Papers written by Author(s): 'Peter Cappelli'
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The model is able to label words and phrases by part-of-speech, including "organizations." By filtering for frequent words and phrases labeled as "organizations", papers are identified to contain references to specific institutions, datasets, and other organizations.
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Working PaperUnderstanding Selection Processes: Organization Determinants and Performance Outcomes
October 1997
Working Paper Number:
We use an establishment-level survey to examine the predictors of different types of selection practices as well as the relationship of different selection practices to organizational performance. We find that a wide range of contingencies in the organization, including job requirements, organizational size, union status, salary, and training, predict the intensity and the types of selection practices used. Further, we find that selection intensity has a significant and negative relationship with organizational sales, other things equal, that is driven by the use of less valid selection techniques.View Full Paper PDF