CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

Firm-to-Firm Relationships and Price Rigidity Theory and Evidence

January 2017

Written by: Sebastian Heise

Working Paper Number:



Economists have long suspected that firm-to-firm relationships might increase price rigidity due to the use of explicit or implicit fixed-price contracts. Using transaction-level import data from the U.S. Census, I study the responsiveness of prices to exchange rate changes and show that prices are in fact substantially more responsive to these cost shocks in older versus newly formed relationships. Based on additional stylized facts about a relationship's life cycle and interviews I conducted with purchasing managers, I develop a model in which a buyer-seller pair subject to persistent, stochastic shocks to production costs shares profit risk under limited commitment. Once structurally estimated, the model replicates the empirical correlation between relationship age and the responsiveness of prices to shocks. My results suggest that changes to the average length of relationships in the economy - e.g., in a recession, when the share of young relationships declines - can influence price flexibility and hence the effectiveness of monetary policy.

Document Tags and Keywords

Keywords Keywords are automatically generated using KeyBERT, a powerful and innovative keyword extraction tool that utilizes BERT embeddings to ensure high-quality and contextually relevant keywords.

By analyzing the content of working papers, KeyBERT identifies terms and phrases that capture the essence of the text, highlighting the most significant topics and trends. This approach not only enhances searchability but provides connections that go beyond potentially domain-specific author-defined keywords.
economist, demand, endogeneity, market, cost, financial, price, recession, pricing, contract, buyer, rate, regress, trading, shock

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The model is able to label words and phrases by part-of-speech, including "organizations." By filtering for frequent words and phrases labeled as "organizations", papers are identified to contain references to specific institutions, datasets, and other organizations.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Science Foundation, Bureau of Economic Analysis, County Business Patterns, Federal Reserve Bank, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Longitudinal Business Database, World Bank, Longitudinal Firm Trade Transactions Database, Customs and Border Protection

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