CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

County-Level Estimates of the Employment Prospects of Low-Skill Workers

July 2000

Written by: David C Ribar

Working Paper Number:



This study examines low-skill wage and employment opportunities for men and women at the county level over the period 1989-96. Currently, reliable direct measures of wages and employment rates for different demographic and skill groups are only available for large geographic areas such as regions and populous states or at infrequent intervals (e.g., from the Decennial Census) for some smaller areas. This study constructs indirect annual measures for all counties from 1989-96 by combining skill-specific information on earnings and employment from the Sample Edited Detail File (SEDF) of the 1990 Decennial Census and the 1990-97 Annual Demographic files of the Current Population Survey (CPS) with annual industry-specific information from the Regional Economic Information System (REIS). Special versions of the SEDF and CPS files that identify county of residence are used. The study regresses the low-skill wage and employment data from the SEDF and CPS files on a set of personal variables from the combined files and local employment measures derived from the REIS. The wage regressions are corrected for selectivity from the employment decision and account for county-specific effects as well as general time effects. Estimates from the regressions are then combined with the available employment data from the REIS to impute wage and employment rates for low-skill adults across counties.

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economist, econometric, employed, labor, recession, employment growth, job, trend, employment estimates, inflation, employment flows, percentile, household, welfare, labor statistics, poverty, unemployment rates, employment statistics, worker demographics, decade, poor

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Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Science Foundation, Standard Industrial Classification, Metropolitan Statistical Area, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Current Population Survey, Decennial Census, Council of Economic Advisers, Regional Economic Information System, American Community Survey, Sample Edited Detail File

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