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The EITC over the business cycle: Who benefits?

December 2014

Written by: Maggie R. Jones

Working Paper Number:



In this paper, I examine the impact of the Great Recession on Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) eligibility. Because the EITC is structurally tied to earnings, the direction of this impact is not immediately obvious. Families who experience complete job loss for an entire tax year lose eligibility, while those experiencing underemployment (part-year employment, a reduction in hours, or spousal unemployment in married households) may become eligible. Determining the direction and magnitude of the impact is important for a number of reasons. The EITC has become the largest cash-transfer program in the U.S., and many low-earning families rely on it as a means of support in tough times. The program has largely been viewed as a replacement for welfare, enticing former welfare recipients into the labor force. However, the effectiveness of the EITC during a period of very high unemployment has not been assessed. To answer these questions, I first use the Current Population Survey (CPS) matched to Internal Revenue Service data from tax years 2005 to 2010 to assess patterns of employment and eligibility over the Great Recession for different labor-force groups. Results indicate that overall, EITC eligibility increased over the recession, but only among groups that were cushioned from total household earnings loss by marriage. I also use the 2006 CPS matched to tax data from 2005 through 2011 to examine changes in eligibility experienced by individuals over time. In assessing three competing causes of eligibility loss, I find that less-educated, unmarried women experienced a greater hazard of eligibility loss due a yearlong lack of earnings compared with other labor-market groups. I discuss the implications of these findings on the view of the EITC as a safety-net program.

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economist, payroll, earnings, employed, labor, recession, workforce, effects employment, tax, welfare, unemployment rates, irs, earner, unemployed, eligible, taxpayer, assessed, 1040, increase employment

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Internal Revenue Service, Current Population Survey, Journal of Economic Literature, Social Security, Social Security Number, Protected Identification Key, Earned Income Tax Credit, W-2, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Person Validation System, Person Identification Validation System, Personally Identifiable Information, Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, Adjusted Gross Income, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications, Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement

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