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LEHD Snapshot Documentation
Release S2023_R2024Q4
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Jobs-Level Files
2.1. Employment History Files
3. Employer-Level Files
4. Person-Level Files
5. Acronyms Used
6. Selected Codebook Value Labels
7. Bibliography
8. Release History and Errata
LEHD Snapshot Documentation
Jobs-Level Files
Jobs-Level Files
2.1. Employment History Files
2.1.1. Overview
2.1.2. User Guidance
2.1.3. Codebook: The EHF Files
2.1.4. Codebook: The JHF Files
2.1.5. Codebook: The EHF_US_INDICATORS File
2.1.6. Codebook: The EHF_ALL_AVAILABILITY File