The U.S. workforce has had little change in real wages, income, or earnings since the year 2000. However, even when there is little change in the average rate at which workers are compensated, individual workers experienced a distribution of wage and earnings changes. In this paper, we demonstrate how earnings evolve in the U.S. economy in the years 2001-2014 on a forthcoming dataset on earnings for stayers and transitioners from the U.S. Census Bureau's Job-to-Job Flows data product to account for the role of on-the-job earnings growth, job-to-job flows, and nonemployment in the growth of U.S. earnings.
Earnings Growth, Job Flows and Churn
April 2020
Working Paper Number:
How much do workers making job-to-job transitions benefit from moving away from a shrinking and towards a growing firm? We show that earnings growth in the transition increases with net employment growth at the destination firm and, to a lesser extent, decreases if the origin firm is shrinking. So, we sum the effect of leaving a shrinking and entering a growing firm and remove the excess turnover-related hires because gross hiring has a much smaller association with earnings growth than net employment growth. We find that job-to-job transitions with the cross-firm job flow have 23% more earnings growth than average.
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Job-to-Job Flows and the Business Cycle
March 2012
Working Paper Number:
Job-to-job flows represent one of the most significant opportunities for the development of new economic statistics, having been made possible by the increased availability of matched employer-employee datasets for statistical tabulation. In this paper, we analyze a new database of job-to-job flows from 1999 to 2010 in the United States. This analysis provides definitive benchmarks on gross employment flows, origin and destination industries, nonemployment, and associated earnings. To demonstrate the usefulness of these statistics, we evaluate them in the context of the recessions of 2001 and 2007, as well as the economic expansion between the two. We find a sharp drop in job mobility in the Great Recession, much sharper than the previous recession, and higher earnings penalties for job transitions with an intervening nonemployment spell. This fall in job mobility is found within all age groups but is largest among younger workers. We also examine outcomes for displaced workers and examine labor market adjustment in several specific industries. Generally, we find higher rates of nonemployment upon job separation, increasing rates of industry change and higher earnings penalties from job change in the Great Recession.
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JOB-TO-JOB (J2J) Flows: New Labor Market Statistics From Linked Employer-Employee Data
September 2014
Working Paper Number:
Flows of workers across jobs are a principal mechanism by which labor markets allocate workers to optimize productivity. While these job flows are both large and economically important, they represent a significant gap in available economic statistics. A soon to be released data product from the U.S. Census Bureau will fill this gap. The Job-to-Job (J2J) flow statistics provide estimates of worker flows across jobs, across different geographic labor markets, by worker and firm characteristics, including direct job-to-job flows as well as job changes with intervening nonemployment. In this paper, we describe the creation of the public-use data product on job-to-job flows. The data underlying the statistics are the matched employer-employee data from the U.S. Census Bureau's Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics program. We describe definitional issues and the identification strategy for tracing worker movements between employers in administrative data. We then compare our data with related series and discuss similarities and differences. Lastly, we describe disclosure avoidance techniques for the public use file, and our methodology for estimating national statistics when there is partially missing geography.
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Who Moves Up the Job Ladder?*
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
In this paper, we use linked employer-employee data to study the reallocation of heterogeneous workers between heterogeneous firms. We build on recent evidence of a cyclical job ladder that reallocates workers from low productivity to high productivity firms through job-to-job moves. In this paper we turn to the question of who moves up this job ladder, and the implications for worker sorting across firms. Not surprisingly, we find that job-to-job moves reallocate younger workers disproportionately from less productive to more productive firms. More surprisingly, especially in the context of the recent literature on assortative matching with on-the-job search, we find that job-to-
job moves disproportionately reallocate less-educated workers up the job ladder. This finding holds even though we find that more educated workers are more likely to work with more productive firms. We find that while highly educated workers are less likely to match to low productivity firms, they are also less likely to separate from them, with less-educated workers both more likely to separate to a better employer in expansions and to be shaken off the ladder (separate to nonemployment) in contractions. Our findings underscore the cyclical role job-to-job moves play in matching workers to
better paying employers.
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Cyclical Reallocation of Workers Across Employers by Firm Size and Firm Wage
June 2015
Working Paper Number:
Do the job-to-job moves of workers contribute to the cyclicality of employment growth at different types of firms? In this paper, we use linked employer-employee data to provide direct evidence on the role of job-to-job flows in job reallocation in the U.S. economy. To guide our analysis, we look to the theoretical literature on on-the-job search, which predicts that job-to-job flows should reallocate workers from small to large firms. While this prediction is not supported by the data, we do find that job-to-job moves generally reallocate workers from lower paying to higher paying firms, and this reallocation of workers is highly procyclical. During the Great Recession, this firm wage job ladder collapsed, with net worker reallocation to higher wage firms falling to zero. We also find that differential responses of net hires from non-employment play an important role in the patterns of the cyclicality of employment dynamics across firms classified by size and wage. For example, we find that small and low wage firms experience greater reductions in net hires from non-employment during periods of economic contractions.
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Estimation of Job-to-Job Flow Rates under Partially Missing Geography
September 2012
Working Paper Number:
Integration of data from different regions presents challenges for the calculation of entitylevel longitudinal statistics with a strong geographic component: for example, movements between employers, migration, business dynamics, and health statistics. In this paper, we consider the estimation of worker-level employment statistics when the geographies (in our application, US states) over which such measures are defined are partially missing. We focus on the recent pilot set of job-to-job flow statistics produced by the US Census Bureau's Longitudinal Employer- Household Dynamics (LEHD) program, which measure the frequency of worker movements between jobs and into and out of nonemployment. LEHD's coverage of the labor force gradually increases during the 1990s and 2000s because some states have a longer time series than others, so employment transitions involving missing states are only partially or not at all observed. We propose and implement a method for estimating national-level job-to-job flow statistics that involves dropping observed states to recover the relationship between missing states and directly tabulated job-to-job flow rates. Using the estimated relationship between the observable characteristics of the missing states and changes in the employment measures, we provide estimates of the rates of job-to-job, and job-to-nonemployment, job-to-nonemploymentto- job flows were all states uniformly available.
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Comparing Measures of Earnings Instability Based on Survey and Adminstrative Reports
August 2010
Working Paper Number:
In Celik, Juhn, McCue, and Thompson (2009), we found that estimated levels of earnings instability based on data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) and the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) were reasonably close to each other and to others' estimates from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), but estimates from unemployment insurance (UI) earnings were much larger. Given that the UI data are from administrative records which are often posited to be more accurate than survey reports, this raises concerns that measures based on survey data understate true earnings instability. To address this, we use links between survey samples from the SIPP and UI earnings records in the LEHD database to identify sources of differences in work history and earnings information. Substantial work has been done comparing earnings levels from administrative records to those collected in the SIPP and CPS, but our understanding of earnings instability would benefit from further examination of differences across sources in the properties of changes in earnings. We first compare characteristics of the overall and matched samples to address issues of selection in the matching process. We then compare earnings levels and jobs in the SIPP and LEHD data to identify differences between them. Finally we begin to examine how such differences affect estimates of earnings instability. Our preliminary findings suggest that differences in earnings changes for those in the lower tail of the earnings distribution account for much of the difference in instability estimates.
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The Sensitivity of Economic Statistics to Coding Errors in Personal Identifiers
October 2002
Working Paper Number:
In this paper, we describe the sensitivity of small-cell flow statistics
to coding errors in the identity of the underlying entities. Specifically,
we present results based on a comparison of the U.S. Census Bureau's
Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) before and after correcting for
such errors in SSN-based identifiers in the underlying individual wage
records. The correction used involves a novel application of existing
statistical matching techniques. It is found that even a very conservative
correction procedure has a sizable impact on the statistics. The
average bias ranges from 0.25 percent up to 15 percent for flow statistics,
and up to 5 percent for payroll aggregates.
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Abandoning the Sinking Ship: The Composition of Worker Flows Prior to Displacement
August 2002
Working Paper Number:
declines experienced by workers several years before displacement occurs. Little attention, however,
has been paid to other changes in compensation and employment in firms prior to the actual
displacement event. This paper examines changes in the composition of job and worker flows
before displacement, and compares the "quality" distribution of workers leaving distressed firms to
that of all movers in general.
More specifically, we exploit a unique dataset that contains observations on all workers over
an extended period of time in a number of US states, combined with survey data, to decompose
different jobflow statistics according to skill group and number of periods before displacement.
Furthermore, we use quantile regression techniques to analyze changes in the skill profile of workers
leaving distressed firms. Throughout the paper, our measure for worker skill is derived from
person fixed effects estimated using the wage regression techniques pioneered by Abowd, Kramarz,
and Margolis (1999) in conjunction with the standard specification for displaced worker studies
(Jacobson, LaLonde, and Sullivan 1993).
We find that there are significant changes to all measures of job and worker flows prior to
displacement. In particular, churning rates increase for all skill groups, but retention rates drop
for high-skilled workers. The quantile regressions reveal a right-shift in the distribution of worker
quality at the time of displacement as compared to average firm exit flows. In the periods prior
to displacement, the patterns are consistent with both discouraged high-skilled workers leaving the
firm, and management actions to layoff low-skilled workers.
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Confidentiality Protection in the Census Bureau Quarterly Workforce Indicators
February 2006
Working Paper Number:
The QuarterlyWorkforce Indicators are new estimates developed by the Census Bureau's Longitudinal
Employer-Household Dynamics Program as a part of its Local Employment Dynamics
partnership with 37 state Labor Market Information offices. These data provide detailed quarterly
statistics on employment, accessions, layoffs, hires, separations, full-quarter employment
(and related flows), job creations, job destructions, and earnings (for flow and stock categories of
workers). The data are released for NAICS industries (and 4-digit SICs) at the county, workforce
investment board, and metropolitan area levels of geography. The confidential microdata - unemployment
insurance wage records, ES-202 establishment employment, and Title 13 demographic
and economic information - are protected using a permanent multiplicative noise distortion factor.
This factor distorts all input sums, counts, differences and ratios. The released statistics are analytically
valid - measures are unbiased and time series properties are preserved. The confidentiality
protection is manifested in the release of some statistics that are flagged as "significantly distorted
to preserve confidentiality." These statistics differ from the undistorted statistics by a significant
proportion. Even for the significantly distorted statistics, the data remain analytically valid for
time series properties. The released data can be aggregated; however, published aggregates are
less distorted than custom postrelease aggregates. In addition to the multiplicative noise distortion,
confidentiality protection is provided by the estimation process for the QWIs, which multiply imputes
all missing data (including missing establishment, given UI account, in the UI wage record
data) and dynamically re-weights the establishment data to provide state-level comparability with
the BLS's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.
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