This study of small businesses created between 1989 and 1992, and then closed down between 1993 and 1996, reveals that owners often described their firms as 'successful' when the disclosure decision was made. . Theoretical explanations consistent with this pattern are explored in this study. One view describes successful closures as rational outcomes of learning processes undertaken by entrepreneurs opening firms amidst considerable uncertainty. Another approach sees the seeming paradox of successful closure in terms of alternative opportunities: if something better comes along, the entrepreneur may close down. Empirically, successful closure owners are found to be moving on to more attractive alternatives.
Exiting Self-Employment: An Analysis of Asian Immigrant-Owned Small Businesses
November 1998
Working Paper Number:
Part of the uniqueness of the immigrant Asian business community in the U.S. lies in the fact that many among the highly educated pursue self-employment in small-scale, low-yielding retail and personal service fields. This study analyzes owner departure for a nationwide sample of small businesses owned by Asian Indian and Filipino immigrants and a comparison group of Asian nonimmigrant firm owners. Controlling for firm and owner traits, highly educated Asian immigrant owners are more likely than others to exit self-employment over the 1987-1991 period; exit from traditional fields (retail and personal services) is pronounced. These exit patterns do not typify the comparison group. Findings are consistent with the hypothesis that self-employment is often a form of underemployment among Asian immigrants.
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Analysis of Young Neighborhood Firms Serving Urban Minority Clients
May 2008
Working Paper Number:
This study empirically investigates Michael Porter's hypothesis that urban minority neighborhoods offer attractive opportunities to household-oriented businesses, such as retail firms (1995). Our analysis compares the traits and performance of firms serving predominantly minority clients to those selling their products largely to clients who are nonminority whites. Controlling statistically for applicable firm and owner characteristics, our findings indicate that the minority neighborhood niche does not offer young firms an attractive set of opportunities. Relative to opportunities in the corresponding nonminority household niche and the broader regional marketplace, the neighborhood minority household market is associated with reduced business viability.
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Financing Small Business Creation: The Case of Chinese and Korean Immigrant Entrepreneurs
September 1996
Working Paper Number:
Prevailing scholarly literature misrepresents the realities of how immigrant Korean and Chinese entrepreneurs finance entry into small business. Supportive peer and community subgroups are not major sources of startup capital; the majority of all loan funds are raised by borrowing from financial institutions. The major single funding source is equity capital, which derives almost entirely from family household wealth holdings. Controlling for firm and owner traits, comparison groups of nonminority and Asian American nonimmigrant self-employed borrowers are shown to have greater access to loan sources than Korean and Chinese immigrants. High equity capital investment offsets this disadvantage. Absent rotating credit associations, and other minor debt sources, the average Korean/Chinese startup possesses substantially more financial capital than its nonminority counterparts.
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Firms Started As Franchises Have Lower Survival Rates Than Independent Small Business Startups
May 1994
Working Paper Number:
Aspiring entrepreneurs choosing to become franchisees certainly expect to improve their chances of survival during the turbulent early years of business startup and operation. Alignment with a franchiser parent company offers the franchisee managerial assistance, access to financial capital, and access to markets via the right to utilize the parent company trademark. This study examines survival patterns among franchise and nonfranchise small firms started between 1984 and 1987: survival through late 1991 is tracked for all firms. Although the franchise operations are larger scale, better capitalized young firms, the independent business startups are found to be more profitable and their survival prospects are better than those of franchises.
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Determinants Of Survival And Profiability Among Asian Immigrant-Owned Small Businesses
August 1993
Working Paper Number:
The immigrant entrepreneur is often seen as a member of supportive peer and community subgroups. These networks assist in the creation and successful operation of firms by providing social resources in the form of customers, loyal employees and financing. This study provides evidence that the success and survival patterns of Asian immigrant firms derive from their large investments of financial capital and the impressive educational credentials of the business owners. Heavy utilization of social support networks typifies the less profitable, more failure-prone small businesses owned by Asian immigrants.
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Self-Employment Trends Among Mexican Americans
August 1990
Working Paper Number:
Minority businesses are commonly aggregated into groups of 1) black, 2) Hispanic, and 3) Asian-owned firms. These analytical groupings may, in fact, be useful if blacks, Hispanics and Asians exhibit intra-group similarities and intergroup differences in terms of business development patterns. The applicable similarities and differences do appear to typify the Asian and black groups of self-employed, but they do not typify Hispanic-owned small businesses. In other words, "Hispanic" does not appear to be a useful category for analysis. The Hispanic subset, Mexican American-owned firms, is judged to be suitable for analysis. Most minority-owned firms have traditionally been started with minimal financial capital inputs by owners who have not attended college. The resultant small scale firms have frequently oriented their operations toward serving a low income minority clientele. In this study, I investigate two closely interrelated broad hypotheses on minority business dynamics, utilizing a sample of Mexican American business establishments drawn from the Characteristics of Business Owners data base: Traditional firms - these firms tend to a) be small scale, b) have high failure rates, c) and generate few jobs because of their minimal owner inputs of financial and human capital. Emerging firms, in contrast, are most commonly started by better educated owners--many of whom have attended four or more years of college--and financial capital inputs are high relative to those observed in traditional lines of business. It is because of these larger financial and human capital inputs that emerging firms tend to be a) larger scale, b) have lower failure rates, and c) generate more jobs, relative to their traditional cohorts. Sociologists have used the term "protected market" to describe the culturally-based tastes of ethnic minorities that can only be served by co-ethnic businesses. Particularly in the early years of settlement, immigrants are assumed to patronize co-ethnic enterprises, and this pattern of patronage seems to typify Hispanic enclaves in areas such as Southern California. Whether or not the resultant protected market is an asset to Mexican American firms-- particularly those in traditional fields such as small-scale retailing--is investigated econometrically. The evidence indicates that the protected market provided by immigrants patronizing co-ethnic enterprises is an absolute hindrance to Mexican American business viability. The very low incomes of most recent immigrants constrain the attractiveness of this protected market. The state of the barrio business community reflects the economic circumstances of its clientele.
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Crime's Impact on the Survival Prospects of Young Urban Small Businesses
October 2007
Working Paper Number:
High prevailing levels of criminal activity have numerous impacts on the viability of urban small businesses and the various impacts are not uniformly negative. It is the negative impacts, however, that are most often noted. Either the perception or reality of rampant crime can scare away customers, potential employees, lending institutions, even casualty insurance underwriters. Yet, competitors may also be driven away. Operating in a high-crime area can be advantageous, on balance, for some firms. Our analysis of nearly 5,000 urban businesses started between 1986 and 1992 indicates that those most seriously impacted by crime exhibit no measureable disadvantage regarding firm size, capitalization, survival rates, or other traits, relative to firms whose owners report that crime has not impacted them negatively.
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Survival Patterns Among Newcomers to Franchising
January 1997
Working Paper Number:
This study analyzes survival patterns among franchisee firms and establishments that began operations in 1986 and 1987. Differing methodologies and data bases are utilized to demonstrate that 1) franchises have higher survival rates than independents, and 2) franchises have lower survival rates than independent business formations. Analyses of corporate establishment data generate high franchisee survival rates relative to independents, while analyses of young firm data generate the opposite pattern. In either case, the franchise trait is one of several determinants of survival prospects. The larger-scale, more established firms consistently stay in operation more frequently than smaller-scale, younger firms. Analysis of all corporate establishment restaurant units opened in 1986 or 1987 that use paid employees in 1987 helps to reconcile the seeming inconsistencies reported above. Most of the young franchisee units were not owned by young firms: rather, their parents were multi-establishment franchisees, and most of them were mature firms. Among the true newcomers, franchise survival rates are low; among the entrenched multi-establishment franchisees, survival rates were high.
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November 1998
Working Paper Number:
The objective of this study is to shed light on whether and how microenterprise programs can be used as an economic development strategy to enable low-income people to achieve self-sufficiency through self-employment. Our findings provide little support for the notion that hard work and a small loan are sufficient ingredients for business success. Viable small firms are usually headed by well-educated owners and/or those possessing specific skills that serve as a basis for successful business creation and operation. Potential entrepreneurs lacking assets, skills, and support networks are unlikely to support themselves through self-employment earnings alone. As a poverty alleviation strategy, microenterprise is not a panacea. Nevertheless, programs targeting the poor who do have skills, resources, and support networks can be useful vehicles for helping some to escape poverty.
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Survival Patterns Among Newcomers To Franchising
May 1997
Working Paper Number:
This study analyzes survival patterns among franchisee firms adn establishments that began operations in 1986 and 1987. Differing methodologies and data bases are utilized to demonstrate that 1) franchises have higher survival rates than independents, and 2) franchises have lower survival rates than independent business formations. Analyses of corporate establishment data generate high franchisee survival rates relative to independents, while analyses of young firm data generate the opposite pattern. In either case, the franchise trait is one of several determinants of survival prospects. The larger-scale, more established firms consistently stay in operation more frequently than smaller-scale, younger firms. Analysis of all corporate establishment restaurant units opened in 1986 or 1987 that use paid employees in 1987 helps to reconcile the seeming inconsistencies reported above. Most of the young franchisee units were not owned by young firms: rather, their parents were multi-establishment franchisees, and most of them were mature firms. Among the true newcomers, franchise survival rates are low; among the entrenched multi-establishment franchisees, survival rates were high.
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