due to plant heterogeneity. Productivity first increases and then decreases with respect to plant age, and size and industry are systematically correlated with productivity and productivity growth. However, there is virtually no observable relationship between investment and productivity or productivity growth. Overall, the results indicate that plant heterogeneity and fixed effects are more important determinants of observable productivity patterns than sunk costs or capital reallocation. Key Words: productivity, investment, technical change
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The Importance of Reallocations in Cyclical Productivity and Returns to Scale: Evidence from Plant-Level Data
March 2007
Working Paper Number:
This paper provides new evidence that estimates based on aggregate data will understate the true procyclicality of total factor productivity. I examine plant-level data and show that some industries experience countercyclical reallocations of output shares among firms at different points in the business cycle, so that during recessions, less productive firms produce less of the total output, but during expansions they produce more. These reallocations cause overall productivity to rise during recessions, and do not reflect the actual path of productivity of a representative firm over the course of the business cycle. Such an effect (sometimes called the cleansing effect of recessions) may also bias aggregate estimates of returns to scale and help explain why decreasing returns to scale are found at the industry-level data.
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The Structure Of Production Technology Productivity And Aggregation Effects
August 1991
Working Paper Number:
This is a sequel to an earlier paper by the author, Dhrymes (1990). Using the LRD sample, that paper examined the adequacy of the functional form specifications commonly employed in the literature of US Manufacturing production relations. The "universe" of the investigation was the three digit product group; the basic unit of observation was the plant; the sample consisted of all "large" plants, defined by the criterion that they employ 250 or more workers. The study encompassed three digit product groups in industries 35, 36 and 38, over the period 1972-1986, and reached one major conclusion: if one were to judge the adequacy of a given specification by the parametric compatibility of the estimates of the same parameters, as derived from the various implications of each specification, then the three most popular (production function) specifications, Cobb-Douglas, CES and Translog all fell very wide of the mark. The current paper focuses the investigation on two digit industries (but retains the plant as the basic unit of observation), i.e., our sample consists of all "large" manufacturing plants, in each of Industry 35, 36 and 38, over the period 1972-1986. It first replicates the approach of the earlier paper; the results are basically of the same genre, and for that reason are not reported herein. Second, it examines the extent to which increasing returns to scale characterize production at the two digit level; it is established that returns to scale at the mean, in the case of the translog production function are almost identical to those obtained with the Cobb-Douglas function.1 Finally, it examines the robustness and characteristics of measures of productivity, obtained in the context of an econometric formulation and those obtained by the method of what may be thought of as the "Solow Residual" and generally designated as Total Factor Productivity (TFP). The major finding here is that while there are some differences in productivity behavior as established by these two procedures, by far more important is the aggregation sensitivity of productivity measures. Thus, in the context of a pooled sample, introduction of time effects (generally thought to refer to productivity shifts) are of very marginal consequence. On the other hand, the introduction of four digit industry effects is of appreciable consequence, and this phenomenon is universal, i.e., it is present in industry 35, 36 as well as 38. The suggestion that aggregate productivity behavior may be largely, or partly, an aggregation phenomenon is certainly not a part of the established literature. Another persistent phenomenon uncovered is the extent to which productivity measures for individual plants are volatile, while two digit aggregate measures appear to be stable. These findings clearly calls for further investigation.
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The Life Cycles of Industrial Plants
October 2001
Working Paper Number:
The paper presents a dynamic programming model with multiple classes of capital goods to explain capital expenditures on existing plants over their lives. The empirical specification shows that the path of capital expenditures is explained by (a) complementarities between old and new capital goods, (b) the age of plants, (c) an index that captures the rate of technical change and (d) the labor intensiveness of a plant when it is newly born. The model is tested with Census data for roughly 6,000 manufacturing plants that were born after 1972.
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Nature Versus Nurture in the Origins of Highly Productive Businesses: An Exploratory Analysis of U.S. Manufacturing Establishments
September 2011
Working Paper Number:
This paper investigates the origins of productivity leaders, those that operate close to and help push out the production frontier. Do such businesses emerge as top performers from the very beginning of their lives, for example as the consequence of an outstanding founding idea, technology, or location? Or, at the other extreme, do they appear initially as completely average (or even underperformers) that exhibit gradual improvement as they learn and develop with age? To answer this question we draw upon five decades of U.S. Census of Manufacturing (CM) establishment-level data, tracing the productivity leaders of the most recent CM (2007) back over their observed life spans. We also examine possible industry-level correlates of variation in the extent of nature versus nurture that are suggested by theories of industry dynamics and economic growth.
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Estimating Capital Efficiency Schedules Within Production Functions
May 1992
Working Paper Number:
The appropriate method for aggregating capital goods across vintages to produce a single capital stock measure has long been a contentious issue, and the literature covering this topic is quite extensive. This paper presents a methodology that estimates efficiency schedules within a production function, allowing the data to reveal how the efficiency of capital goods evolve as they age. Specifically we insert a parameterized investment stream into the position of a capital variable in a production function, and then estimate the parameters of the production function simultaneously with the parameters of the investment stream. Plant level panel data for a select group of steel plants employing a common technology are used to estimate the model. Our primary finding is that when using a simple Cobb Douglas production function, the estimated efficiency schedules appear to follow a geometric pattern, which is consistent with the estimates of economic depreciation of Hulten and Wykoff (1981). Results from more flexible functional forms produced much less precise and unreliable estimates.
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Effect of Volatility Change on Product Diversification
October 2005
Working Paper Number:
Studies of the volatility of the U.S. economy suggest a noticeable change in mid 1980s. There is some empirical evidence that the aggregate volatility of the U.S. economy has been decreasing over time. The response of firms to the change of economic volatility and economic fluctuation has been studied in terms of many margins a firm can adjust 'capital, labor, capacity, material, etc. However, we have not studied the most important margin ' the product. This paper studies the effect of profit volatility on the firm/plant level product diversification. Section 2 profiles diversification and shows that there is a downward trend of aggregate diversification in many industries. Cyclicality of diversification is not clear at the aggregate or industry level. Firms change their diversification very frequently and very differently from one another. Section 3 verifies the trend of volatility at the aggregate, sectoral, and firm level and studies the relationship between diversification and volatility at the firm level. Firm level diversification decreases as the aggregate, sectoral and idiosyncratic volatility decreases.
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Exploring The Role Of Acquisition In The Performance Of Firms: Is The "Firm" The Right Unit Of Analysis?
November 1995
Working Paper Number:
In this article, we examine the effect of acquisitions on productivity performance of acquiring firms using the conventional regression analysis and a method of productivity decomposition. Our empirical work uses both plant- and firm-level data taken from the Longitudinal Research Database (LRD) on the entire population of U.S. food manufacturing firms that operated continuously during 1977-87. We find that (1) acquisitions had a significant, positive effect on acquiring firms' productivity growth, but this effect becomes insignificant when only firm-level data on multi-unit firms are included in the regressions; and (2) the decomposition results show that while the productivity contribution of the external component (acquired plants) is positive, the contribution of the internal component (existing plants) is negative; the two components offset each other leaving productivity of multi-unit acquiring firms virtually unchanged after acquisitions. These results suggest that assessing the impact of acquisitions on the structure and performance of firms requires a careful look at the individual components (i.e., plants) of the firms, particularly for large multi-unit firms.
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