In spite of the large and growing importance of the employer size-wage premium, previous attempts to account for this phenomenon using observable worker or employer characteristics have met with limited success. The primary reason for this lack of success has been the lack of suitable data. While most theoretical explanations for the size-wage premium are based on the matching of employer and employee characteristics, previous empirical work has relied on either worker surveys with little information about a worker's employer, or establishment surveys with little information about workers. In contrast, this study uses the newly created Worker-Establishment Characteristic Database, which contains linked employer-employee data for a large sample of manufacturing workers and establishments, to examine the employer size-wage premium. The main results are: 1) Examining the cross-plant distribution of the skill of workers shows that managers with larger observable measures of skill work in large plants and firms with production workers with larger observable measures of skill. 2) Results from reduced form wage regressions show that including measures of the amount or type of capital in a worker's plant eliminates the establishment size-wage premium. 3) These results are robust to efforts at correcting for possible bias in the parameter estimates due to sample selection. While these findings are consistent with neoclassical explanations for the size-wage premium that hypothesize that large employers employ more skilled workers, their primary importance is that they show that the employer size-wage premium can be accounted for with employer-employee matched data. As such, these data lend support to models which emphasize the role of employer-employee matching in accounting for both cross-sectional and dynamic aspects of the wage distribution.
The Worker-Establishment Characteristics Database
June 1995
Working Paper Number:
A data set combining information on the characteristics of both workers and their employers has long been a grail for labor economists. The reason for this interest is that while a number of theoretical models in labor economics stress the importance of employer-employee matching in determining labor market outcomes, almost all empirical work relies on either worker surveys with little information about employers or establishment surveys with little information about workers. The Worker-Establishment Characteristic Database (WECD) represents just such an employer-employee-matched database. Containing 199,557 manufacturing workers matched to 16,144 manufacturing establishments, the WECD is the largest worker-firm matched data set available for the U.S. This paper describes how this data set was constructed and assesses the usefulness of these data for economic research. In addition, I discuss some of the issues that can be addressed using employer-employee-matched data and plans for creating future versions of the WECD.
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Production Function and Wage Equation Estimation with Heterogenous Labor: Evidence from a New Matched Employer-Employee Dataset
April 2004
Working Paper Number:
In this paper, we first describe the 1990 DEED, the most recently constructed matched employeremployee data set for the United States that contains detailed demographic information on workers (most notably, information on education). We then use the data from manufacturing establishments in the 1990 DEED to update and expand on previous findings, using a more limited data set, regarding the measurement of the labor input and theories of wage determination (Hellerstein, et al., 1999). We find that the productivity of women is less than that of men, but not by enough to fully explain the gap in wages, a result that is consistent with wage discrimination against women. In contrast, we find no evidence of wage discrimination against blacks. We estimate that both the wage and productivity profiles are rising but concave to the origin (consistent with profiles quadratic in age), but the estimated relative wage profile is steeper than the relative productivity profile, consistent with models of deferred wages. We find a productivity premium for marriage equal to that of the wage premium, and a productivity premium for education that somewhat exceeds the wage premium. Exploring the sensitivity of these results, we also find that different specifications of production functions do not have any qualitative effects on the these results. Finally, the results indicate that the returns to productive inputs (capital, materials, labor quality) as well as the residual variance are virtually unaffected by the choice of the construction of the labor quality input.
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Health Insurance and Productivity: Evidence from the Manufacturing Sector
September 2009
Working Paper Number:
This paper examines the relationship between employer-sponsored offers of health insurance and establishments' labor productivity. Our empirical work is based on unique plant level data that links the 1997 and 2002 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component with the 1992, 1997, and 2002 Census of Manufactures. These linked data provide information on employer-provided insurance and productivity. We find that health insurance offers are positively associated with levels of establishments' labor productivity. These findings hold for all manufacturers as well as those with fewer than 100 employees. Our preliminary results also show a drop in health care costs from the 75th to the 25th percentile would increase the probability of a plant offering insurance by 1.5-2.0 percent in both 1997 and 2002. The results from this paper provide encouraging and new empirical evidence on the benefits employers may reap by offering health insurance to workers.
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Wages, Employer Size-Wage Premia and Employment Structure: Their Relationship to Advanced-Technology Usage at U.S. Manufacturing Establishments
December 1992
Working Paper Number:
We study wages, size-wage premia and the employment structure (measured as the fraction of production workers in an establishment) and their relationship to the extent of advanced-technology usage at U.S, manufacturing plants. We begin by sketching a model of technology adoption based on Lucas (1978) that provides a framework for interpreting the data analysis. We then study a new Census Bureau survey of technology use at manufacturing plants. Workers in establishments that are classified as the most technology intensive earn a premium of 16 percent as compared to those in plants that are the least premium earned by workers in all but the very largest plants. The inclusion of the technology classification variables in standard wage regressions reduced the size-wage premia by as much as 60 percent for some size categories.
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The Impact of Minimum Wages on Job Training: An Empirical Exploration with Establishment Data
February 2003
Working Paper Number:
Human capital theory suggests that workers may finance on-the-job training by accepting lower wages during the training period. Minimum wage laws could reduce job training, then, to the extent they prevent low-wage workers from offering sufficient wage cuts to finance training. Empirical findings on the relationship between minimum wages and job training have failed to reach a consensus. Previous research has relied primarily on survey data from individual workers, which typically lack both detailed measures of job training and important information about the characteristics of firms. This study addresses the issue of minimum wages and on-the-job training with a unique employer survey. We find no evidence indicating that minimum wages reduce the average hours of training of trained employees, and little to suggest that minimum wages reduce the percentage of workers receiving training.
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Sex Segregation in U.S. Manufacturing
June 1996
Working Paper Number:
This paper studies interplant sex segregation in the U.S. manufacturing industry. The study differs from previous work in that we have detailed information on the characteristics of both workers and firms, and because we measure segregation in a new and better way. We report three main findings. First, there is a substantial amount of interplant sex segregation in the U.S. manufacturing industry, although segregation is far from complete. Second, we find that female managers tend to work in the same plants as female supervisees, even once we control for other plant characteristics. And finally, we find that interplant segregation can account for a substantial fraction of the male/female wage gap in the manufacturing industry, particularly among blue-collar workers.
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The 1990 Decennial Employer-Employee Dataset
October 2002
Working Paper Number:
We describe the construction and assessment of a new matched employer-employee data set, the 1990 Decennial Employer-Employee Dataset (1990 DEED). By using place of work name and address, we link workers from the 1990 Long Form Sample to their place of work in the 1990 Standard Statistical Establishment List. The resulting data set is much larger and more representative across regional and industry dimensions than previous matched data sets for the United States. The known strengths and limitations of the data set are discussed in detail.
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Workplace Segregation in the United States: Race, Ethnicity, and Skill
January 2007
Working Paper Number:
We study workplace segregation in the United States using a unique matched employer employee data set that we have created. We present measures of workplace segregation by education and language, and by race and ethnicity, and . since skill is often correlated with race and ethnicity we assess the role of education- and language-related skill differentials in generating workplace segregation by race and ethnicity. We define segregation based on the extent to which workers are more or less likely to be in workplaces with members of the same group, and we measure segregation as the observed percentage relative to maximum segregation. Our results indicate that there is considerable segregation by education and language in the workplace. Among whites, for example, observed segregation by education is 17% (of the maximum), and for Hispanics, observed segregation by language ability is 29%. Racial (blackwhite) segregation in the workplace is of a similar magnitude to education segregation (14%), and ethnic (Hispanic-white) segregation is somewhat higher (20%). Only a tiny portion (3%) of racial segregation in the workplace is driven by education differences between blacks and whites, but a substantial fraction of ethnic segregation in the workplace (32%) can be attributed to differences in language proficiency. Finally, additional evidence suggests that segregation by language likely reflects complementarity among workers speaking the same language.
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Is There Really an Export Wage Premium? A Case Study of Los Angeles Using Matched Employee-Employer Data
February 2006
Working Paper Number:
This paper investigates the effects of exporting on wages, specifically the claim that workers are paid higher wages if they are employed in manufacturing plants that export vis-'-vis plants that do not export. Past research on US plants has supported the existence of an export wage premium, though European studies dispute those results calling for more care in econometric investigation to control for worker characteristics. We answer this call developing a matched employee-employer data set linking worker characteristics from the one-in-six long form of the Decennial Household Census to manufacturing establishment data from the Longitudinal Research Database. Analysis focuses on 1990 and 2000 data for the Los Angeles Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area. Our results confirm that the average wage in manufacturing plants that export is greater than that in manufacturing plants that do not export. However, after controlling for worker characteristics such as age, gender, education, race and nationality, the export wage premium vanishes. That is, when comparing workers with similar characteristics, there is no wage difference between exporting and non-exporting plants. These results concord with recent findings from Europe and elsewhere.
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Interfirm Segregation and the Black/White Wage Gap
August 1996
Working Paper Number:
This paper studies interfirm racial segregation in two newly developed firm-level databases. Within the representative MSA, we find that the interfirm distribution of black and white workers is close to what would be implied by the random assignment of workers to firms. However, we also find that black workers are systematically clustered in "black" employers where managers, owners, and customers are also black. These facts may be reconciled by the facts that a) there are not enough black employers to generate much segregation and that b) perhaps other difficult-to-identify forces serve to systematically integrate black and white workers. Finally, we find that the black/white wage gap is entirely a within-firm phenomenon, as blacks do not work in firms that pay low wages on average.
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