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Papers Containing Keywords(s): 'housing'

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Frequently Occurring Concepts within this Search

American Community Survey - 34

Decennial Census - 31

Metropolitan Statistical Area - 28

Ordinary Least Squares - 22

Housing and Urban Development - 18

Department of Housing and Urban Development - 18

American Housing Survey - 18

Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board - 17

National Science Foundation - 16

Center for Economic Studies - 15

Bureau of Labor Statistics - 14

Internal Revenue Service - 14

Current Population Survey - 14

Protected Identification Key - 13

Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics - 13

Master Address File - 13

Chicago Census Research Data Center - 13

Federal Statistical Research Data Center - 12

2020 Census - 11

National Bureau of Economic Research - 11

Disclosure Review Board - 10

Social Security Number - 8

Research Data Center - 8

Bureau of Economic Analysis - 8

Federal Reserve Bank - 8

Social Security Administration - 7

Supreme Court - 7

North American Industry Classification System - 7

Survey of Income and Program Participation - 7

Longitudinal Business Database - 7

Special Sworn Status - 7

UC Berkeley - 6

Alfred P Sloan Foundation - 6

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth - 6

American Economic Association - 6

Environmental Protection Agency - 6

Standard Statistical Establishment List - 6

W-2 - 5

New York University - 5

PSID - 5

Core Based Statistical Area - 5

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series - 5

Employer Identification Number - 5

1990 Census - 5

Department of Economics - 5

Indian Health Service - 5

Composite Person Record - 5

Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications - 5

Center for Administrative Records Research - 5

Service Annual Survey - 5

Person Validation System - 4

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - 4



Harvard University - 4

Adjusted Gross Income - 4

Postal Service - 4

University of Chicago - 4

Unemployment Insurance - 4

Census 2000 - 4

General Accounting Office - 4

Standard Industrial Classification - 4

Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas - 4

Earned Income Tax Credit - 3

Geographic Information Systems - 3

Social Security - 3

Federal Reserve System - 3

Department of Agriculture - 3

National Research Council - 3

Urban Institute - 3

Russell Sage Foundation - 3

Indian Housing Information Center - 3

Census of Manufactures - 3

Economic Research Service - 3

Employer Characteristics File - 3

Department of Health and Human Services - 3

Quarterly Workforce Indicators - 3

Public Use Micro Sample - 3

Social and Economic Supplement - 3

Journal of Economic Literature - 3

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages - 3

Annual Survey of Manufactures - 3

National Ambient Air Quality Standards - 3

Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies - 3

Permanent Plant Number - 3

University of California Los Angeles - 3

Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Industries - 3

household - 57

neighborhood - 47

residential - 46

residence - 39

resident - 37

metropolitan - 29

rent - 25

population - 24

poverty - 22

home - 22

renter - 20

socioeconomic - 19

segregation - 19

homeowner - 17

house - 16

disadvantaged - 15

urban - 15

recession - 14

ethnicity - 14

migration - 14

racial - 13

reside - 13

migrant - 13

census data - 12

minority - 11

suburb - 11

income neighborhoods - 11

city - 11

moving - 11

apartment - 10

employ - 10

segregated - 10

neighbor - 10

estimating - 10

migrating - 10

ethnic - 9

housing survey - 9

rural - 9

amenity - 9

race - 8

residential segregation - 8

community - 8

relocating - 8

survey - 8

migrate - 8

relocate - 8

welfare - 7

unemployed - 7

family - 7

discrimination - 7

disparity - 7

relocation - 7

econometric - 7

labor - 7

black - 7

immigrant - 7

state - 7

employed - 7

workforce - 7

economist - 7

expenditure - 6

hispanic - 6

white - 6

economically - 6

endogeneity - 5

heterogeneity - 5

regress - 5

respondent - 5

unobserved - 5

census use - 5

data - 5

tax - 5

crime - 5

locality - 5

job - 5

environmental - 5

pollution - 5

intergenerational - 4

mortgage - 4

subsidized - 4

estimation - 4

spillover - 4

subsidy - 4

geographically - 4

data census - 4

immigration - 4

taxation - 4

citizen - 4

market - 4

department - 4

worker - 4

district - 4

census research - 4

prevalence - 4

emission - 4

epa - 4

demand - 4

area - 4

residing - 4

saving - 3

child - 3

loan - 3

household income - 3

income households - 3

sociology - 3

poorer - 3

econometrician - 3

agency - 3

survey data - 3

utility - 3

employee - 3

establishment - 3

regression - 3

country - 3

school - 3

pollutant - 3

polluting - 3

regional - 3

poor - 3

urbanization - 3

matching - 3

mobility - 3

shift - 3

economic census - 3

commute - 3

discriminatory - 3

payroll - 3

Viewing papers 1 through 10 of 80

  • Working Paper

    From Marcy to Madison Square? The Effects of Growing Up in Public Housing on Early Adulthood Outcomes

    November 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    This paper studies the effects of growing up in public housing in New York City on children's long-run outcomes. Using linked administrative data, we exploit variation in the age children move into public housing to estimate the effects of spending an additional year of childhood in public housing on a range of economic and social outcomes in early adulthood. We find that childhood exposure to public housing improves labor market outcomes and reduces participation in federal safety net programs, particularly for children from the most disadvantaged families. Additionally, we find there is some heterogeneity in impacts across public housing developments. Developments located in neighborhoods with relatively fewer renters and higher household incomes are better for children overall. Our estimate of the marginal value of public funds suggests that for every $1 the government spends per child on public housing, children receive $1.40 in benefits, including $2.30 for children from the most disadvantaged families.
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  • Working Paper

    Household Wealth and Entrepreneurial Career Choices: Evidence from Climate Disasters

    July 2024

    Authors: Xiao Cen

    Working Paper Number:


    This study investigates how household wealth affects the human capital of startups, based on U.S. Census individual-level employment data, deed records, and geographic information system (GIS) data. Using floods as a wealth shock, a regression discontinuity analysis shows inundated residents are 7% less likely to work in startups relative to their neighbors outside the flood boundary, within a 0.1-mile-wide band. The effect is more pronounced for homeowners, consistent with the wealth effect. The career distortion leads to a significant long-run income loss, highlighting the importance of self-insurance for human capital allocation.
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  • Working Paper

    The Impact of Parental Resources on Human Capital Investment and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Great Recession

    June 2024

    Authors: Jeremy Kirk

    Working Paper Number:


    I study the impact of parents' financial resources during adolescence on postsecondary human capital investment and labor market outcomes, using house value changes during the Great Recession of 2007-2009 as a natural experiment. I use several restricted-access datasets from the U.S. Census Bureau to create a novel dataset that includes intergenerational linkages between children and their parents. This data allows me to exploit house value variation within labor markets, addressing the identification concern that local house values are related to local economic conditions. I find that the average decrease to parents' home values lead to persistent decreases in bachelor's degree attainment of 1.26%, earnings of 1.96%, and full-time employment of 1.32%. Children of parents suffering larger house value shocks are more likely to substitute into two-year degree programs, drop out of college, or be enrolled in a college program in their late 20s.
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  • Working Paper

    Who Marries Whom? The Role of Segregation by Race and Class

    June 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    Americans rarely marry outside of their race or class group. We distinguish between two possible explanations: a lack of exposure to other groups versus a preference to marry within group. We develop an instrument for neighborhood exposure to opposite-sex members of other race and class groups using variation in sex ratios among nearby birth cohorts in childhood neighborhoods. We then test whether increased exposure results in more interracial (white-Black) and interclass (top-to-bottom parent income quartile) marriages. Increased exposure to opposite-sex members of other class groups generates a substantial increase in interclass marriage, but increased exposure to other race groups has no detectable effect on interracial marriage. We use these results to estimate a spatial model of the marriage market and quantify the impact of reducing residential segregation in general equilibrium. For small changes in exposure, the model implies effects in line with recent estimates from policy experiments. We then use the model to assess the overall contribution of segregation and find that residential segregation has large effects on interclass, but not interracial, marriage.
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  • Working Paper

    Whose Neighborhood Now? Gentrification and Community Life in Low-Income Urban Neighborhoods

    June 2024

    Authors: AJ Golio

    Working Paper Number:


    Gentrification is a process of urban change that has wide-ranging social and political impacts, but previous studies provide divergent findings. Does gentrification leave residents feeling alienated, or does it bolster neighborhood social satisfaction? Politically, does urban change mobilize residents, or leave them disengaged? I assess a national, cross-sectional sample of about 17,500 respondents in lower-income urban neighborhoods, and use a structural equation modeling approach to model six latent variables pertaining to local social environment and political participation. Amongst the full sample, gentrification has a positive association with all six factors. However, this relationship depends upon respondents' level of income, length of residency, and racial identity. White residents and those with shorter length of residency report higher levels of social cohesion as gentrification increases, but there is no such association amongst racial minority groups and longer-term residents. This finding aligns with a perspective on gentrification as a racialized process, and demonstrates that gentrification-related amenities primarily serve the interests of white residents and newcomers. All groups, however, are more likely to participate in neighborhood politics as gentrification increases, drawing attention to the agency of local residents as they attempt to influence processes of urban change.
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  • Working Paper

    Neighborhood Revitalization and Residential Sorting

    March 2024

    Working Paper Number:


    The HOPE VI Revitalization program sought to transform high-poverty neighborhoods into mixed-income communities through the demolition of public housing projects and the construction of new housing. We use longitudinal administrative data to investigate how the program affected both neighborhoods and individual residential outcomes. In line with the stated objectives, we find that the program reduced poverty rates in targeted neighborhoods and enabled subsidized renters to live in lower-poverty neighborhoods, on average. The primary beneficiaries were not the original neighborhood residents, most of whom moved away. Instead, subsidized renters who moved into the neighborhoods after an award experienced the largest reductions in neighborhood poverty. The program reduced the stock of public housing in targeted neighborhoods but expanded access to housing vouchers in other, lower-poverty neighborhoods. Spillover effects on the poverty rates of other neighborhoods were small and dispersed throughout the city. Our estimates imply that cities that revitalized half of their public housing stock reduced the average neighborhood poverty rate among all subsidized renters by 4.1 percentage points.
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  • Working Paper

    Where to Build Affordable Housing? Evaluating the Tradeoffs of Location

    December 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    How does the location of affordable housing affect tenant welfare, the distribution of assistance, and broader societal objectives such as racial integration? Using administrative data on tenants of units funded by the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), we first show that characteristics such as race and proxies for need vary widely across neighborhoods. Despite fixed eligibility requirements, LIHTC developments in more opportunity-rich neighborhoods house tenants who are higher income, more educated, and far less likely to be Black. To quantify the welfare implications, we build a residential choice model in which households choose from both market-rate and affordable housing options, where the latter must be rationed. While building affordable housing in higher-opportunity neighborhoods costs more, it also increases household welfare and reduces city-wide segregation. The gains in household welfare, however, accrue to more moderate-need, non-Black/Hispanic households at the expense of other households. This change in the distribution of assistance is primarily due to a 'crowding out' effect: households that only apply for assistance in higher-opportunity neighborhoods crowd out those willing to apply regardless of location. Finally, other policy levers'such as lowering the income limits used for means-testing'have only limited effects relative to the choice of location.
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  • Working Paper

    The Economic Geography of Lifecycle Human Capital Accumulation: The Competing Effects of Labor Markets and Childhood Environments

    November 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    We examine how place shapes the production of human capital across the lifecycle. We ask: do those places that most effectively produce human capital in childhood also have local labor markets that do so in adulthood? We begin by modeling wages across place as driven by 1) location-specific wage premiums, 2) adult human capital accumulation due to local labor market exposure, and 3) childhood human capital accumulation. We construct estimates of location wage premiums using AKM style estimates of movers across US commuting zones and validate these estimates using evidence from plausibly exogenous out migration from New Orleans in response to Hurricane Katrina. Next, we examine differential earnings trajectories among movers to construct estimates of human capital accumulation due to labor market exposure. We validate these estimates using wage changes of multi-time movers. Finally, we estimate the impact of place on childhood human capital production using age variation in moves during childhood. Crucially, our estimates of location wage premiums and adult human capital accumulation allow us to construct estimates of the causal effect of place during childhood that are not confounded by correlated labor market exposure. Using these estimates, we show there is a tradeoff between those places that most effectively produce human capital in childhood and the local labor markets that do so in adulthood. We find that each 1-rank increase in earnings due to adult labor market exposure trades off with a 0.43 rank decrease in earnings due to the local childhood environment. This pattern is closely linked to city size, as adult human capital accumulation generally increases with city size, while childhood human capital accumulation falls. These divergent trajectories are associated with differences in both the physical structure of cities and the nature of social interaction therein. There is no tradeoff present in the largest cities, which provide greater exposure to high-wage earners and higher levels of local investment. Finally, we examine how these patterns are reflected in local rents. Location wage premia are heavily capitalized into rents, but the determinants of lifecycle human capital accumulation are not.
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  • Working Paper

    When and Why Does Nonresponse Occur? Comparing the Determinants of Initial Unit Nonresponse and Panel Attrition

    September 2023

    Authors: Tiffany S. Neman

    Working Paper Number:


    Though unit nonresponse threatens data quality in both cross-sectional and panel surveys, little is understood about how initial nonresponse and later panel attrition may be theoretically or empirically distinct phenomena. This study advances current knowledge of the determinants of both unit nonresponse and panel attrition within the context of the U.S. Census Bureau's Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) panel survey, which I link with high-quality federal administrative records, paradata, and geographic data. By exploiting the SIPP's interpenetrated sampling design and relying on cross-classified random effects modeling, this study quantifies the relative effects of sample household, interviewer, and place characteristics on baseline nonresponse and later attrition, addressing a critical gap in the literature. Given the reliance on successful record linkages between survey sample households and federal administrative data in the nonresponse research, this study also undertakes an explicitly spatial analysis of the place-based characteristics associated with successful record linkages in the U.S.
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  • Working Paper

    Eviction and Poverty in American Cities

    July 2023

    Working Paper Number:


    More than two million U.S. households have an eviction case filed against them each year. Policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels are increasingly pursuing policies to reduce the number of evictions, citing harm to tenants and high public expenditures related to homelessness. We study the consequences of eviction for tenants using newly linked administrative data from two major urban areas: Cook County (which includes Chicago) and New York City. We document that prior to housing court, tenants experience declines in earnings and employment and increases in financial distress and hospital visits. These pre-trends pose a challenge for disentangling correlation and causation. To address this problem, we use an instrumental variables approach based on cases randomly assigned to judges of varying leniency. We find that an eviction order increases homelessness and hospital visits and reduces earnings, durable goods consumption, and access to credit in the first two years. Effects on housing and labor market outcomes are driven by impacts for female and Black tenants. In the longer-run, eviction increases indebtedness and reduces credit scores.
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