When Google or the U.S. Census Bureau publish detailed statistics on browsing habits or neighborhood characteristics, some privacy is lost for everybody while supplying public information. To date, economists have not focused on the privacy loss inherent in data publication. In their stead, these issues have been advanced almost exclusively by computer scientists who are primarily interested in technical problems associated with protecting privacy. Economists should join the discussion, first, to determine where to balance privacy protection against data quality; a social choice problem. Furthermore, economists must ensure new privacy models preserve the validity of public data for economic research.
An Economic Analysis of Privacy Protection and Statistical Accuracy as Social Choices
August 2018
Working Paper Number:
Statistical agencies face a dual mandate to publish accurate statistics while protecting respondent privacy. Increasing privacy protection requires decreased accuracy. Recognizing this as a resource allocation problem, we propose an economic solution: operate where the marginal cost of increasing privacy equals the marginal benefit. Our model of production, from computer science, assumes data are published using an efficient differentially private algorithm. Optimal choice weighs the demand for accurate statistics against the demand for privacy. Examples from U.S. statistical programs show how our framework can guide decision-making. Further progress requires a better understanding of willingness-to-pay for privacy and statistical accuracy.
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Revisiting the Economics of Privacy: Population Statistics and Confidentiality Protection as Public Goods
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
We consider the problem of determining the optimal accuracy of public statistics when increased accuracy requires a loss of privacy. To formalize this allocation problem, we use tools from statistics and computer science to model the publication technology used by a public statistical agency. We derive the demand for accurate statistics from first principles to generate interdependent preferences that account for the public-good nature of both data accuracy and privacy loss. We first show data accuracy is inefficiently undersupplied by a private provider. Solving the appropriate social planner's problem produces an implementable publication strategy. We implement the socially optimal publication plan for statistics on income and health status using data from the American Community Survey, National Health Interview Survey, Federal Statistical System Public Opinion Survey and Cornell National Social Survey. Our analysis indicates that welfare losses from providing too much privacy protection and, therefore, too little accuracy can be substantial.
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An In-Depth Examination of Requirements for Disclosure Risk Assessment
October 2023
Ron Jarmin,
John M. Abowd,
Ian M. Schmutte,
Jerome P. Reiter,
Nathan Goldschlag,
Michael B. Hawes,
Robert Ashmead,
Ryan Cumings-Menon,
Sallie Ann Keller,
Daniel Kifer,
Philip Leclerc,
Rolando A. Rodr�guez,
Victoria A. Velkoff,
Pavel Zhuravlev
Working Paper Number:
The use of formal privacy to protect the confidentiality of responses in the 2020 Decennial Census of Population and Housing has triggered renewed interest and debate over how to measure the disclosure risks and societal benefits of the published data products. Following long-established precedent in economics and statistics, we argue that any proposal for quantifying disclosure risk should be based on pre-specified, objective criteria. Such criteria should be used to compare methodologies to identify those with the most desirable properties. We illustrate this approach, using simple desiderata, to evaluate the absolute disclosure risk framework, the counterfactual framework underlying differential privacy, and prior-to-posterior comparisons. We conclude that satisfying all the desiderata is impossible, but counterfactual comparisons satisfy the most while absolute disclosure risk satisfies the fewest. Furthermore, we explain that many of the criticisms levied against differential privacy would be levied against any technology that is not equivalent to direct, unrestricted access to confidential data. Thus, more research is needed, but in the near-term, the counterfactual approach appears best-suited for privacy-utility analysis.
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Releasing Earnings Distributions using Differential Privacy: Disclosure Avoidance System For Post Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO)
April 2019
Working Paper Number:
The U.S. Census Bureau recently released data on earnings percentiles of graduates from post secondary institutions. This paper describes and evaluates the disclosure avoidance system developed for these statistics. We propose a differentially private algorithm for releasing these data based on standard differentially private building blocks, by constructing a histogram of earnings and the application of the Laplace mechanism to recover a differentially-private CDF of earnings. We demonstrate that our algorithm can release earnings distributions with low error, and our algorithm out-performs prior work based on the concept of smooth sensitivity from Nissim, Raskhodnikova and Smith (2007).
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Confidentiality Protection in the Census Bureau Quarterly Workforce Indicators
February 2006
Working Paper Number:
The QuarterlyWorkforce Indicators are new estimates developed by the Census Bureau's Longitudinal
Employer-Household Dynamics Program as a part of its Local Employment Dynamics
partnership with 37 state Labor Market Information offices. These data provide detailed quarterly
statistics on employment, accessions, layoffs, hires, separations, full-quarter employment
(and related flows), job creations, job destructions, and earnings (for flow and stock categories of
workers). The data are released for NAICS industries (and 4-digit SICs) at the county, workforce
investment board, and metropolitan area levels of geography. The confidential microdata - unemployment
insurance wage records, ES-202 establishment employment, and Title 13 demographic
and economic information - are protected using a permanent multiplicative noise distortion factor.
This factor distorts all input sums, counts, differences and ratios. The released statistics are analytically
valid - measures are unbiased and time series properties are preserved. The confidentiality
protection is manifested in the release of some statistics that are flagged as "significantly distorted
to preserve confidentiality." These statistics differ from the undistorted statistics by a significant
proportion. Even for the significantly distorted statistics, the data remain analytically valid for
time series properties. The released data can be aggregated; however, published aggregates are
less distorted than custom postrelease aggregates. In addition to the multiplicative noise distortion,
confidentiality protection is provided by the estimation process for the QWIs, which multiply imputes
all missing data (including missing establishment, given UI account, in the UI wage record
data) and dynamically re-weights the establishment data to provide state-level comparability with
the BLS's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.
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Disclosure Limitation and Confidentiality Protection in Linked Data
January 2018
Working Paper Number:
Confidentiality protection for linked administrative data is a combination of access modalities and statistical disclosure limitation. We review traditional statistical disclosure limitation methods and newer methods based on synthetic data, input noise infusion and formal privacy. We discuss how these methods are integrated with access modalities by providing three detailed examples. The first example is the linkages in the Health and Retirement Study to Social Security Administration data. The second example is the linkage of the Survey of Income and Program Participation to administrative data from the Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration. The third example is the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics data, which links state unemployment insurance records for workers and firms to a wide variety of censuses and surveys at the U.S. Census Bureau. For examples, we discuss access modalities, disclosure limitation methods, the effectiveness of those methods, and the resulting analytical validity. The final sections discuss recent advances in access modalities for linked administrative data.
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The 2010 Census Confidentiality Protections Failed, Here's How and Why
December 2023
Lars Vilhuber,
John M. Abowd,
Ethan Lewis,
Nathan Goldschlag,
Robert Ashmead,
Daniel Kifer,
Philip Leclerc,
Rolando A. Rodr�guez,
Tamara Adams,
David Darais,
Sourya Dey,
Simson L. Garfinkel,
Scott Moore,
Ramy N. Tadros
Working Paper Number:
Using only 34 published tables, we reconstruct five variables (census block, sex, age, race, and ethnicity) in the confidential 2010 Census person records. Using the 38-bin age variable tabulated at the census block level, at most 20.1% of reconstructed records can differ from their confidential source on even a single value for these five variables. Using only published data, an attacker can verify that all records in 70% of all census blocks (97 million people) are perfectly reconstructed. The tabular publications in Summary File 1 thus have prohibited disclosure risk similar to the unreleased confidential microdata. Reidentification studies confirm that an attacker can, within blocks with perfect reconstruction accuracy, correctly infer the actual census response on race and ethnicity for 3.4 million vulnerable population uniques (persons with nonmodal characteristics) with 95% accuracy, the same precision as the confidential data achieve and far greater than statistical baselines. The flaw in the 2010 Census framework was the assumption that aggregation prevented accurate microdata reconstruction, justifying weaker disclosure limitation methods than were applied to 2010 Census public microdata. The framework used for 2020 Census publications defends against attacks that are based on reconstruction, as we also demonstrate here. Finally, we show that alternatives to the 2020 Census Disclosure Avoidance System with similar accuracy (enhanced swapping) also fail to protect confidentiality, and those that partially defend against reconstruction attacks (incomplete suppression implementations) destroy the primary statutory use case: data for redistricting all legislatures in the country in compliance with the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
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Validating Abstract Representations of Spatial Population Data while considering Disclosure Avoidance
February 2020
Working Paper Number:
This paper furthers a research agenda for modeling populations along spatial networks and expands upon an empirical analysis to a full U.S. county (Gaboardi, 2019, Ch. 1,2). Specific foci are the necessity of, and methods for, validating and benchmarking spatial data when conducting social science research with aggregated and ambiguous population representations. In order to promote the validation of publicly-available data, access to highly-restricted census microdata was requested, and granted, in order to determine the levels of accuracy and error associated with a network-based population modeling framework. Primary findings reinforce the utility of a novel network allocation method'populated polygons to networks (pp2n) in terms of accuracy, computational complexity, and real runtime (Gaboardi, 2019, Ch. 2). Also, a pseudo-benchmark dataset's performance against the true census microdata shows promise in modeling populations along networks.
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Dynamically Consistent Noise Infusion and Partially Synthetic Data as Confidentiality Protection Measures for Related Time Series
July 2012
Working Paper Number:
The Census Bureau's Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) provide detailed quarterly statistics on employment measures such as worker and job flows, tabulated by worker characteristics in various combinations. The data are released for several levels of NAICS industries and geography, the lowest aggregation of the latter being counties. Disclosure avoidance methods are required to protect the information about individuals and businesses that contribute to the underlying data. The QWI disclosure avoidance mechanism we describe here relies heavily on the use of noise infusion through a permanent multiplicative noise distortion factor, used for magnitudes, counts, differences and ratios. There is minimal suppression and no complementary suppressions. To our knowledge, the release in 2003 of the QWI was the first large-scale use of noise infusion in any official statistical product. We show that the released statistics are analytically valid along several critical dimensions { measures are unbiased and time series properties are preserved. We provide an analysis of the degree to which confidentiality is protected. Furthermore, we show how the judicious use of synthetic data, injected into the tabulation process, can completely eliminate suppressions, maintain analytical validity, and increase the protection of the underlying confidential data.
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The Sensitivity of Economic Statistics to Coding Errors in Personal Identifiers
October 2002
Working Paper Number:
In this paper, we describe the sensitivity of small-cell flow statistics
to coding errors in the identity of the underlying entities. Specifically,
we present results based on a comparison of the U.S. Census Bureau's
Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) before and after correcting for
such errors in SSN-based identifiers in the underlying individual wage
records. The correction used involves a novel application of existing
statistical matching techniques. It is found that even a very conservative
correction procedure has a sizable impact on the statistics. The
average bias ranges from 0.25 percent up to 15 percent for flow statistics,
and up to 5 percent for payroll aggregates.
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