CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

Employer-Sim Microsimulation Model: Model Development and Application to Estimation of Tax Subsidies to Health Insurance

December 2014

Working Paper Number:



Employment-related health coverage is the predominant form of health insurance in the nonelderly, US population. Developing sound policies regarding the tax treatment of employer-sponsored insurance requires detailed information on the insurance benefits offered by employers as well as detailed information on the characteristics of employees and their familes. Unfortunately, no nationally representative data set contains all of the necessary elements. This paper describes the development of the Employer-Sim model which models tax-based health policies by using data on workers from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component (MEPS HC) to form synthetic workforces for each establishment in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component (MEPS IC). This paper describes the application of Employer-Sim to estimating tax subsidies to employer-sponsored health insurance and presents estimates of the cost and indcidence of the subsidy for 2008. The paper concludes by discussing other potential applications of the Employer-Sim model.

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By analyzing the content of working papers, KeyBERT identifies terms and phrases that capture the essence of the text, highlighting the most significant topics and trends. This approach not only enhances searchability but provides connections that go beyond potentially domain-specific author-defined keywords.
payroll, expenditure, subsidy, insurance, tax, policy, enrollment, irs, coverage, premium, healthcare, medicare, health insurance, uninsured, coverage employer, insured, insurance coverage, insurance premiums, taxation, exemption

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