Workshop 2010 Agenda (125 KB)
Pictures from the workshop (courtesy Kevin McKinney, Census Bureau)
Wednesday, March 10
Early Bird Session on Education
P-20 Education Applications
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Carol B. Jenner, Education Research and Data Center, State of Washington
Early Bird Session on Emergency Management
National Weather Service Overview
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Bob Bunge, National Weather Service -
Assessing the Impact of Natural Disasters on Labor Markets: An OTM Perspective
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Allan Ross, Illinois Department of Employment Security -
OnTheMap for Emergency Management
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Robert Pitts, U.S. Census Bureau -
Economic and Revenue Impacts of Potential Flooding in the Green River Valley, Briefing to the King County Forecast Concil
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Tom Goodwin, State of Washington -
Economic and Tax Revenue Impacts of Potential Flooding in the Green River Valley
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Tom Goodwin, State of Washington
Economic and Revenue Impacts of Potential Flooding in the Green River Valley, Briefing to the King County Forecast Concil
(1.6 MB)
Thursday, March 11
Keynote Address
Stimulus, Jobs, and Data:
Impact and Next Steps
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Ed Montgomery, White House Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers -
Auto Workers and Their Communities:
What We Know, Don't Know, and Would Like to Know
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Discussant: Randall W. Eberts, President, W.E. Upjohn Institute
Poster Session
Ontario, Oregon–Idaho Micropolitan Statistical Area
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Often existing beyond community borders, regional economies are dynamic zones of business activity. The Ontario Area spans two counties and two states. OnTheMap provides regional analysis answering questions from economic development entities, workforce system participants, and others.
Multi-Year Age–Gender Pyramid Chart
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Multi-Year Age–Gender Pyramid Chart Showing Percentages of Civilian and Employed Population: A Study of Growth Patterns in Georgia from 2000 through 2008.
(125 KB) Age
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Quarterly Workforce Indicators data were used to recognize trends in California's workforce. These data demonstrated that California's workforce is aging and that industries which are historically male dominated are beginning to see an increase in female employment.
Measuring the Economic Recovery
The Kitchen Sink: Using All Our Tools To Analyze the Great Recession
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Scott Bailey, State of Washington
LED Enhancements
Local Employment Dynamics: Upcoming Enhancements
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Jeremy Wu, U.S. Census Bureau -
OnTheMap Version 4
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Matt Graham, U.S. Census Bureau -
Upcoming Data Enhancements to the QWI and OnTheMap
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Erika McEntarfer, U.S. Census Bureau
1. Workforce Planning
Impact of Land Use Regulations on Workforce Demographics: Case of Industrial Sanctuary Workforce from Portland, OR
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Uma Krishnan, City of Portland, Oregon -
Responding to Demographic Shifts within the Greater Pittsburgh Nonprofit Sector
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Tayo Fabusuyi, Victoria Hill, and Tim Weidemann, Numeritics
2. Transportation Planning
Using LED to Locate Parking Demand in Downtown Austin, TX
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Robert McHaney, Goodman Corporation
3. Economic Indicators
Industrial and Employment Composition and their Impact on Taxable Sales in St. Louis
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David Mitchell, Missouri State University -
Economic Sustainability: Uses of LED in Illinois
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George Putnam, State of Illinois
March 12, 2010
Promoting Local Employment Dynamics Use in Your State
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Nick Beleiciks, State of Oregon
LED Operations
QWI Production
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Walter Kydd, U.S. Census Bureau -
LED Data Quality: Selected Issues from State Data Submissions
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Stephen Tibbets, U.S. Census Bureau -
Data Visualization: Like High Definition TV, It's Here to Stay!
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Colleen Flannery, U.S. Census Bureau