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Mary Layne - 2
Viewing papers 1 through 3 of 3
Working PaperAssessing Coverage and Quality of the 2007 Prototype Census Kidlink Database
September 2015
Working Paper Number:
The Census Bureau is conducting research to expand the use of administrative records data in censuses and surveys to decrease respondent burden and reduce costs while improving data quality. Much of this research (e.g., Rastogi and O''Hara (2012), Luque and Bhaskar (2014)) hinges on the ability to integrate multiple data sources by linking individuals across files. One of the Census Bureau's record linkage methodologies for data integration is the Person Identification Validation System or PVS. PVS assigns anonymous and unique IDs (Protected Identification Keys or PIKs) that serve as linkage keys across files. Prior research showed that integrating 'known associates' information into PVS's reference files could potentially enhance PVS's PIK assignment rates. The term 'known associates' refers to people that are likely to be associated with each other because of a known common link (such as family relationships or people sharing a common address), and thus, to be observed together in different files. One of the results from this prior research was the creation of the 2007 Census Kidlink file, a child-level file linking a child's Social Security Number (SSN) record to the SSN of those identified as the child's parents. In this paper, we examine to what extent the 2007 Census Kidlink methodology was able to link parents SSNs to children SSN records, and also evaluate the quality of those links. We find that in approximately 80 percent of cases, at least one parent was linked to the child's record. Younger children and noncitizens have a higher percentage of cases where neither parent could be linked to the child. Using 2007 tax data as a benchmark, our quality evaluation results indicate that in at least 90 percent of the cases, the parent-child link agreed with those found in the tax data. Based on our findings, we propose improvements to the 2007 Kidlink methodology to increase child-parent links, and discuss how the creation of the file could be operationalized moving forward.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperEstimating Record Linkage False Match Rate for the Person Identification Validation System
July 2014
Working Paper Number:
The Census Bureau Person Identification Validation System (PVS) assigns unique person identifiers to federal, commercial, census, and survey data to facilitate linkages across files. PVS uses probabilistic matching to assign a unique Census Bureau identifier for each person. This paper presents a method to measure the false match rate in PVS following the approach of Belin and Rubin (1995). The Belin and Rubin methodology requires truth data to estimate a mixture model. The parameters from the mixture model are used to obtain point estimates of the false match rate for each of the PVS search modules. The truth data requirement is satisfied by the unique access the Census Bureau has to high quality name, date of birth, address and Social Security (SSN) data. Truth data are quickly created for the Belin and Rubin model and do not involve a clerical review process. These truth data are used to create estimates for the Belin and Rubin parameters, making the approach more feasible. Both observed and modeled false match rates are computed for all search modules in federal administrative records data and commercial data.View Full Paper PDF
Working PaperThe Person Identification Validation System (PVS): Applying the Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications' (CARRA) Record Linkage Software
July 2014
Working Paper Number:
The Census Bureau's Person Identification Validation System (PVS) assigns unique person identifiers to federal, commercial, census, and survey data to facilitate linkages across and within files. PVS uses probabilistic matching to assign a unique Census Bureau identifier for each person. The PVS matches incoming files to reference files created with data from the Social Security Administration (SSA) Numerical Identification file, and SSA data with addresses obtained from federal files. This paper describes the PVS methodology from editing input data to creating the final file.View Full Paper PDF