CREAT: Census Research Exploration and Analysis Tool

Papers written by Author(s): 'Efraim Benmelech'

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  • Working Paper

    Strong Employers and Weak Employees: How Does Employer Concentration Affect Wages?

    April 2018

    Working Paper Number:


    We analyze the effect of local-level labor market concentration on wages. Using plant-level U.S. Census data over the period 1977'2009, we find that: (1) local-level employer concentration exhibits substantial cross-sectional and time-series variation and increases over time; (2) consistent with labor market monopsony power, there is a negative relation between local-level employer concentration and wages that is more pronounced at high levels of concentration and increases over time; (3) the negative relation between labor market concentration and wages is stronger when unionization rates are low; (4) the link between productivity growth and wage growth is stronger when labor markets are less concentrated; and (5) exposure to greater import competition from China (the 'China Shock') is associated with more concentrated labor markets. These five results emphasize the role of local-level labor market monopsonies in influencing firm wage-setting.
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