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  • Updated select institution names

  • Changed earnings year to 2021 dollars

  • Added section about handling of online institutions in PSEO


  • 2023 shapefiles including Connecticut Councils of Governments (COGs)

  • Updated WIB shapefiles based on new definitions


  • 2023 geography label files including Connecticut Councils of Governments (COGs)

  • New aggregation level labels for PSEO data products


  • Corrections to select institution labels


  • Industry reporting changed to NAICS 2022

  • NAICS sector code corrected from 2 to S in label_industry.csv


  • Add j2jod_all_avail.csv output table

  • Update PSEO earnings measures to 2020 dollars


  • Update select institution labels


  • Update geographic definitions to TIGER 2021

  • Refactor schema documentation build process


Changes from 4.8.1

  • Added IPEDS status flag for partially missing counts

  • Updated PSEO earnings to 2019 dollars


Changes from 4.8.0

  • Update of institution list (label_institution.csv)


Changes from 4.7.0

  • Underlying geovintage updated to reflect 2020 TIGER/Line geography (except for CBSAs - "gb" and "gm" features)

  • Updated shapefiles based on TIGER/Line 2020 (except for CBSAs - "gb" and "gm" shapefile types) ==

Changes from 4.7.0

  • Update EmpSpv due to the restructuring of the QWI weights

  • Added PSEO metadata files for data partners and coverage

  • Underlying geovintage updated to reflect 2020 TIGER/Line geography - except for CBSAs.

  • Tabulations for "B" and "M" geo_levels continue to use 2019 TIGER/Line geographies.


Changes from 4.6.0

  • Merge PSEO schema files into official release version

  • Minor formatting changes

Changes from 4.5.0-draft

  • Additional status flags on PSEO Earnings

  • Additional measures on PSEO Flows to report unobserved/marginally employed

  • Earnings reported at 2-digit CIPCODE level

  • Institution code changed to 8-digits

  • Updated to 2020 CIPCODE


Version 4.6.0 from 4.4.0

  • Underlying geovintage updated to reflect 2019 census geography

  • Updated shapefiles based on TIGER 2019

  • Added documentation of new J2J Earnings indicators (coming soon in next release of J2J data)


Version 4.5.0 from 4.4.0

  • Added PSEO draft schema csv files

  • Added PSEO sourcing and documentation


This version (revisions)

  • Minor layout changes for better readability

Version 4.4.0 from 4.3.1

  • Underlying geovintage updated to reflect 2018 census geography

  • Updated shapefiles based on TIGER 2018

  • PR geography labels added

  • Added state part to non-metro/non-micro areas in state label files

  • Removed nonexistent VT geography from labels


This version (revisions)

  • Switch to different rendering engine, only stylistic changes

Version 4.3.1 from 4.3.0

  • Due to a change of the geographic boundaries for a WIB in Iowa, the shape files need to be updated.

  • Adjust the "supersedes" definition to correctly reference the prior version.

Version 4.3.0 from 4.2.0

  • Changed the format of the version.txt file. This does not affect data files, but it does affect the metadata, and thus requires an increase in the minor version.

  • Changed the description of the download locations of the QWI files, as part of the "naming" schema.


Version 4.3.0 from 4.2.0

  • Changed the format of the version.txt file. This does not affect data files, but it does affect the metadata, and thus requires an increase in the minor version.

  • Changed the description of the download locations of the QWI files, as part of the "naming" schema.


Version 4.2.0 from 4.1.3

  • Updated industry classification from NAICS 2012 to NAICS 2017

  • Added J2J Explorer-specific description of metadata for convenience (lehd_j2jexplorer_schema.html)

  • Added a column ind_level to label_industry.csv similar to the geo_level

  • Added additional columns to the variable metadata schema for greater clarity

    • Description,

    • Concept,

    • Base

  • Added a (draft) taxonomy of concepts used in the LEHD data world (label_concept_draft.csv)

  • Fixed the labeling of ownership code A00 to correctly reflect scope

  • Added files describing the number of quarters of data availability required relative to start and end quarters (lags_qwi.csv and lags_j2j.csv), and its metadata (variables_lags.csv)


This version (revisions)

  • Incorporates forgotten updates to j2japp descriptions. This does not affect the structure or contents of any released data files, but it affects the unreleased J2J app updates downstream.

  • clarifying the version.txt description - removed the mention of fips replacing by geonum

  • Moved stusps to the geography section, where it rightfully belongs.

  • Clarified language and usage of metropolitan area codes in label_geography_metro.csv, removed unused label_geography_cbsa.csv

  • Expanded definition of [geohi] to include CBSA codes for metropolitan areas

  • Description on J2JOD earnings measures reversed, fixed. Only affects the J2J app metadata.

  • Description on J2JOD earnings measures reversed, should have also fixed on J2JOD description.

Version 4.2b-draft from V4.2a-draft

  • Description on J2JOD earnings measures reversed

  • stusps file is not in Geography section of lehd_schema.html

  • variables_j2japp.csv wasn’t updated in 4.2b-draft

  • Review "concept" field for MJobStart/MJobEnd

  • Adjust description of XLS files for J2J

  • J2J will use status flag 5

  • Add something about which series are seasonally adjustment to the schema

Version 4.2a-draft from 4.1.1

  • J2J measures contain fields not in CSV

  • J2JOD - renaming stable count variables

  • Update agg_level labels

  • Discussing presence of Application Name or alternate schema file or other.


Version 4.2a-draft from 4.1.1

  • J2J measures contain fields not in CSV

  • J2JOD - renaming stable count variables

  • Update agg_level labels

  • Discussing presence of Application Name or alternate schema file or other.


This version (revisions)

  • Fix EOL issues

  • Additional EOL issues

Version 4.2.0 from 4.1.3

  • Updated industry classification from NAICS 2012 to NAICS 2017

  • Added a column ind_level to label_industry.csv similar to the geo_level

  • Added additional columns to the variable metadata schema for greater clarity

    • Description,

    • Concept,

    • Base

  • Added a (draft) taxonomy of concepts used in the LEHD data world (label_concept_draft.csv)

  • Fixed the labeling of ownership code A00 to correctly reflect scope

  • Added files describing the number of quarters of data availability required relative to start and end quarters (lags_qwi.csv and lags_j2j.csv), and its metadata (variables_lags.csv)


Version 4.1-rc1 from 4.0.5

  • Implemented select changes from V4.1d-draft: Key changes are

  • Changed structure of state-level geography labels (flat directory structure) e5dbe97

  • Describes National QWI files and J2J files (both of which are still in beta), added J2J, National QWI spec

  • added additional geo_level for CBSA (complete), additional description, sources in label_geo_level.csv 1eb399f,27a2674

  • adjusted AL, AR, GA, IA, KY, LA, MN, MS, NM, PA, TN, TX metropolitan areas for 2016 geo vintage

In more detail

  • added geohi category of ALL, US, add naming_geohi.csv 89617e3

  • added naming convention for additional filesb

  • added agg_level variable 89617e3, 2149623

  • Changes to name of variable schema files (qwipu → qwi), addition of variability and rate variable schema files. 89617e3

  • Addition of a column identifying the type of variable on QWI 89617e3

  • Renamed file from QWIPU_Data_Schema.pdf to lehd_public_use_schema.pdf 89617e3

  • Addition of variable schema description for J2J 1a57250

  • Added a extension component [ext] to the file naming convention to reflect availability of Excel files (and PDF files) d9f8387 f7cc524

  • Updated documentation-generating scripts to the latest. Documents are now identified by date, not revision 8136f0c

  • Added a concatenation of geography files as label_geography.csv. 8136f0c, 39ecfc9

  • Added a column geo_level to all label_geography_* files a32bb4c

  • Changed fipsnum to force readin of FIPS as character, include geo_level, US. a32bb4c

  • Added additional legal values for firmage and firmsize, as used by J2J a32bb4c

  • Added Federal government to files (for National QWI) 942dd0a, 1654288

  • Clarified description of filenaming components 8888529, 8d580f6

  • Sundry small additional changes, building out the schema 28d7c6f

  • Changing of naming convention for to-be-released files based on federal government from fg → of. At this time, no such files have been released. 3a0975e

Version 4.1-rc2 from 4.1-rc1

  • Added description,definition of SHP files

  • Modified Indicator Names for J2J variable metadata.

Version 4.1-rc3 from 4.1-rc2

  • adjusted AL, AR, GA, IA, KY, LA, MN, MS, NM, PA, TN, TX metropolitan areas for 2016 geo vintage


Version 4.1-rc1 from 4.0.5

  • Implemented select changes from V4.1d-draft: Key changes are

  • Changed structure of state-level geography labels (flat directory structure) e5dbe97

  • Describes National QWI files and J2J files (both of which are still in beta), added J2J, National QWI spec

  • added additional geo_level for CBSA (complete), additional description, sources in label_geo_level.csv 1eb399f,27a2674

In more detail

  • added geohi category of ALL, US, add naming_geohi.csv 89617e3

  • added naming convention for additional filesb

  • added agg_level variable 89617e3, 2149623

  • Changes to name of variable schema files (qwipu → qwi), addition of variability and rate variable schema files. 89617e3

  • Addition of a column identifying the type of variable on QWI 89617e3

  • Renamed file from QWIPU_Data_Schema.pdf to lehd_public_use_schema.pdf 89617e3

  • Addition of variable schema description for J2J 1a57250

  • Added a extension component [ext] to the file naming convention to reflect availability of Excel files (and PDF files) d9f8387 f7cc524

  • Updated documentation-generating scripts to the latest. Documents are now identified by date, not revision 8136f0c

  • Added a concatenation of geography files as label_geography.csv. 8136f0c, 39ecfc9

  • Added a column geo_level to all label_geography_* files a32bb4c

  • Changed fipsnum to force readin of FIPS as character, include geo_level, US. a32bb4c

  • Added additional legal values for firmage and firmsize, as used by J2J a32bb4c

  • Added Federal government to files (for National QWI) 942dd0a, 1654288

  • Clarified description of filenaming components 8888529, 8d580f6

  • Sundry small additional changes, building out the schema 28d7c6f

  • Changing of naming convention for to-be-released files based on federal government from fg → of. At this time, no such files have been released. 3a0975e

Version 4.1-rc2 from 4.1-rc1

  • Added description,definition of SHP files

  • Modified Indicator Names for J2J variable metadata.


Version 4.1-rc1 from 4.0.5

  • Implemented select changes from V4.1d-draft: Key changes are

  • Changed structure of state-level geography labels (flat directory structure) e5dbe97

  • Describes National QWI files and J2J files (both of which are still in beta), added J2J, National QWI spec

  • added additional geo_level for CBSA (complete), additional description, sources in label_geo_level.csv 1eb399f,27a2674

In more detail

  • added geohi category of ALL, US, add naming_geohi.csv 89617e3

  • added naming convention for additional files

  • added agg_level variable 89617e3, 2149623

  • Changes to name of variable schema files (qwipu → qwi), addition of variability and rate variable schema files. 89617e3

  • Addition of a column identifying the type of variable on QWI 89617e3

  • Renamed file from QWIPU_Data_Schema.pdf to lehd_public_use_schema.pdf 89617e3

  • Addition of variable schema description for J2J 1a57250

  • Added a extension component [ext] to the file naming convention to reflect availability of Excel files (and PDF files) d9f8387 f7cc524

  • Updated documentation-generating scripts to the latest. Documents are now identified by date, not revision 8136f0c

  • Added a concatenation of geography files as label_geography.csv. 8136f0c, 39ecfc9

  • Added a column geo_level to all label_geography_* files a32bb4c

  • Changed fipsnum to force readin of FIPS as character, include geo_level, US. a32bb4c

  • Added additional legal values for firmage and firmsize, as used by J2J a32bb4c

  • Added Federal government to files (for National QWI) 942dd0a, 1654288

  • Clarified description of filenaming components 8888529, 8d580f6

  • Sundry small additional changes, building out the schema 28d7c6f

  • Changing of naming convention for to-be-released files based on federal government from fg → of. At this time, no such files have been released. 3a0975e


This version from previous releases of this document

  • corrected flag values

  • documents are now identified by date, not revision

  • Correction of the TIGER vintage that is used for geographic references

Version 4.1-draft from 4.0

  • added J2J, National QWI spec


This version from previous releases of V4.1 draft schema documents

  • corrected flag values

  • documents are now identified by date, not revision

  • Correction of the TIGER vintage that is used for geographic references

  • Added URL for J2J

  • Correction of typo in type naming convention, rename of naming_fipsalpha.csv to naming_geohi.csv to be consistent.

  • Changing of naming convention for to-be-released files based on federal government from fg → of. At this time, no such files have been released.

  • Changes to alternate name of SepSnx and EmpSpv, tentative rate names

  • Changes to name of variable schema files (qwipu → qwi), addition of variability variable schema files.

  • Fixed small typos in QWI variable short names

  • Updated agg_level description, replaced agg_level.csv file

  • Fixed minor rendering bug for QWI rate variability names.

  • No change to actual metadata.

  • Fixed a minor coding error in label_fipsnum.csv, added a concatenation of geography files as label_geography_all.csv.

  • Minor text change for agg_level, modified agg_level file.

  • Removed the last 4 rows of variables_j2jod.csv, since they are not on the current beta J2JOD files.

  • Added a extension component [ext] to the file naming convention to reflect availability of Excel files (and PDF files)

  • Removed extraneous empty lines

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwi.csv (FrmJbLsS, EarnHirNS and status variables)

  • Incorporated all state-level geography from 4.0.5

  • Added additional geo_level for CBSA (complete)

  • Added additional agg_level values

  • Clarified labels of j2jod identifiers

  • Renamed label_geography_all as label_geography

  • Added a column geo_level to all label_geography_* files

  • Corrected erroneous Oregon geography labels.

Version 4.1d-draft from 4.0.1

  • added J2J, National QWI spec

  • added geohi category of ALL, US

  • added definitions of variability measures

  • added definitions of rates on separate file

  • added naming convention for additional files

  • added agg_level variable

  • added additional geo_level for CBSA (complete)

  • added SHP files and description thereof


This version from previous releases of this document

  • corrected flag values

  • documents are now identified by date, not revision

  • Correction of the TIGER vintage that is used for geographic references

  • Added URL for J2J

  • Correction of typo in type naming convention, rename of naming_fipsalpha.csv to naming_geohi.csv to be consistent.

  • Changing of naming convention for to-be-released files based on federal government from fg → of. At this time, no such files have been released.

  • Changes to alternate name of SepSnx and EmpSpv, tentative rate names

  • Changes to name of variable schema files (qwipu → qwi), addition of variability variable schema files.

  • Fixed small typos in QWI variable short names

  • Updated agg_level description, replaced agg_level.csv file

  • Fixed minor rendering bug for QWI rate variability names. No change to actual metadata.

  • Fixed a minor coding error in label_fipsnum.csv, added a concatenation of geography files as label_geography_all.csv.

  • Minor text change for agg_level, modified agg_level file.

  • Removed the last 4 rows of variables_j2jod.csv, since they are not on the current beta J2JOD files.

  • Added a extension component [ext] to the file naming convention to reflect availability of Excel files (and PDF files)

  • Removed extraneous empty lines

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwi.csv (FrmJbLsS, EarnHirNS and status variables)

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwi.csv (HirAS, HirNS, and status variables)

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwi*v.csv (HirAS, HirNS)

Version 4.1c-draft from 4.0

  • added J2J, National QWI spec

  • added geohi category of ALL, US

  • added definitions of variability measures

  • added definitions of rates on separate file

  • added naming convention for additional files

  • added agg_level variable


This version from previous releases of this document

  • corrected flag values

  • documents are now identified by date, not revision

  • Correction of the TIGER vintage that is used for geographic references

  • Added URL for J2J

  • Correction of typo in type naming convention, rename of naming_fipsalpha.csv to naming_geohi.csv to be consistent.

  • Changing of naming convention for to-be-released files based on federal government from fg → of. At this time, no such files have been released.

  • Changes to alternate name of SepSnx and EmpSpv, tentative rate names

  • Changes to name of variable schema files (qwipu → qwi), addition of variability variable schema files.

  • Fixed small typos in QWI variable short names

  • Updated agg_level description, replaced agg_level.csv file

  • Fixed minor rendering bug for QWI rate variability names. No change to actual metadata.

  • Fixed a minor coding error in label_fipsnum.csv

Version 4.1b-draft from 4.0

  • added J2J, National QWI spec

  • added geohi category of ALL, US

  • added definitions of variability measures

  • added definitions of rates on separate file

  • added naming convention for additional files

  • added agg_level variable

  • added a concatenation of geography files as label_geography_all.csv.

  • added label_geography_us.csv for completeness


Version 4.1.3 from 4.1.2

Version 4.1.2 from 4.1.1

  • Updated LEHD shape files, Louisiana and Alabama WIB definitions

Version 4.1.1 from 4.1.0

  • Modifed naming_geo_cat.csv, gb value to read "Metropolitan (complete)", gm to "Metropolitan/Micropolitan (state parts)"

  • Updated reference in shapefile description to Job-to-Job Explorer to point to the recently released Beta webap, updated title to refer to the same name as the naming_geo_cat.csv uses

  • Updated TIGER references to 2016 in shapefile description

  • Modifed label_geo_level.csv, B value to read "Metropolitan (complete)"

  • Added referenced in the same file to where to find the CBSA code underlying the state-part definitions

  • Added a new file label_geography_metro.csv

  • Changed references where appropriate from label_geography_cbsa to label_geography_metro

  • Added additional aggregation levels, changed some labels

  • Removed two variables from variables_j2jod.csv that were not actually on the CSV file

  • Updated 2016 geography in shapefiles

  • Corrected naming of files inside shapefile ZIP files


This version (revisions)

  • Corrected naming of three of the status flags that have "Rate" at the end. That should be just "R".

Version 4.1.2 from 4.1.1

  • Updated LEHD shape files, Louisiana and Alabama WIB definitions

Version 4.1.1 from 4.1.0

  • Modifed naming_geo_cat.csv, gb value to read "Metropolitan (complete)", gm to "Metropolitan/Micropolitan (state parts)"

  • Updated reference in shapefile description to Job-to-Job Explorer to point to the recently released Beta webap, updated title to refer to the same name as the naming_geo_cat.csv uses

  • Updated TIGER references to 2016 in shapefile description

  • Modifed label_geo_level.csv, B value to read "Metropolitan (complete)"

  • Added referenced in the same file to where to find the CBSA code underlying the state-part definitions

  • Added a new file label_geography_metro.csv

  • Changed references where appropriate from label_geography_cbsa to label_geography_metro

  • Added additional aggregation levels, changed some labels

  • Removed two variables from variables_j2jod.csv that were not actually on the CSV file

  • Updated 2016 geography in shapefiles

  • Corrected naming of files inside shapefile ZIP files


This version (revisions)

  • Corrected naming of three of the status flags that have "Rate" at the end. That should be just "R".

Version 4.1.1 from 4.1.0

  • Modifed naming_geo_cat.csv, gb value to read "Metropolitan (complete)", gm to "Metropolitan/Micropolitan (state parts)"

  • Updated reference in shapefile description to Job-to-Job Explorer to point to the recently released Beta webap, updated title to refer to the same name as the naming_geo_cat.csv uses

  • Updated TIGER references to 2016 in shapefile description

  • Modifed label_geo_level.csv, B value to read "Metropolitan (complete)"

  • Added referenced in the same file to where to find the CBSA code underlying the state-part definitions

  • Added a new file label_geography_metro.csv

  • Changed references where appropriate from label_geography_cbsa to label_geography_metro

  • Added additional aggregation levels, changed some labels

  • Removed two variables from variables_j2jod.csv that were not actually on the CSV file

  • Updated 2016 geography in shapefiles

  • Corrected naming of files inside shapefile ZIP files


This version (revisions)

  • Fixed a rendering issue with an empty column.

  • Modified the label for firm age and firm size to contain mention of "Not Available For Public-Sector Firms"

  • Changed description of agg_level

  • Removed two variables from variables_j2jod.csv that were not actually on the CSV file

  • Corrected bad reference to release RXXXX, which should have been R2016Q4

  • Corrected naming of files inside shapefile ZIP files

  • Corrected naming of three of the status flags that have "Rate" at the end. That should be just "R".

Version 4.1 from 4.0.5

  • Implemented select changes from V4.1d-draft: Key changes are

  • Changed structure of state-level geography labels (flat directory structure)

  • Describes National QWI files and J2J files (both of which are still in beta), added J2J, National QWI spec

  • added additional geo_level for CBSA (complete), additional description, sources in label_geo_level.csv

  • Added description,definition of SHP files

  • Modified Indicator Names for J2J variable metadata.

  • adjusted AL, AR, GA, IA, KY, LA, MN, MS, NM, PA, TN, TX metropolitan areas for 2016 geo vintage

In more detail

  • added geohi category of ALL, US, add naming_geohi.csv

  • added naming convention for additional files

  • added agg_level variable

  • Changes to name of variable schema files (qwipu → qwi), addition of variability and rate variable schema files.

  • Addition of a column identifying the type of variable on QWI

  • Renamed file from QWIPU_Data_Schema.pdf to lehd_public_use_schema.pdf

  • Addition of variable schema description for J2J

  • Added a extension component [ext] to the file naming convention to reflect availability of Excel files (and PDF files)

  • Updated documentation-generating scripts to the latest. Documents are now identified by date, not revision

  • Added a concatenation of geography files as label_geography.csv.

  • Added a column geo_level to all label_geography_* files

  • Changed fipsnum to force readin of FIPS as character, include geo_level, US.

  • Added additional legal values for firmage and firmsize, as used by J2J

  • Added Federal government to files (for National QWI)

  • Clarified description of filenaming components

  • Sundry small additional changes, building out the schema

  • Changing of naming convention for to-be-released files based on federal government from fg → of. At this time, no such files have been released.


This version (revisions)

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (FrmJbLsS, EarnHirNS and status variables)

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (HirAS, HirNS, and status variables)

Version 4.0.1 from 4.0

  • removed obsolete flag values

  • updated IL, NE geography definitions

Version 4.0.2 from 4.0.1

  • switched NAICS coding from 2007 to 2012

Version 4.0.3 from 4.0.2

  • switched Geovintage to 2014, updated AK and SD files, added MA.

Version 4.0.4 from 4.0.3

  • updated OR.

  • Added consolidated geography label file label_geography_all.csv

  • Updated the identification of the correct geo vintage

  • Added a link to NAICS 2012 tables

  • Removing the 99 row in industry values - only used for internal error checking

Version 4.0.5 from 4.0.4

  • updated MO (new WIB code).

  • Added us/label_geography.csv to have an entry for the National QWI

  • Added better cross-links between CSV naming schame, and datafile schema

  • Corrected label_geo_level.csv to include the national level value.

  • Clarified description of geography codes


This version (revisions)

  • Added better cross-links between CSV naming schame, and datafile schema

  • Corrected label_geo_level.csv to include the national level value.

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (FrmJbLsS, EarnHirNS and status variables)

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (HirAS, HirNS, and status variables)

Version 4.0.1 from 4.0

  • removed obsolete flag values

  • updated IL, NE geography definitions

Version 4.0.2 from 4.0.1

  • switched NAICS coding from 2007 to 2012

Version 4.0.3 from 4.0.2

  • switched Geovintage to 2014, updated AK and SD files, added MA.

Version 4.0.4 from 4.0.3

  • updated OR.

  • Added consolidated geography label file label_geography_all.csv

  • Updated the identification of the correct geo vintage

  • Added a link to NAICS 2012 tables

  • Removing the 99 row in industry values - only used for internal error checking


This version (revisions)

  • Added consolidated geography label file label_geography_all.csv

  • Updated the identification of the correct geo vintage

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (FrmJbLsS, EarnHirNS and status variables)

  • Fixed error in CBSA names (failure to actually update to 2014 Geovintage)

  • Corrected WIB naming change in Florida and Ohio

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (HirAS, HirNS, and status variables)

Version 4.0.1 from 4.0

  • removed obsolete flag values

  • updated IL, NE geography definitions

Version 4.0.2 from 4.0.1

  • switched NAICS coding from 2007 to 2012

Version 4.0.3 from 4.0.2

  • switched Geovintage to 2014, updated AK and SD files, added MA.


This version (revisions)

  • Initial version

  • Corrected release that the switch to NAICS 2012 was made

  • Added consolidated geography label file label_geography_all.csv

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (FrmJbLsS, EarnHirNS and status variables)

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (HirAS, HirNS, and status variables)

Version 4.0.1 from 4.0

  • removed obsolete flag values

  • updated IL, NE geography definitions

Version 4.0.2 from 4.0.1

  • switched NAICS coding from 2007 to 2012


This version (revisions)

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (FrmJbLsS, EarnHirNS and status variables)

  • Fixed typo in variables_qwipu.csv (HirAS, HirNS, and status variables)

Version 4.0.1 from 4.0

  • removed obsolete flag values

  • updated IL, NE geography definitions


  • Initial release


  • Historical release