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Working PaperThe Census of Construction Industries Database
August 1998
Working Paper Number:
The Census of Construction Industries (CCI) is conducted every five years as part of the quinquennial Economic Census. The Census of Construction Industries covers all establishments with payroll that are engaged primarily in contract construction or construction on their own account for sale as defined in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual. As previously administered, the CCI is a partial census including all multi-establishments and all establishments with payroll above $480,000, one out of every five establishments with payroll between $480,000 and $120,000 and one out of eight remaining establishments. The resulting database contains for each year approximately 200,000 establishments in the building construction, heavy construction and special trade construction industrial classifications. This paper compares the content, survey procedures, and sample response of the 1982, 1987 and 1992 Censuses of Construction.View Full Paper PDF