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  • Working Paper

    Exploring New Ways to Classify Industries for Energy Analysis and Modeling

    November 2022

    Working Paper Number:


    Combustion, other emitting processes and fossil energy use outside the power sector have become urgent concerns given the United States' commitment to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Industry is an important end user of energy and relies on fossil fuels used directly for process heating and as feedstocks for a diverse range of applications. Fuel and energy use by industry is heterogeneous, meaning even a single product group can vary broadly in its production routes and associated energy use. In the United States, the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) serves as the standard for statistical data collection and reporting. In turn, data based on NAICS are the foundation of most United States energy modeling. Thus, the effectiveness of NAICS at representing energy use is a limiting condition for current expansive planning to improve energy efficiency and alternatives to fossil fuels in industry. Facility-level data could be used to build more detail into heterogeneous sectors and thus supplement data from Bureau of the Census and U.S Energy Information Administration reporting at NAICS code levels but are scarce. This work explores alternative classification schemes for industry based on energy use characteristics and validates an approach to estimate facility-level energy use from publicly available greenhouse gas emissions data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The approaches in this study can facilitate understanding of current, as well as possible future, energy demand. First, current approaches to the construction of industrial taxonomies are summarized along with their usefulness for industrial energy modeling. Unsupervised machine learning techniques are then used to detect clusters in data reported from the U.S. Department of Energy's Industrial Assessment Center program. Clusters of Industrial Assessment Center data show similar levels of correlation between energy use and explanatory variables as three-digit NAICS codes. Interestingly, the clusters each include a large cross section of NAICS codes, which lends additional support to the idea that NAICS may not be particularly suited for correlation between energy use and the variables studied. Fewer clusters are needed for the same level of correlation as shown in NAICS codes. Initial assessment shows a reasonable level of separation using support vector machines with higher than 80% accuracy, so machine learning approaches may be promising for further analysis. The IAC data is focused on smaller and medium-sized facilities and is biased toward higher energy users for a given facility type. Cladistics, an approach for classification developed in biology, is adapted to energy and process characteristics of industries. Cladistics applied to industrial systems seeks to understand the progression of organizations and technology as a type of evolution, wherein traits are inherited from previous systems but evolve due to the emergence of inventions and variations and a selection process driven by adaptation to pressures and favorable outcomes. A cladogram is presented for evolutionary directions in the iron and steel sector. Cladograms are a promising tool for constructing scenarios and summarizing directions of sectoral innovation. The cladogram of iron and steel is based on the drivers of energy use in the sector. Phylogenetic inference is similar to machine learning approaches as it is based on a machine-led search of the solution space, therefore avoiding some of the subjectivity of other classification systems. Our prototype approach for constructing an industry cladogram is based on process characteristics according to the innovation framework derived from Schumpeter to capture evolution in a given sector. The resulting cladogram represents a snapshot in time based on detailed study of process characteristics. This work could be an important tool for the design of scenarios for more detailed modeling. Cladograms reveal groupings of emerging or dominant processes and their implications in a way that may be helpful for policymakers and entrepreneurs, allowing them to see the larger picture, other good ideas, or competitors. Constructing a cladogram could be a good first step to analysis of many industries (e.g. nitrogenous fertilizer production, ethyl alcohol manufacturing), to understand their heterogeneity, emerging trends, and coherent groupings of related innovations. Finally, validation is performed for facility-level energy estimates from the EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program. Facility-level data availability continues to be a major challenge for industrial modeling. The method outlined by (McMillan et al. 2016; McMillan and Ruth 2019) allows estimating of facility level energy use based on mandatory greenhouse gas reporting. The validation provided here is an important step for further use of this data for industrial energy modeling.
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