Integrated Longitudinal Employee-Employer Data for the United States
May 2004
Working Paper Number:
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workers earnings,
longitudinal employer,
employee data
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Center for Economic Studies,
Research Data Center,
Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics,
LEHD Program,
Quarterly Workforce Indicators
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The 10 most similar working papers to the working paper 'Integrated Longitudinal Employee-Employer Data for the United States' are listed below in order of similarity.
Working PaperNew Approaches to Confidentiality Protection Synthetic Data, Remote Access and Research Data Centers🔥
June 2004
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Working PaperSynthetic Data and Confidentiality Protection🔥
September 2003
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Working PaperEmployer-Provided Benefit Plans, Workforce Composition and Firm Outcomes
January 2005
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What do firms gain by offering benefits? Economists have proposed two payoffs: (i) benefits may be a more cost-effective form of compensation than wages for employees facing high marginal tax rates, and (ii) benefits may attract a more stable, skilled workforce. Both should improve firm outcomes, but we have little evidence on this matter. This paper exploits a rich new dataset to examine how firm productivity and survival are related to benefit offering, and finds that benefit-offering firms have higher productivity and higher survival rates. Differences in firm and workforce characteristics explain some but not all of the differences in outcomes.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperUsing Worker Flows in the Analysis of the Firm
August 2003
Working Paper Number:
This paper uses a novel approach to measure firm entry and exit, mergers and acquisition. It uses information about the flows of clusters of workers across business units to identify longitudinal linkage relationships in longitudinal business data. These longitudinal relationships may be the result of either administrative or economic changes and we explore both types of newly identified longitudinal relationships. In particular, we develop a set of criteria based on worker flows to identify changes in firm relationships ? such as mergers and acquisitions, administrative identifier changes and outsourcing. We demonstrate how this new data infrastructure and this cluster flow methodology can be used to better differentiate true firm entry/exit and simple changes in administrative identifiers. We explore the role of outsourcing in a variety of ways but in particular the outsourcing of workers to the temporary help industry. While the primary focus is on developing the data infrastructure and the methodology to identify and interpret these clustered flows of workers, we conclude the paper with an analysis of the impact of these changes on the earnings of workers.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperResolving the Tension Between Access and Confidentiality: Past Experience and Future Plans at the U.S. Census Bureau
September 2009
Working Paper Number:
This paper provides an historical context for access to U.S. Federal statistical data with a primary focus on the U.S. Census Bureau. We review the various modes used by the Census Bureau to make data available to users, and highlight the costs and benefits associated with each. We highlight some of the specific improvements underway or under consideration at the Census Bureau to better serve its data users, as well as discuss the broad strategies employed by statistical agencies to respond to the challenges of data access.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperJob-to-Job Flows and Earnings Growth*
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
The U.S. workforce has had little change in real wages, income, or earnings since the year 2000. However, even when there is little change in the average rate at which workers are compensated, individual workers experienced a distribution of wage and earnings changes. In this paper, we demonstrate how earnings evolve in the U.S. economy in the years 2001-2014 on a forthcoming dataset on earnings for stayers and transitioners from the U.S. Census Bureau's Job-to-Job Flows data product to account for the role of on-the-job earnings growth, job-to-job flows, and nonemployment in the growth of U.S. earnings.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperThe Promise and Potential of Linked Employer-Employee Data for Entrepreneurship Research
September 2015
Working Paper Number:
In this paper, we highlight the potential for linked employer-employee data to be used in entrepreneurship research, describing new data on business start-ups, their founders and early employees, and providing examples of how they can be used in entrepreneurship research. Linked employer-employee data provides a unique perspective on new business creation by combining information on the business, workforce, and individual. By combining data on both workers and firms, linked data can investigate many questions that owner-level or firm-level data cannot easily answer alone - such as composition of the workforce at start-ups and their role in explaining business dynamics, the flow of workers across new and established firms, and the employment paths of the business owners themselves.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperContributions to Health Insurance Premiums: When Does the Employer Pay 100 Percent?
December 2005
Working Paper Number:
We identify the characteristics of establishments that paid 100 percent of health insurance premiums and the policies they offered from 1997-2001, despite increased premium costs. Analyzing data from the MEPS-IC, we see little change in the percent of establishments that paid the full cost of premiums for employees. Most of these establishments were young, small, singleunits, with a relatively high paid workforce. Plans that were fully paid generally required referrals to see specialists, did not cover pre-existing conditions or outpatient prescriptions, and had the highest out-of-pocket expense limits. These plans also were more likely than plans not fully paid by employers to have had a fee-for-service or exclusive provider arrangement, had the highest premiums, and were less likely to be self-insured.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperUsing Census Business Data to Augment the MEPS-IC
December 2005
Working Paper Number:
This paper has two aims: first to describe methods, issues, and outcomes involved in matching data from the Insurance Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPSIC) to other business microdata collected by the U.S. Census Bureau, and second to present some simple results that illustrate the usefulness of such combined data. We present the results of linking the MEPS-IC with data from the 1997 Economic Censuses (EC), but also discuss other possible sources of business data. An issue in any linkage is whether the linked sample remains representative and large enough to be useful. The EC data are attractive because, given the survey's broad coverage and large sample, most of the MEPS-IC sample can be matched to it. We use the combined EC/MEPS-IC data to construct productivity measures that are useful auxiliary data in examining employers' health insurance offering decisions.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperDecomposing the Sources of Earnings Inequality: Assessing the Role of Reallocation
September 2010
Working Paper Number:
This paper uses matched employer-employee data from the U.S. Census Bureau to investigate the contribution of worker and firm reallocation to changes in wage inequality within and across industries between 1992 and 2003. We find that the entry and exit of firms and the sorting of workers and firms based on underlying worker skills are important sources of changes in earnings distributions over time. Our results suggest that the underlying dynamics driving changes in earnings inequality are complex and are due to factors that cannot be measured in standard cross-sectional data.View Full Paper PDF