Papers written by Author(s): 'Julie L. Hotchkiss'
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Viewing papers 1 through 4 of 4
Working PaperIn-migration and Dilution of Community Social Capital
June 2018
Working Paper Number:
Consistent with predictions from the literature, we find that higher levels of in-migration dilute multiple dimensions of a community's level of social capital. The analysis employs a 2SLS methodology to account for potential endogeneity of migration.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperIndividual Social Capital and Migration
March 2018
Working Paper Number:
This paper determines how individual, relative to community social capital affects individual migration decisions. We make use of non-public data from the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey to predict multi-dimensional social capital for observations in the Current Population Survey. We find evidence that individuals are much less likely to have moved to a community with average social capital levels lower than their own and that higher levels of community social capital act as positive pull-factor amenities. The importance of that amenity differs across urban/rural locations. We also confirm that higher individual social capital is a negative predictor of migration.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperDecennial Census Return Rates: The Role of Social Capital
January 2017
Working Paper Number:
This paper explores how useful information about social and civic engagement (social capital) might be to the U.S. Census Bureau in their efforts to improve predictions of mail return rates for the Decennial Census (DC) at the census tract level. Through construction of Hard-to-count (HRC) scores and multivariate analysis, we find that if information about social capital were available, predictions of response rates would be marginally improved.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperWage Determination in Social Occupations: the Role of Individual Social Capital
January 2016
Working Paper Number:
We make use of predicted social and civic activities (social capital) to account for selection into "social" occupations. Individual selection accounts for more than the total difference in wages observed between social and non-social occupations. The role that individual social capital plays in selecting into these occupations and the importance of selection in explaining wage differences across occupations is similar for both men and women. We make use of restricted 2000 Decennial Census and 2000 Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey. Individual social capital is instrumented by distance weighted surrounding census tract characteristics.View Full Paper PDF