3.1. Employer Characteristics File (ECF)

3.1.1. Overview

This file family contains industry, employment size, geography, and ownership of employers. The primary source of characteristics is the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW). Establishment addresses have been geocoded to assign geographic regions. National firm age and size information are largely sourced from the Census Bureau Longitudinal Business Database (these require IRS approval).

The ECF file family includes the following files:


    An establishment level file with industry, size, location, and ownership.

    • Scope: State



    Sourced from the SEINUNIT file, this file provides SEIN-level modal characteristics across establishments. Reference employment counts from UI wage data are also included, as available.

    • Scope: State


  • ECF_ST_T26:

    This table contains the national firm age and size for employers in the ECF. This file requires IRS approval.

    • Scope: State


3.1.2. User Guidance

Identifiers: Employers vs. Firms vs. Establishments

QCEW data are reported at the establishment (SEINUNIT) level, regardless of state. However, UI wage records in nearly all states are reported at the state tax identifier level (SEIN), and users often wish to conduct analyses at an employer or firm level. We typically refer to SEINs as employers in this document, but users should be aware they are fundamentally a tax entity and distinct from an establishment or a firm, as described below:

  • For single-unit firms the SEIN is the firm and the establishment. These employ about half of workers.

  • For multi-unit firms the SEIN is sometimes a firm and sometimes a subset of firm activity. Firms will have multiple SEINs if the firm has employment across multiple states, but can also have mutiple SEINs within a state.

  • Multi-unit SEINs indicate the firm has multiple establishments within a state. It is most common that establishments within a SEIN operate in the same industry, but there are exceptions.

  • Information on the parent firm is available via links to IRS information on firm ownership, obtained from the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) [Chow et al., 2021] . These parent firm identifiers, as well as parent firm age and size characteristics, may be obtained by linking to the Title 26 ECF file.

The ECF SEINUNIT file contains establishment-level information that is primarily provided directly from QCEW. In contrast, the ECF SEIN file contains information about the modal characteristics at the tax identifier (SEIN) level, which is constructed from the establishment-level records. If your project makes use of the LEHD’s job-level files, then you are able to link these ECF files directly to the EHF, JHF, or QWI to incorporate establishment or employer-level information. However, depending on your use case, you may wish to construct additional linkages at a level that corresponds with the LBD definition of a firm. Any such linkages require the use of the ECF T26 file, and will therefore require IRS approval.

For further details on the firm-level age and size variable construction, see below.

Establishment Geocoding

Geography is provided on the QCEW inputs in several different fields:

  • Physical address of establishment

  • Mailing address for establishment

  • County of establishment

The physical address is the preferred source to assign geographic information in the ECF, followed by the mailing address. Both of these addresses are geocoded in the GAL process (Geocoded Address List) to assign a Census block from the most recent Decennial tabulation. The geocoding of each address is given a quality code, 1-4 for physical and 5-8 for mailing. These can be thought of as general reductions in precision, where a code of 1 or 5 may mean that the address was placed in a Census block, and 4 or 8 may mean that only the zip code could be used, so the geocodeed block is not considered a precise location assignment. Mailing addresses are considered inferior to the physical address, since they are not always the actual place of work. When both of these assignments fail or data are missing, a fixed block is selected for the reported county with a geographic quality flag of 9.

After the initial assignment of the Census block, a series of longitudinal edits is performed to improve consistency over time, typically using higher quality information in preference to lower quality information in other quarters. Establishments are allowed to “move,” but it can be difficult to determine whether those moves are a true relocation or simply an artifact of changes in addressing practices. Note, unusually high rates of flux in geographic assignments have been noted in certain state-quarters.

If no establishment geography is available after these edits, a county is imputed for the establishment conditional on industry, using observed statewide data for a posterior. These records are given a geo quality flag of 10.

Tabulation vs. Current Geography

The GEOID_YYYY variable is a 15-character key that references a Census block defined in the latest decennial Census. This is referred to as the tabulation geography. However, regional boundaries and defintions evolve over time, so the codes baked into the GEOID are not necessarily the latest available. The ECF provides a set of regions in current geography that are valid at the time the ECF is produced.

For multi-establishment employers, employment-weighted modal regions are provided at the SEIN level. These regions are not necessarily consistent with each other. For example, though CBSAs (Core-Based Statistical Areas) are composed of counties, the modal county for a firm may not be a component of the modal CBSA, etc.

Connecticut County Changes - 2023

In Census geography, the historic counties in Connecticut were replaced with alternative county-equivalent regions called Councils of Governments (COGs), and this was implemented in the LEHD infrastructure with the release of 2023 data. This change was made because the historic counties no longer have a functional purpose as an administrative level of government, and COGs are now used as regional planning areas. The 8 historic counties were replaced with 9 new county equivalents, each assembled from towns. Researchers wishing to assign establishments to the historic county can use the Census Geographic Reference File (GRF-C) or TIGER data to map the GEOID for establishments with LEG_GEO_QUAL from 1-8. Geographic quality values of 9 or 10 are not precise below the county level and cannot be reliably mapped between historic counties and new county equivalents. For more information on this change, see Census geography technical documentation on county changes.

Industry Assignment

Industry is reported at the establishment level using SIC codes in earlier years of data and various iterations of NAICS codes up to the present. The reported codes are run through a transition algorithm to provide industries in all other coding systems, SIC (1987) and NAICS (1997-2022). The basic steps of the algorithm are as follows:

  1. Identify the most likely coding system used to assign the industry to establishments. This is done with a comparison of reported codes to valid codes in each reporting system.

  2. Retrieve industry tables provided at https://www.census.gov/naics/ to establish concordances between industry coding systems.

  3. Use observed coding changes on establishment data in consecutive quarters to calculate the shares of establishments that get recoded based on the expected concordances. This forms a posterior for imputation.

  4. Perform a combination of longitudinal edits and imputation to generate an industry assignment in all coding systems.

    • If an industry before and after a coding system transition is consistent with a pairing on the concordance tables, longitudinal edits are applied to maintain industry codes.

    • Other industry code changes are considered a change in the primary activity of the establishment. Longitudinal edits are not applied across these changes.

    • Industry codes are cast into each earlier and subsequent taxonomy as needed by using the posterior calculated from observed transition.

  5. Imputation using a statewide posterior is employed to provide an industry to an establishment for which none is reported.

Only the final industry codes assigned in each system are kept on the ECF. The SEIN level table provides the employment-weighted modal employment calculated across establishments.


Ownership is provided on the establishment level, but it is extremely unusual for two establishments in the same SEIN to report different ownership codes. Any variations in this pattern could indicate an anomaly in the data. Employers with federal ownership are included in the ECF, but these are not associated with wage records (except in extremely isolated and limited instances).

Firm Age and Size

Firm age and size characteristics are assigned based on the national firm. Firms are defined at the level of operational control (alpha), and so a single firm can include multiple federal EINs. Firm age and size are defined in terms of employment.

Firm age is defined as the age of the oldest establishment when a new alpha comes into existence. Age measures the number of years from the first year of employment (i.e., the first year with positive payroll), when the age is zero. New establishments of an older firm are assigned the age of the national firm.

National firm size is the sum of all workers employed at each establishment in the national (alpha) firm on March 12th of the year. Firm size in year t is defined as the employment-weighted sum of firm size on March 12 in year t-1 of all establishments that are part of an EIN on March 12 in year t.

The primary source of firm age and size information is the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD), an annual table derived from federal tax information (FTI). Because firm age and size data are sourced from FTI, these employer characteristics are included in the ECF T26 files. Employers (SEINs) are linked to the LBD via the federal EIN. When a link to the LBD cannot be made, the age and size is developed from ECF data using a combination of edits and imputation. For additional methodological details, see Haltiwanger et al. [2014].

Federal EIN and FAS_EIN Variable

The FAS_EIN variable is attached to the SEIN to assign firm age and size characteristics. When the Federal EIN is available on input data, it is incorporated into the FAS_EIN, though in some cases it may be encrypted and not linkable to the EIN. The EIN may be edited from that originally reported for longitudinal consistency or to improve linkages with the LBD. When the EIN is not available, the FAS_EIN is formed from the SEIN, with two digits added for a counter to handle cases where the SEIN appears to have been recirculated by the state (unrelated firms being assigned the same SEIN). The FAS_EIN may appear as follows:

  • Prefix EINUS - last 9 digits are the Federal EIN (e.g., EINUS123456789)

  • Prefix EIN[state] - last 9 digits are an encrypted Federal EIN (e.g., EINNY123456ABC)

  • Otherwise, SEIN plus increment (e.g., 33ABCD1234EFGH01)

3.1.3. Codebook: The ECF SEINUNIT Files

Table Metadata for Employer Characteristics File, Establishment (ECF_ZZ_SEINUNIT)

Access Requirements for ECF_ZZ_SEINUNIT
State Approval Required IRS Approval Required SSA Approval Required
Access Requirements X

An establishment level file with industry, size, and location.





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File Format

SAS Data Table

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Variable Information

Variable Information for ECF_ZZ_SEINUNIT
Variable Name Type Length Description


char 2

ES202 FIPS State SS (See details in appendix)

SEIN char 12 State Employer Identification Number
SEINUNIT char 5 State establishment identifier
YEAR num 4 Year (YYYY)
QUARTER num 4 Quarter (Numeric)


num 3

Quarter index (1985Q1=1) (See details in appendix)


num 3

SEIN in ES202 (See details below)


num 3

SEIN in UI (See details below)

EMPL_MONTH1 num 8 ES202 Employment Month 1, edited


char 1

Reported or imputed Month 1 Employment (See details below)

EMPL_MONTH2 num 5 ES202 Employment Month 2, edited


char 1

Reported or imputed Month 2 Employment (See details below)

EMPL_MONTH3 num 5 ES202 Employment Month 3, edited


char 1

Reported or imputed Month 3 Employment (See details below)

TOTAL_WAGES num 7 ES202 wages, edited


char 1

Reported or imputed Total Wages (See details below)

BEST_EMP1 num 8 Best UI/202 Employment Month 1
BEST_EMP2 num 8 Best UI/202 Employment Month 2
BEST_EMP3 num 8 Best UI/202 Employment Month 3
BEST_WAGES num 8 Best UI/202 Wages


char 1

Owner code, edited (See details below)

GEOID_2020 char 15 Census geocode: Tabulation state FIPS (2) || Tabulation county FIPS (3) || tract (6) || block (4)


char 2

Current FIPS State (See details in appendix)


char 5

(See details in appendix)

LEG_LATITUDE num 8 Internal point latitude, 6 implied decimals
LEG_LONGITUDE num 8 Internal point longitude, 6 implied decimals


num 3

Quality of final geography (See details below)

LEG_TRACT char 6 Current Census Tract
LEG_BLKGRP char 1 Current Block Group
LEG_BLOCK char 4 Census Block


char 5

Core-Based Statistical Area (See details in appendix)

LEG_BLOCK_SUF1 char 1 Census Block suffix 1
LEG_BLOCK_SUF2 char 1 Census Block suffix 2


char 1

CBSA type 1=Metro, 2=Micro, else=9 (See details below)


char 8

(See details in appendix)


char 5

(See details in appendix)


char 6

Final SIC 1987 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Final NAICS 1997 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Final NAICS 2002 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Final NAICS 2007 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Final NAICS 2012 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Final NAICS 2017 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Final NAICS 2022 code (See details in appendix)

RAMP_SEIN num 8 Ramp Fuzz Factor
UNIFORM_SEIN num 8 Draw from Uni Dist
RAMP_Z_SEIN num 8 Ramp Fuzz Factor
UNIFORM_Z_SEIN num 8 Draw from Uni Dist

Details for variable IN_202 on ECF_ZZ_SEINUNIT



SEIN in ES202


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Value Label
0 SEIN not in QCEW

Details for variable IN_UI on ECF_ZZ_SEINUNIT





Download as CSV

Value Label
0 SEIN not in UI wage data
1 SEIN in UI wage data




EMPL_MONTH1_FLG: Reported or imputed Month 1 Employment

EMPL_MONTH2_FLG: Reported or imputed Month 2 Employment

EMPL_MONTH3_FLG: Reported or imputed Month 3 Employment


Download EMPL_MONTH1_FLG codebook as CSV

Download EMPL_MONTH2_FLG codebook as CSV

Download EMPL_MONTH3_FLG codebook as CSV

Value Label
0 undocumented BLS QCEW code
1 undocumented BLS QCEW code
2 undocumented BLS QCEW code
3 undocumented BLS QCEW code
4 undocumented BLS QCEW code
5 undocumented BLS QCEW code
6 undocumented BLS QCEW code
7 undocumented BLS QCEW code
8 undocumented BLS QCEW code
9 undocumented BLS QCEW code
A estimated from CES report
B undocumented BLS QCEW code
C changed (re-reported)
D reported from missing data notice
E imputed single unit employment or imputed worksite employment prorated from imputed parent record
F undocumented BLS QCEW code
G undocumented BLS QCEW code
H hand-imputed (not system generated)
J undocumented BLS QCEW code
K special system-generated imputation to reflect data impacted by a catastrophe
L late reported (overrides prior imputation)
M missing data
N zero-filled pending resolution of long-term delinquent reporter
P prorated from reported master to worksite
R reported data
S aggregated master from reported MWR or EDI data
T undocumented BLS QCEW code
V undocumented BLS QCEW code
W estimated from wage record employment
X undocumented BLS QCEW code
Y undocumented BLS QCEW code

Details for variable TOTAL_WAGES_FLG on ECF_ZZ_SEINUNIT



Reported or imputed Total Wages


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Value Label
0 undocumented BLS QCEW code
1 undocumented BLS QCEW code
2 undocumented BLS QCEW code
3 undocumented BLS QCEW code
4 undocumented BLS QCEW code
6 undocumented BLS QCEW code
7 undocumented BLS QCEW code
9 undocumented BLS QCEW code
A undocumented BLS QCEW code
C changed (re-reported)
D undocumented BLS QCEW code
E imputed single unit or prorated worksite wages from an imputed master record
G undocumented BLS QCEW code
H hand-imputed (not system generated)
I undocumented BLS QCEW code
J undocumented BLS QCEW code
K special system-generated imputation to reflect data impacted by a catastrophe
L late reported (overrides prior imputation)
M missing data
N zero-filled pending resolution of long-term delinquent reporter
O undocumented BLS QCEW code
P prorated from master to worksite
R reported data
S aggregated master from reported MWR or EDI data
U undocumented BLS QCEW code
V undocumented BLS QCEW code
W estimated from wage record wages
X undocumented BLS QCEW code
Y undocumented BLS QCEW code

Details for variable ES_OWNER_CODE on ECF_ZZ_SEINUNIT



Owner code, edited


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Value Label
1 Federal government
2 State government
3 Local government
5 Private ownership

Details for variable LEG_GEO_QUAL on ECF_ZZ_SEINUNIT



Quality of final geography


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Value Label
1 Physical address location based on complete street address
2 Physical address location based on ZIP+4, ZIP+2, or USPS finance area centroid
3 Physical address location based on street or ZIP Code centroid with block group accuracy
4 Physical address location based on street centroid within a tract, ZIP Code, or city; a 5-digit ZIP Code; or a municipality centroid
5 Mailing address location based on complete street address
6 Mailing address location based on ZIP+4, ZIP+2, or USPS finance area centroid
7 Mailing address location based on street or ZIP Code centroid with block group accuracy
8 Mailing address location based on street centroid within a tract, ZIP Code, or city; a 5-digit ZIP Code; or a municipality centroid
9 County assignment from QCEW
10 County imputation

Details for variable LEG_CBSA_MEMI on ECF_ZZ_SEINUNIT



CBSA type 1=Metro, 2=Micro, else=9


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Value Label
1 Metropolitan CBSA
2 Micropolitan CBSA
9 Non-metro/micro region

3.1.4. Codebook: The ECF SEIN Files

Table Metadata for Employer Characteristics File, Firm (ECF_ZZ_SEIN)

Access Requirements for ECF_ZZ_SEIN
State Approval Required IRS Approval Required SSA Approval Required
Access Requirements X

Sourced from the SEINUNIT file, this file rolls up employer characteristics to the SEIN level.





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File Format

SAS Data Table

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Variable Information

Variable Information for ECF_ZZ_SEIN
Variable Name Type Length Description


char 2

ES202 FIPS State SS (See details in appendix)

SEIN char 12 State Employer Identification Number
YEAR num 4 Year (YYYY)
QUARTER num 4 Quarter (Numeric)


num 3

Quarter index (1985Q1=1) (See details in appendix)


num 3

SEIN in ES202 (See details below)


num 3

SEIN in UI (See details below)

SEIN_EMP1 num 8 SEIN 202 Employment Month 1
SEIN_EMP2 num 8 SEIN 202 Employment Month 2
SEIN_EMP3 num 8 SEIN 202 Employment Month 3
SEIN_WAGES num 8 SEIN 202 Wages
SEINSIZE_M num 8 UI Employment M
SEINSIZE_B num 8 UI Employment B
SEINSIZE_E num 8 UI Employment E
PAYROLL num 8 Original UI Payroll Info W1
SEIN_BEST_EMP1 num 8 SEIN Best UI/202 Month 1, Employment
SEIN_BEST_EMP2 num 8 SEIN Best UI/202 Month 2, Employment
SEIN_BEST_EMP3 num 8 SEIN Best UI/202 Month 3, Employment
SEIN_BEST_WAGES num 8 SEIN Best UI/202 Payroll


num 8

Source of best_ data (See details below)


num 3

SEIN with 2 or more establishments on 202 (See details below)

NUM_ESTABS num 4 Number of Establishments


char 1

Employment mode owner code (See details below)


char 5

(See details in appendix)


char 2

(See details in appendix)


char 5

(See details in appendix)


char 8

(See details in appendix)


char 5

Employment mode Core-based statistical area (See details in appendix)


char 6

Employment mode Final SIC 1987 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Employment mode Final NAICS 1997 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Employment mode Final NAICS 2002 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Employment mode Final NAICS 2007 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Employment mode Final NAICS 2012 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Employment mode Final NAICS 2017 code (See details in appendix)


char 6

Employment mode Final NAICS 2022 code (See details in appendix)

RAMP_SEIN num 8 Ramp Fuzz Factor
UNIFORM_SEIN num 8 Draw from Uni Dist
RAMP_Z_SEIN num 8 Ramp Fuzz Factor
UNIFORM_Z_SEIN num 8 Draw from Uni Dist

Details for variable IN_202 on ECF_ZZ_SEIN



SEIN in ES202


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Value Label
0 SEIN not in QCEW

Details for variable IN_UI on ECF_ZZ_SEIN





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Value Label
0 SEIN not in UI wage data
1 SEIN in UI wage data

Details for variable BEST_FLAG on ECF_ZZ_SEIN



Source of best_ data


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Value Label
1 UI-source employment, QCEW-soucrce earnings, single unit firm
2 QCEW-source employment, UI-source earnings, single unit firm
3 QCEW-source employment and earnings, single unit firm
4 UI-source employment and earnings, single unit firm
5 QCEW-source employment and earnings, single unit firm, no UI data
6 UI-source employment and earnings, single unit firm, no QCEW data
7 UI-source employment, QCEW-soucrce earnings, multi unit firm
8 QCEW-source employment, UI-source earnings, multi unit firm
9 QCEW-source employment and earnings, multi unit firm
10 UI-source employment and earnings, multi unit firm
11 UI-source employment and earnings, multi unit firm, no QCEW data
12 Multi unit, longitudinal edit for allocation

Details for variable MULTI_UNIT on ECF_ZZ_SEIN



SEIN with 2 or more establishments on 202


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Value Label
0 Single unit firm
1 Multi unit firm on QCEW

Details for variable MODE_ES_OWNER_CODE_EMP on ECF_ZZ_SEIN



Employment mode owner code


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Value Label
1 Federal government
2 State government
3 Local government
5 Private ownership

3.1.5. Codebook: The ECF T26 Files

Table Metadata for Employer Characteristics File, National Firm (ECF_ZZ_SEIN_T26)

Access Requirements for ECF_ZZ_SEIN_T26
State Approval Required IRS Approval Required SSA Approval Required
Access Requirements X X

Contains the national firm age and size data for employers in the ECF. This file requires IRS approval.





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File Format

SAS Data Table

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Variable Information

Variable Information for ECF_ZZ_SEIN_T26
Variable Name Type Length Description
SEIN char 12 State Employer Identification Number
YEAR num 4 Year (YYYY)
QUARTER num 4 Quarter (Numeric)
FIRMID char 10 Firm Alpha from LBD
FAS_EIN char 14 Firm identifier for Age & Size


num 3

Info about fas_ein variable (See details below)

FIRMAGE num 8 Firm Age, calculated


char 1

Source of firm age (See details below)

FIRMSIZE num 8 Best initial firm size (size March 12 of last year, current size if new)


char 1

Source of firm size (See details below)

FIRM_BIRTH_YEAR num 8 Completed year of birth
FIRM_BIRTH_QUARTER num 8 Completed quarter of birth
FIRMSIZE_FUZZ num 8 Noise infused value of firmsize


num 8

1=EIN matches to LBD this year,2=next year,3=previous year,4=NECF(no LBD),5=ECF only (See details below)


num 8

Multi Unit firm in LBD microdata (See details below)

Details for variable FAS_EIN_FLAG on ECF_ZZ_SEIN_T26



Info about fas_ein variable


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Value Label
1 EIN as reported on QCEW in current quarter
2 EIN missing in current quarter, longitudinally edited
3 Reported EIN overriden by longitudinal edit
4 Pseudo-EIN based on SEIN
5 UI-sourced EIN

Details for variable SOURCE_AGE on ECF_ZZ_SEIN_T26



Source of firm age


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Value Label
1 Firm age from LBD
2 Firm age from national ECF
3 Firm age imputed
4 Firm age from state ECF

Details for variable SOURCE_SIZE on ECF_ZZ_SEIN_T26



Source of firm size


Download as CSV

Value Label
1 Firm size from LBD
2 Firm size from national ECF
3 Firm size imputed
4 Firm size from state ECF

Details for variable LBD_MATCH on ECF_ZZ_SEIN_T26



1=EIN matches to LBD this year,2=next year,3=previous year,4=NECF(no LBD),5=ECF only


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Value Label
1 Match to LBD in reference year
2 Match to LBD in subsequent year
3 Match to LBD in previous year
4 No match to LBD
5 No match to LBD (state-only)

Details for variable MULTI_UNIT_LBD on ECF_ZZ_SEIN_T26



Multi Unit firm in LBD microdata


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Value Label
0 Firm on LBD is a single unit
1 Firm on LBD reports multiple units