CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

Family Resources and Human Capital in Economic Downturns

March 2024

Written by: Garrett Anstreicher

Working Paper Number:



I study how recessions impact the human capital of young adults and how these effects vary over the parent income gradient. Using a novel confidential linked survey dataset from U.S. Census, I document that the negative effects of worse local unemployment shocks on educational attainment are strongly concentrated among middle-class children, with losses in parental home equity being potentially important mechanisms. To probe the aggregate implications of these findings and assess policy implications, I develop a model of selection into college and life-cycle earnings that comprises endogenous parental transfers for education, multiple schooling options, and uncertainty in post-graduation employment outcomes. Simulating a recession in the model produces a 'hollowing out the middle' in lifecycle earnings in the aggregate, and educational borrowing constraints play a key role in this result. Counterfactual policies to expand college access in response to the recession can mitigate these effects but struggle to be cost effective.

Document Tags and Keywords

Keywords Keywords are automatically generated using KeyBERT, a powerful and innovative keyword extraction tool that utilizes BERT embeddings to ensure high-quality and contextually relevant keywords.

By analyzing the content of working papers, KeyBERT identifies terms and phrases that capture the essence of the text, highlighting the most significant topics and trends. This approach not only enhances searchability but provides connections that go beyond potentially domain-specific author-defined keywords.
macroeconomic, endogenous, recession, loan, household, generation, graduate, enrollment, recessionary, socioeconomic, saving, unemployed, parent, intergenerational, schooling, parental, recession exposure

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The model is able to label words and phrases by part-of-speech, including "organizations." By filtering for frequent words and phrases labeled as "organizations", papers are identified to contain references to specific institutions, datasets, and other organizations.
National Science Foundation, Social Security Administration, National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, Decennial Census, Chicago Census Research Data Center, American Community Survey, Net Present Value, Social Security Number, PSID, Protected Identification Key, Census Bureau Disclosure Review Board, State Energy Data System, Disclosure Review Board, Person Validation System, Federal Statistical Research Data Center

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