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Viewing papers 1 through 7 of 7
Working PaperMeasuring the Dynamics of Young and Small Businesses: Integrating the Employer and Nonemployer Universes
February 2006
Working Paper Number:
We develop a preliminary version of an Integrated Longitudinal Business Database (ILBD) that combines administrative records and survey-based data for virtually all employer and nonemployer business units in the United States. In the process, we confront conceptual and practical issues that arise in measuring the importance and dynamic behavior of younger and smaller businesses. We also document some basic facts about younger and smaller businesses. In doing so, we exploit the ability of the ILBD to follow business transitions between employer and nonemployer status, and vice-versa. This aspect of the ILBD opens a new frontier for the study of business formation and the precursors to job creation in the U.S. economy.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperLeaving Home: Modeling the Effect of Civic and Economic Structure on Individual Migration Patterns
June 2002
Working Paper Number:
This research analyzes the effect of community structure upon individuals' probabilities of moving between 1985 and 1990. Using the full Census sample long form microdata for 1990, we re-allocate adult persons in 1990 to their 1985 county of residence. Then, using origin county macro-structural variables (derived from the Economic Census microdata) and individual characteristics (from Decennial Census microdata), we develop a two level hierarchical linear model. In level 1, we construct a logistic equation modeling individual probabilities of moving. In level 2, we model the contextual effects of origin community structure on these models. These contextual effects fall into two categories: 1) economic conditions that comprise the usual aggregate 'push' factors and 2) civic community factors that act to retain people in their community. Results specify the relationship between community context and individual migration patterns, and demonstrate effects of local economic structure and local civic structure on these individual probabilities. Most notably, we find that civic attributes of communities are associated with a propensity to stay in place, net of community economic factors and individual characteristics.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperCivic Community in Small-Town America: How Civic Welfare is Influenced by Local Capitalism and Civic Engagement
December 2001
Working Paper Number:
The aims of this paper are twofold: first, to gain a fuller understanding of factors that foster community cohesion and contribute to the residents' social and economic well-being; and, second, to move beyond previous research that used larger spatial units such as states, counties, or aggregates of counties and to focus instead on American small towns (population 2,500-20,000). The data on small towns are drawn from public-use files and from confidential microdata from various economic censuses. From these sources we construct measures of locally oriented firms, self-employment, business establishments that serve as gathering places, and associations. The local capitalism and civic engagement variables generally perform as hypothesized; in some cases they are related quite strongly to civic welfare outcomes such as income levels, poverty rates, and nonmigration rates. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working with place-level data and suggest some strategies for subsequent work on small towns and other incorporated places.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperBusiness Failure In The 1992 Establishment Universe Sources Of Population Heterogeneity
December 1996
Working Paper Number:
This study shows that establishment dissolution declines with age and that age at dissolution differs for broad industry and geography groups, establishment affiliation status, and establishment size. The paper uses Bureau of the Census Standard Statistical Establishment List datasets, a census of establishments with employment for the United States for the year 1992. Hence, the findings constitute a comprehensive source of information on the relation between age and dissolution and place in context similar findings of studies restricted to specific industries and/or geographic areas.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperCounting The Self-Employed From Two Perspectives: Household Vs. Business Sample Data
August 1995
Working Paper Number:
This study compares the number and attributes of self-employed workers using the Characteristics of Business Owners and Current Population Survey data series. Both sources of data have been widely used in empirical studies of entrepreneurship/self-employment. Substantial and inexplicable differences were found in the two data series' estimates of the number of self-employed men and women for both reference years. In terms of individual attributes, the CBO and CPS appear to report reasonably similar profiles of self-employed individuals in terms of marital status and geographic location, and similar systematic gender differences in the industrial distributions of these individuals. However, in terms of other attributes captured by both data series, including age, the two series exhibit notable dissimilarities.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperAn Analysis of Small Business Size and Rate of Discontinuance
January 1990
Working Paper Number:
This study investigates small business failure rates in relation to several measures of firm size. Utilizing the new Characteristics of Business Owners ( CBO ) data base, a nationwide sample of firms is utilized that is representative of the small business universe. One subset--small business employers--is shown to have relatively low rates of failure, while another group--very small firms with no employees--exhibits relatively high rates of business discontinuance. The finding that the probability of firm failure is strongly (inversely) related to firm size is shown to hold up as well when the age of the business is controlled for.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperThe Characteristics of Business Owners (CBO) Database
October 1989
Working Paper Number:
The Bureau of the Census conducted the Characteristics of Business Owners (CBO) survey for the Small Business Administration and the Minority Business Development Agency in 1986. The CBO collected information from a national sample of 126,000 business owners, surveying the demographic and economic characteristics of owners and the economic performance of their firms. A major feature of the CBO is the large numbers of Hispanic, Asian and Other, Black and Women businesses, in addition to nonminority, male-owned businesses. The CBO data series also serves the broader purpose of providing data on characteristics of owners and firms in the small business population. This paper provides a report of the purpose, content, and basic procedures used for the survey and presents a preliminary discussion of the coverage and overall response.View Full Paper PDF