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Papers Containing Keywords(s): 'entrepreneurship'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

Longitudinal Business Database - 73

North American Industry Classification System - 43

National Science Foundation - 37

Internal Revenue Service - 36

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 36

Center for Economic Studies - 34

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics - 33

Business Dynamics Statistics - 26

Employer Identification Number - 25

Ordinary Least Squares - 25

Kauffman Foundation - 25

Characteristics of Business Owners - 25

Survey of Business Owners - 20

National Bureau of Economic Research - 19

Census Bureau Longitudinal Business Database - 19

Standard Industrial Classification - 19

Federal Reserve Bank - 18

Metropolitan Statistical Area - 18

Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board - 17

Alfred P Sloan Foundation - 17

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 17

County Business Patterns - 17

Business Register - 16

Census Bureau Business Register - 16

Small Business Administration - 16

International Trade Research Report - 16

Chicago Census Research Data Center - 15

Federal Statistical Research Data Center - 14

American Community Survey - 13

Special Sworn Status - 13

Federal Reserve System - 13

Kauffman Firm Survey - 12

Current Population Survey - 12

Disclosure Review Board - 11

Patent and Trademark Office - 11

Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs - 11

Decennial Census - 11

Integrated Longitudinal Business Database - 10

Total Factor Productivity - 10

Social Security Administration - 9

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - 9

Census Bureau Business Dynamics Statistics - 9

Initial Public Offering - 9

Department of Homeland Security - 8

Social Security - 8

Social Security Number - 8

University of Maryland - 8

Board of Governors - 7

Michigan Institute for Teaching and Research in Economics - 7

Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Industries - 7

Standard Statistical Establishment List - 7

W-2 - 7

University of Chicago - 7

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation - 7

Protected Identification Key - 6

Linear Probability Model - 6

George Mason University - 6

Core Based Statistical Area - 6

Review of Economics and Statistics - 6

Retail Trade - 6

Business Employment Dynamics - 6

Annual Survey of Manufactures - 6

Research Data Center - 6

Quarterly Workforce Indicators - 6

Survey of Income and Program Participation - 6

Technical Services - 5

World Bank - 5

Survey of Industrial Research and Development - 5

Business Research and Development and Innovation Survey - 5

Columbia University - 5

University of Toronto - 5

Quarterly Journal of Economics - 5

Journal of Political Economy - 5

PSID - 5

Longitudinal Research Database - 5

Economic Census - 5

Wholesale Trade - 5

Census of Manufactures - 5

VAR - 5

Limited Liability Company - 4

Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research - 4

Stanford University - 4

Arts, Entertainment - 4

Annual Business Survey - 4

American Economic Association - 4

Health Care and Social Assistance - 4

2020 Census - 4

American Economic Review - 4

Journal of Economic Perspectives - 4

Service Annual Survey - 4

Retirement History Survey - 4

MIT Press - 4

Harvard University - 4


Cornell University - 4

Russell Sage Foundation - 4

General Accounting Office - 3

National Employer Survey - 3

New York University - 3

Geographic Information Systems - 3

Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies - 3

Business Formation Statistics - 3

Limited Liability Corporations - 3

Educational Services - 3

Department of Defense - 3

National Center for Health Statistics - 3

Employer Characteristics File - 3

Agriculture, Forestry - 3

Harvard Business School - 3

Journal of Labor Economics - 3

Boston College - 3

Accommodation and Food Services - 3

Census Numident - 3

Public Administration - 3

University of Minnesota - 3

Company Organization Survey - 3

University of Michigan - 3

Generalized Method of Moments - 3

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages - 3

National Academy of Sciences - 3

Journal of International Economics - 3

Ohio State University - 3

European Union - 3

Cobb-Douglas - 3

UC Berkeley - 3

Yale University - 3

entrepreneur - 85

entrepreneurial - 64

venture - 50

growth - 33

enterprise - 33

employed - 30

employ - 30

proprietorship - 26

company - 26

recession - 25

startup - 21

employee - 21

proprietor - 20

corporation - 19

investment - 19

sector - 18

financial - 18

labor - 17

immigrant - 17

innovation - 17

opportunity - 17

workforce - 16

acquisition - 16

founder - 16

hispanic - 15

employment growth - 15

earnings - 14

finance - 14

minority - 14

earner - 14

establishment - 14

econometric - 14

wealth - 13

ethnicity - 13

industrial - 13

patent - 12

startup firms - 12

sale - 11

business startups - 11

immigrant entrepreneurs - 11

ownership - 11

employment entrepreneurship - 10

endogeneity - 10

market - 10

manufacturing - 10

innovate - 10

innovative - 10

revenue - 10

financing - 10

loan - 10

quarterly - 10

younger firms - 10

firm growth - 9

firms grow - 9

prospect - 9

ethnic - 9

organizational - 9

investor - 9

immigration - 8

firms young - 8

patenting - 8

metropolitan - 8

economically - 8

economist - 8

gdp - 8

competitor - 8

bank - 8

lender - 8

asian - 8

macroeconomic - 8

growth firms - 7

inventory - 7

corporate - 7

funding - 7

black - 7

lending - 7

borrower - 7

merger - 7

longitudinal - 7

owner - 7

migrant - 6

employer businesses - 6

household - 6

hiring - 6

hire - 6

trend - 6

declining - 6

native - 6

estimating - 6

productivity growth - 6

growth productivity - 6

bankruptcy - 6

decline - 6

owned businesses - 6

disadvantaged - 6

socioeconomic - 5

firm dynamics - 5

innovator - 5

invention - 5

developed - 5

profit - 5

leverage - 5

black business - 5

white - 5

competitiveness - 5

borrowing - 5

debt - 5

recessionary - 5

tenure - 5

employment dynamics - 5

population - 5

profitable - 5

characteristics businesses - 5

unemployed - 4

firms size - 4

decade - 4

firms age - 4

technological - 4

rent - 4

researcher - 4

rural - 4

diversification - 4

banking - 4

mexican - 4

agriculture - 4

shareholder - 4

earn - 4

filing - 4

production - 4

endogenous - 4

disparity - 4

area - 4

regional - 4

geographically - 4

immigrant workers - 3

larger firms - 3

immigrated - 3

geography - 3

neighborhood - 3

geographic - 3

patented - 3

capital - 3

incorporated - 3

strategic - 3

institutional - 3

business survival - 3

occupation - 3

payroll - 3

trends employment - 3

partnership - 3

acquired - 3

spillover - 3

competitive - 3

wholesale - 3

innovation productivity - 3

regression - 3

firms productivity - 3

growth employment - 3

job growth - 3

survey - 3

debtor - 3

employing - 3

productive - 3

small businesses - 3

racial - 3

segregation - 3

ethnically - 3

city - 3

subsidiary - 3

cluster - 3

region - 3

poverty - 3

economic growth - 3

small firms - 3

business owners - 3

asian immigrants - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 113

  • Working Paper

    Garage Entrepreneurs or just Self-Employed? An Investigation into Nonemployer Entrepreneurship

    October 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Nonemployers, businesses without employees, account for most businesses in the U.S. yet are poorly understood. We use restricted administrative and survey data to describe nonemployer dynamics, overall performance, and performance by demographic group. We find that eventual outcome ' migration to employer status, continuing as a nonemployer, or exit ' is closely related to receipt growth. We provide estimates of employment creation by firms that began as nonemployers and become employers (migrants), estimating that relative to all firms born in 1996, nonemployer migrants accounted for 3-17% of all net jobs in the seventh year after startup. Moreover, we find that migrants' employment creation declined by 54% for the cohorts born between 1996 to 2014. Our results are consistent with increased adjustment frictions in recent periods, and suggest accessibility to transformative entrepreneurship for everyday Americans has declined.
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  • Working Paper

    Household Wealth and Entrepreneurial Career Choices: Evidence from Climate Disasters

    July 2024

    Authors: Xiao Cen

    Working Paper Number:


    This study investigates how household wealth affects the human capital of startups, based on U.S. Census individual-level employment data, deed records, and geographic information system (GIS) data. Using floods as a wealth shock, a regression discontinuity analysis shows inundated residents are 7% less likely to work in startups relative to their neighbors outside the flood boundary, within a 0.1-mile-wide band. The effect is more pronounced for homeowners, consistent with the wealth effect. The career distortion leads to a significant long-run income loss, highlighting the importance of self-insurance for human capital allocation.
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  • Working Paper

    The Impact of Immigration on Firms and Workers: Insights from the H-1B Lottery

    April 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    We study how random variation in the availability of highly educated, foreign-born workers impacts firm performance and recruitment behavior. We combine two rich data sources: 1) administrative employer-employee matched data from the US Census Bureau; and 2) firm level information on the first large-scale H-1B visa lottery in 2007. Using an event-study approach, we find that lottery wins lead to increases in firm hiring of college-educated, immigrant labor along with increases in scale and survival. These effects are stronger for small, skill-intensive, and high-productivity firms that participate in the lottery. We do not find evidence for displacement of native-born, college-educated workers at the firm level, on net. However, this result masks dynamics among more specific subgroups of incumbents that we further elucidate.
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  • Working Paper

    High-Growth Firms in the United States: Key Trends and New Data Opportunities

    March 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Using administrative data from the U.S. Census Bureau, we introduce a new public-use database that tracks activities across firm growth distributions over time and by firm and establishment characteristics. With these new data, we uncover several key trends on high-growth firms'critical engines of innovation and economic growth. First, the share of firms that are high-growth has steadily decreased over the past four decades, driven not only by falling firm entry rates but also languishing growth among existing firms. Second, this decline is particularly pronounced among young and small firms, while the share of high-growth firms has been relatively stable among large and old firms. Third, the decline in high-growth firms is found in all sectors, but the information sector has shown a modest rebound beginning in 2010. Fourth, there is significant variation in high-growth firm activity across states, with California, Texas, and Florida having high shares of high-growth firms. We highlight several areas for future research enabled by these new data.
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  • Working Paper

    Starting Up AI

    March 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Using comprehensive administrative data on business applications over the period 2004-2023, we study emerging business ideas for developing AI technologies or producing goods or services that use, integrate, or rely on AI. The annual number of new AI business applications is stable between 2004 and 2012 but begins to rise after 2012, and increases faster from 2016 onward into the pandemic, with a large, discrete jump in 2023. The distribution of AI business applications is highly uneven across states and sectors. AI business applications have a higher likelihood of becoming employer startups and higher expected initial employment compared to other business applications. Moreover, controlling for application characteristics, employer businesses originating from AI business applications exhibit higher employment, revenue, payroll, average pay per employee, and labor share, but have similar labor productivity and lower survival rate, compared to those originating from other business applications. While these early patterns may change as the diffusion of AI progresses, the rapid rise in AI business applications, combined with their generally higher rate of transition to employers and better performance in some post-transition outcomes, suggests a small but growing contribution from these applications to business dynamism.
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  • Working Paper

    Are Immigrants More Innovative? Evidence from Entrepreneurs

    November 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    We evaluate the contributions of immigrant entrepreneurs to innovation in the U.S. using linked survey-administrative data on 199,000 firms with a rich set of innovation measures and other firm and owner characteristics. We find that not only are immigrants more likely than natives to own businesses, but on average their firms display more innovation activities and outcomes. Immigrant owned firms are particularly more likely to create completely new products, improve previous products, use new processes, and engage in both basic and applied R&D, and their efforts are reflected in substantially higher levels of patents and productivity. Immigrant owners are slightly less likely than natives to imitate products of others and to hire more employees. Delving into potential explanations of the immigrant-native differences, we study other characteristics of entrepreneurs, access to finance, choice of industry, immigrant self-selection, and effects of diversity. We find that the immigrant innovation advantage is robust to controlling for detailed characteristics of firms and owners, it holds in both high-tech and non-high-tech industries and, with the exception of productivity, it tends to be even stronger in firms owned by diverse immigrant-native teams and by diverse immigrants from different countries. The evidence from nearly all measures that immigrants tend to operate more innovative and productive firms, together with the higher share of business ownership by immigrants, implies large contributions to U.S. innovation and growth.
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  • Working Paper

    AI Adoption in America: Who, What, and Where

    September 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    We study the early adoption and diffusion of five AI-related technologies (automated-guided vehicles, machine learning, machine vision, natural language processing, and voice recognition) as documented in the 2018 Annual Business Survey of 850,000 firms across the United States. We find that fewer than 6% of firms used any of the AI-related technologies we measure, though most very large firms reported at least some AI use. Weighted by employment, average adoption was just over 18%. AI use in production, while varying considerably by industry, nevertheless was found in every sector of the economy and clustered with emerging technologies such as cloud computing and robotics. Among dynamic young firms, AI use was highest alongside more educated, more-experienced, and younger owners, including owners motivated by bringing new ideas to market or helping the community. AI adoption was also more common alongside indicators of high-growth entrepreneurship, including venture capital funding, recent product and process innovation, and growth-oriented business strategies. Early adoption was far from evenly distributed: a handful of 'superstar' cities and emerging hubs led startups' adoption of AI. These patterns of early AI use foreshadow economic and social impacts far beyond this limited initial diffusion, with the possibility of a growing 'AI divide' if early patterns persist.
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  • Working Paper

    The Local Origins of Business Formation

    July 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    What locations generate more business ideas, and where are ideas more likely to turn into businesses? Using comprehensive administrative data on business applications, we analyze the spatial disparity in the creation of business ideas and the formation of new employer startups from these ideas. Startups per capita exhibit enormous variation across granular units of geography. We decompose this variation into variation in ideas per capita and in their rate of transition to startups, and find that both components matter. Observable local demographic, economic, financial, and business conditions accounts for a significant fraction of the variation in startups per capita, and more so for the variation in ideas per capita than in transition rate. Income, education, age, and foreign-born share are generally strong positive correlates of both idea generation and transition. Overall, the relationship of local conditions with ideas differs from that with transition rate in magnitude, and sometimes, in sign: certain conditions (notably, the African-American share of the population) are positively associated with ideas, but negatively with transition rates. We also find a close correspondence between the actual rank of locations in terms of startups per capita and the predicted rank based only on observable local conditions ' a result useful for characterizing locations with high startup activity.
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  • Working Paper

    Where Have All the "Creative Talents" Gone? Employment Dynamics of US Inventors

    April 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    How are inventors allocated in the US economy and does that allocation affect innovative capacity? To answer these questions, we first build a model where an inventor with a new idea has the possibility to work for an entrant or incumbent firm. Strategic considerations encourage the incumbent to hire the inventor, offering higher wages, and then not implement her idea. We then combine data on 760 thousand U.S. inventors with the LEHD data. We find that when an inventor is hired by an incumbent, their earnings increases by 12.6 percent and their innovative output declines by 6 to 11 percent.
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  • Working Paper

    Measuring the Characteristics and Employment Dynamics of U.S. Inventors

    September 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    Innovation is a key driver of long run economic growth. Studying innovation requires a clear view of the characteristics and behavior of the individuals that create new ideas. A general lack of rich, large-scale data has constrained such analyses. We address this by introducing a new dataset linking patent inventors to survey, census, and administrative microdata at the U.S. Census Bureau. We use this data to provide a first look at the demographic characteristics, employer characteristics, earnings, and employment dynamics of inventors. These linkages, which will be available to researchers with approved access, dramatically increases the scope of what can be learned about inventors and innovative activity.
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