CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

Estimating Capital Efficiency Schedules Within Production Functions

May 1992

Written by: Mark E Doms

Working Paper Number:



The appropriate method for aggregating capital goods across vintages to produce a single capital stock measure has long been a contentious issue, and the literature covering this topic is quite extensive. This paper presents a methodology that estimates efficiency schedules within a production function, allowing the data to reveal how the efficiency of capital goods evolve as they age. Specifically we insert a parameterized investment stream into the position of a capital variable in a production function, and then estimate the parameters of the production function simultaneously with the parameters of the investment stream. Plant level panel data for a select group of steel plants employing a common technology are used to estimate the model. Our primary finding is that when using a simple Cobb Douglas production function, the estimated efficiency schedules appear to follow a geometric pattern, which is consistent with the estimates of economic depreciation of Hulten and Wykoff (1981). Results from more flexible functional forms produced much less precise and unreliable estimates.

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production, estimating, investment, productive, estimation, estimates production, investing, produce, productivity measures, efficient, efficiency, expenditure, estimates productivity, depreciation, capital, analysis productivity, profit, economically, stock, inflation, yield

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Standard Statistical Establishment List, Longitudinal Research Database, Annual Survey of Manufactures, Center for Economic Studies, Cobb-Douglas, Schools Under Registration Review, Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies, National Longitudinal Survey of Youth

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