This specification is draft. Feedback is welcome. Please write us at |
1. Purpose
The public-use data from the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program, including the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) and Job-to-Job Flows (J2J), are available for download with the following data schema. These data are available through the LEHD website’s Data page at and through the LED Extraction Tool at
This document describes the data schema for LEHD files. LEHD-provided SHP files are separately described in lehd_shapefiles.html. For each variable, a set of allowable values is defined. Definitions are provided as CSV files, with header variable definitions. Changes relative to the original v4.0 version are listed at the end.
2. File naming
The naming conventions of the data files is documented in lehd_csv_naming.html.
3. Extends
This version reimplements some features from V4.0. Many files compliant with LEHD or QWI Schema v4.0 will also be compliant with this schema, but compatibility is not guaranteed.
4. Supersedes
This version supersedes V4.4.0, for files released as of R2019Q1.
5. Basic Schema
Each data file is structured as a CSV (comma separated values) file. The first columns contain [identifiers], subsequent columns contain [indicators], followed by status flags. In some cases, visually formatted Excel (XLSX) files are also available, containing the same information together with header lines on each sheet. Excel versions may contain labels following each identifier variable, and data may be abridged from the CSV due to size limitations.
5.1. Generic structure
Column name |
[ Identifier1 ] |
[ Identifier2 ] |
[ Identifier3 ] |
[ … ] |
[ Indicator 1 ] |
[ Indicator 2 ] |
[ Indicator 3 ] |
[ … ] |
[ Status Flag 1 ] |
[ Status Flag 2 ] |
[ Status Flag 3 ] |
[ … ] |
Note: A full list of indicators for each type of file are shown below in the Indicators section. While all indicators are included in the CSV files, only the requested indicators will be included in data outputs from the LED Extraction Tool.
5.2. Identifiers
Records, unless otherwise noted, are parts of time-series data. Unique record identifiers are noted below, by file type. Identifiers without the year and quarter component can be considered a series identifier.
5.2.1. Mapping for Identifiers
Each of the released files has a set of variables uniquely identifying records ('Identifiers'). The table below relates the set of identifier specifications to the released files. The actual CSV files containing the identifiers for each set are listed after this table. Each identifier can take on a specified list of values, documented in the section on Categorical Variables.
identifiers | QWI | NQWI | J2J | J2JR | J2JOD | PSEOE | PSEOF | LODES |
lehd_identifiers_qwi |
1 |
1 |
lehd_identifiers_j2j |
1 |
1 |
lehd_identifiers_j2jod |
1 |
lehd_identifiers_pseo |
1 |
1 |
5.2.2. Identifiers for qwi
Variable | Type | label |
periodicity |
Char(1) |
Periodicity of report |
seasonadj |
Char(1) |
Seasonal Adjustment Indicator |
geo_level |
Char(1) |
Group: Geographic level of aggregation |
geography |
Char(8) |
Group: Geography code |
ind_level |
Char(1) |
Group: Industry level of aggregation |
industry |
Char(5) |
Group: Industry code |
ownercode |
Char(3) |
Group: Ownership group code |
sex |
Char(1) |
Group: Gender code |
agegrp |
Char(3) |
Group: Age group code (WIA) |
race |
Char(2) |
Group: race |
ethnicity |
Char(2) |
Group: ethnicity |
education |
Char(2) |
Group: education |
firmage |
Char(1) |
Group: Firm Age group |
firmsize |
Char(1) |
Group: Firm Size group |
year |
Num |
Time: Year |
quarter |
Num |
Time: Quarter |
5.2.3. Identifiers for j2j
Variable | Type | label |
periodicity |
Char(1) |
Periodicity of report |
seasonadj |
Char(1) |
Seasonal Adjustment Indicator |
geo_level |
Char(1) |
Group: Geographic level of aggregation |
geography |
Char(8) |
Group: Geography code |
ind_level |
Char(1) |
Group: Industry level of aggregation |
industry |
Char(5) |
Group: Industry code |
ownercode |
Char(3) |
Group: Ownership group code |
sex |
Char(1) |
Group: Gender code |
agegrp |
Char(3) |
Group: Age group code (WIA) |
race |
Char(2) |
Group: race |
ethnicity |
Char(2) |
Group: ethnicity |
education |
Char(2) |
Group: education |
firmage |
Char(1) |
Group: Firm Age group |
firmsize |
Char(1) |
Group: Firm Size group |
year |
Num |
Time: Year |
quarter |
Num |
Time: Quarter |
agg_level |
Num |
Aggregation Level Indicator |
5.2.4. Identifiers for j2jod
Variable | Type | label |
periodicity |
Char(1) |
Periodicity of report |
seasonadj |
Char(1) |
Seasonal Adjustment Indicator |
geo_level |
Char(1) |
Group: Geographic level of aggregation of destination job |
geography |
Char(8) |
Group: Geography code of destination job |
ind_level |
Char(1) |
Group: Industry level of aggregation of destination job |
industry |
Char(5) |
Group: Industry code of destination job |
ownercode |
Char(3) |
Group: Ownership group code of destination job |
sex |
Char(1) |
Group: Gender code |
agegrp |
Char(3) |
Group: Age group code (WIA) |
race |
Char(2) |
Group: race |
ethnicity |
Char(2) |
Group: ethnicity |
education |
Char(2) |
Group: education |
firmage |
Char(1) |
Group: Firm Age group |
firmsize |
Char(1) |
Group: Firm Size group |
year |
Num |
Time: Year |
quarter |
Num |
Time: Quarter |
agg_level |
Num |
Aggregation Level Indicator |
geo_level_orig |
Char(1) |
Group: Geographic level of aggregation of origin job |
geography_orig |
Char(8) |
Group: Geography code of origin job |
ind_level_orig |
Char(1) |
Group: Industry level of aggregation of origin job |
industry_orig |
Char(5) |
Group: Industry code of origin job |
ownercode_orig |
Char(3) |
Group: Ownership group code of origin job |
firmage_orig |
Char(1) |
Group: Firm Age group of origin job |
firmsize_orig |
Char(1) |
Group: Firm Size group of origin job |
5.2.5. Identifiers for pseo
Variable | Type | label |
agg_level_pseo |
Numeric |
Aggregation level |
inst_level |
Char(1) |
Tabulation level of the institution |
institution |
Char(6) |
Place of the institution |
degree_level |
Char(2) |
Degree level code |
cip_level |
Char(1) |
Degree field level of aggregation |
cipcode |
Char(7) |
Degree field |
grad_cohort |
Char(4) |
First year of graduation cohort (YYYY) - All Cohorts 0000 |
grad_cohort_years |
Numeric |
Number of years in graduation cohort |
geo_level |
Char(1) |
Group: Geographic level of employment |
geography |
Char(8) |
Group: Geography code of employment |
ind_level |
Char(1) |
Group: Industry level of employment |
industry |
Char(5) |
Group: Industry code of employment |
5.3. Indicators
The following tables and associated mapping files list the indicators available on each file. The descriptor files themselves are structured as follows:
The ''Indicator Variable'' is the short name of the variable on the CSV files, suitable for machine processing in a wide variety of statistical applications.
When given, the ''Alternate name'' may appear in related documentation and articles.
The ''Status Flag'' is used to indicate publication or data quality status (see Status Flags).
The ''Indicator Name'' is a non-abbreviated version of the ''Indicator Variable''.
The ''Description'' provides more verbose description of the variable.
''Units'' identify the type of variable according to a very simplified taxonomoy (not formalized yet): counts, rates, monetary amounts.
''Concept'' classifies the variables into higher-level concepts. The taxonomy for these concepts has not been finalized yet, see label_concept_draft.csv for a draft version.
The ''Base'' indicates the denominator used to compute the statistic, and may be '1'.
5.3.1. National QWI and state-level QWI (QWIPU)
Indicator Variable | Alternate Name | Status Flag | Indicator Name | Description | Units | Concept | Base |
Emp |
B |
sEmp |
Beginning-of-Quarter Employment |
Estimate of the total number of jobs on the first day of the reference quarter |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
EmpEnd |
E |
sEmpEnd |
End-of-Quarter Employment |
Estimate of the number of jobs on the last day of the quarter |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
EmpS |
F |
sEmpS |
Full-Quarter Employment (Stable) |
Estimate of stable jobs - the number of jobs that are held on both the first and last day of the quarter with the same employer |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
EmpTotal |
M |
sEmpTotal |
Employment - Reference Quarter |
Estimated count of people employed in a firm at any time during the quarter |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
EmpSpv |
Fpv |
sEmpSpv |
Full-Quarter Employment in the Previous Quarter |
Estimate of stable jobs in the quarter before the reference quarter |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
HirA |
A |
sHirA |
Hires (All Accessions) |
Estimated number of workers who started a new job in the specified quarter |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
HirN |
H |
sHirN |
New Hires |
Estimated number of workers who started a new job excluding recall hires |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
HirR |
R |
sHirR |
Recall Hires |
Estimated number of workers who returned to the same employer where they had worked within the previous year |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
Sep |
S |
sSep |
Separations (All) |
Estimated number of workers whose job with a given employer ended in the specified quarter |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
HirAEnd |
CA |
sHirAEnd |
End-of-Quarter Hires |
Estimated number of workers who started a new job in the specified quarter, which continued into next quarter |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
SepBeg |
CS |
sSepBeg |
Beginning-of-Quarter Separations |
Estimated number of workers whose job in the previous quarter continued and ended in the given quarter |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
HirAEndRepl |
EI |
sHirAEndRepl |
Replacement Hires |
Hires into continuous quarter employment in excess of job creation |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
HirAEndR |
sHirAEndR |
End-of-Quarter Hiring Rate |
Hires as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Hire |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
SepBegR |
sSepBegR |
Beginning-of-Quarter Separation Rate |
Separations as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Separation |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
HirAEndReplR |
sHirAEndReplR |
Replacement Hiring Rate |
Replacement hires as a percent of the average of beginning- and end-of-quarter employment |
Rate |
Hire |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
HirAS |
FA |
sHirAS |
Hires (All Hires into Full-Quarter Employment) |
Estimated number of workers that started a job that lasted at least one full quarter with a given employer |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
HirNS |
FH |
sHirNS |
New Hires (New Hires into Full-Quarter Employment) |
Estimated number of workers who started a job that they had not held within the past year and the job turned into a job that lasted at least a full quarter with a given employer |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
SepS |
FS |
sSepS |
Separations (Flows out of Full-Quarter Employment) |
Estimated number of workers who had a job for at least a full quarter and then the job ended |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
SepSnx |
FSnx |
sSepSnx |
Separations in the Next Quarter (Flows out of Full-Quarter Employment) |
Estimated number of workers in the next quarter who had a job for at least a full quarter and then the job ended |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
TurnOvrS |
FT |
sTurnOvrS |
Turnover (Stable) |
The rate at which stable jobs begin and end |
Rate |
Turnover |
2*EmpS |
FrmJbGn |
JC |
sFrmJbGn |
Firm Job Gains (Job Creation) |
Estimated number of jobs gained at firms throughout the quarter |
Count |
Job Flows |
1 |
FrmJbLs |
JD |
sFrmJbLs |
Firm Job Loss (Job Destruction) |
Estimated number of jobs lost at firms throughout the quarter |
Count |
Job Flows |
1 |
FrmJbC |
JF |
sFrmJbC |
Firm Job Change (Net Change) |
Difference between firm job gain and firm job loss |
Count |
Job Flows |
1 |
FrmJbGnS |
sFrmJbGnS |
Firm Job Gains (Stable) |
Estimated number of full-quarter jobs gained at firms |
Count |
Job Flows |
1 |
FrmJbLsS |
sFrmJbLsS |
Firm Job Loss (Stable) |
Estimated number of full-quarter jobs lost at firms |
Count |
Job Flows |
1 |
FrmJbCS |
sFrmJbCS |
Firm Job Change (Stable; Net Change) |
Net growth in jobs that last a full quarter |
Count |
Job Flows |
1 |
EarnS |
ZW3 |
sEarnS |
Average Monthly Earnings (Full-Quarter Employment) |
Average monthly earnings of employees with stable jobs |
Dollars |
Earnings |
EmpS |
EarnBeg |
ZW2B |
sEarnBeg |
Average Monthly Earnings (Beginning-of-Quarter Employment) |
Average monthly earnings of employees who worked on the first day of the reference quarter |
Dollars |
Earnings |
Emp |
EarnHirAS |
sEarnHirAS |
Average Monthly Earnings (All Hires into Full-Quarter Employment) |
Average monthly earnings for workers who started a job that turned into a job lasting a full quarter |
Dollars |
Earnings |
HirAS |
EarnHirNS |
sEarnHirNS |
Average Monthly Earnings (New Hires into Full-Quarter Employment) |
Average monthly earnings of newly stable employees |
Dollars |
Earnings |
HirNS |
EarnSepS |
sEarnSepS |
Average Monthly Earnings (Flows out of Full-Quarter Employment) |
Average monthly earnings of separations from full-quarter status at an establishment |
Dollars |
Earnings |
SepSnx |
Payroll |
W1 |
sPayroll |
Total Quarterly Payroll |
Total quarterly payroll for all jobs |
Dollars |
Earnings |
1 |
5.3.2. National QWI and state-level QWI rates (QWIPUR)
Rates are computed from published data, and are provided as a convenience.
Indicator Variable | Alternate Name | Status Flag | Indicator Name | Description | Units | Concept | Base |
HirAR |
AR |
sHirAR |
Hiring Rate (All Accessions) |
All accessions as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Hire |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
HirNR |
HR |
sHirNR |
New Hiring Rate |
New hires as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Hire |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
HirRR |
RR |
sHirRR |
Recall Rate |
Recall hires as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Hire |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
SepR |
SR |
sSepR |
Separation Rate (All Separations) |
All separations as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Separation |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
HirAEndR |
sHirAEndR |
End-of-Quarter Hiring Rate |
Hires as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Hire |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
SepBegR |
sSepBegR |
Beginning-of-Quarter Separation Rate |
Separations as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Separation |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
HirAEndReplR |
sHirAEndReplR |
Replacement Hiring Rate |
Replacement hires as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Hire |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
HirASR |
sHirASR |
Hiring Rate (Flows into Full-Quarter Employment) |
Flows into stable employment as a percent of average stable employment |
Rate |
Hire |
(EmpSpv + EmpS)/2 |
HirNSR |
sHirNSR |
New Hiring Rate (New Hires to Full-Quarter Status) |
New hires into stable employment as a percent of average stable employment |
Rate |
Hire |
(EmpSpv + EmpS)/2 |
SepSR |
sSepSR |
Separation Rate (Flows out of Full-Quarter Employment) |
Flows out of stable employment as a percent of average stable employment |
Rate |
Separation |
(EmpSpv + EmpS)/2 |
SepSnxR |
FSnxR |
sSepSnxR |
Separation Rate in the Next Quarter (Flow out of Full-Quarter Employment) |
Flow rate out of stable employment in the next quarter |
Rate |
Separation |
(EmpSpv + EmpS)/2 |
TurnOvrSR |
sTurnOvrSR |
Turnover Rate (Stable) |
The rate at which stable jobs begin and end |
Rate |
Turnover |
2*EmpS |
FrmJbGnR |
sFrmJbGnR |
Firm Job Gain Rate (Job Creation Rate) |
Estimated number of jobs gained at firms throughout the quarter as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Job Flows |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
FrmJbLsR |
sFrmJbLsR |
Firm Job Loss Rate (Job Destruction Rate) |
Estimated number of jobs lost at firms throughout the quarter as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Job Flows |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
FrmJbCR |
sFrmJbCR |
Firm Job Change Rate (Net Change Rate) |
Difference between firm job gain and firm job loss as a percent of average employment |
Rate |
Job Flows |
(Emp + EmpEnd)/2 |
FrmJbGnSR |
sFrmJbGnSR |
Firm Job Gain Rate (Stable) |
Estimated number of full-quarter jobs gained at firms as a percent of average stable employment |
Rate |
Job Flows |
(EmpSpv + EmpS)/2 |
FrmJbLsSR |
sFrmJbLsSR |
Firm Job Loss Rate (Stable) |
Estimated number of full-quarter jobs lost at firms as a percent of average stable employment |
Rate |
Job Flows |
(EmpSpv + EmpS)/2 |
FrmJbCSR |
sFrmJbCSR |
Firm Job Change Rate (Stable; Net Change Rate) |
Net growth in jobs that last a full quarter as a percent of average stable employment |
Rate |
Job Flows |
(EmpSpv + EmpS)/2 |
5.3.3. Job-to-job flow counts (J2J)
Indicator Variable | Alternate Name | Status Flag | Indicator Name | Description | Units | Concept | Base |
MHire |
all_doma2 |
sMHire |
Hires |
Hires into a worker’s main job |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
MSep |
all_doms2 |
sMSep |
Separations |
Separations from a worker’s main job |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
MJobStart |
first_dome |
sMJobStart |
Main Job Starts |
New main jobs due to hires and instances when a previously existing secondary job becomes the main source of earnings |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
MJobEnd |
last_domb |
sMJobEnd |
Main Job Ends |
End of main jobs due to separations and instances when another job becomes the main source of earnings |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
EEHire |
ee_doma2 |
sEEHire |
Job-to-Job Hires (Continuous Employment) |
Hires following a separation with no observed nonemployment spell |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
EESep |
ee_doms2 |
sEESep |
Job-to-Job Separations (Continuous Employment) |
Separations followed by a hire with no observed nonemployment spell |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
AQHire |
aq_doma2 |
sAQHire |
Job-to-Job Hires (Brief Nonemployment) |
Hires following a separation with a short nonemployment spell |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
AQSep |
aq_doms2 |
sAQSep |
Job-to-Job Separations (Brief Nonemployment) |
Separations followed by a hire with a short nonemployment spell |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
J2JHire |
j2j_doma2 |
sJ2JHire |
Job-to-Job Hires |
Hires following a separation (short or no observed nonemployment spell) |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
J2JSep |
j2j_doms2 |
sJ2JSep |
Job-to-Job Separations |
Separations followed by a hire (short or no observed nonemployment spell) |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
NEHire |
ne_doma2 |
sNEHire |
Hires from Nonemployment |
Hires following any spell of nonemployment |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
ENSep |
en_doms2 |
sENSep |
Separations to Nonemployment |
Separations into any spell of nonemployment |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
NEPersist |
ne2_doma2 |
sNEPersist |
Hires from Persistent Nonemployment |
Hires following a spell of persistent nonemployment |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
ENPersist |
en2_doms2 |
sENPersist |
Separations to Persistent Nonemployment |
Separations into a spell of persistent nonemployment |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
NEFullQ |
ne2p_doma2 |
sNEFullQ |
Hires from Full-Quarter Nonemployment |
Hires following a spell of full-quarter nonemployment (does not include intermittently employed) |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
ENFullQ |
en2p_doms2 |
sENFullQ |
Separations to Full-Quarter Nonemployment |
Separations into a spell of full-quarter nonemployment (does not include intermittently employed) |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
MainB |
domB |
sMainB |
Employment (Beginning of Quarter) |
Main jobs held on the first day of the quarter |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
MainE |
domE |
sMainE |
Employment (End of Quarter) |
Main jobs held on the last day of the quarter |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
EESepS |
fee_doms2 |
sEESepS |
Stable Job-to-Job Separations (Continuous Employment) |
Separations from stable employment followed by a hire to stable employment with no observed nonemployment spell |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
EEHireS |
fee_doma2 |
sEEHireS |
Stable Job-to-Job Hires (Continuous Employment) |
Hires to stable employment following a separation from stable employment with no observed nonemployment spell |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
AQSepS |
faq_doms2 |
sAQSepS |
Stable Job-to-Job Separations (Brief Nonemployment) |
Separations from stable employment followed by a hire to stable employment with a short nonemployment spell |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
AQHireS |
faq_doma2 |
sAQHireS |
Stable Job-to-Job Hires (Brief Nonemployment) |
Hires to stable employment following a separation from stable employment with a short nonemployment spell |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
NEPersistS |
fne2_doma2 |
sNEPersistS |
Stable Hires from Persistent Nonemployment |
Hires to stable employment following a spell of persistent nonemployment |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
ENPersistS |
fen2_doms2 |
sENPersistS |
Stable Separations to Persistent Nonemployment |
Separations from stable employment into a spell of persistent nonemployment |
Count |
Separation |
1 |
JobStayS |
f4dombe |
sJobStayS |
Stable Job Stayer |
Stable main jobs that did not change during the reference quarter |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
MainBS |
fdomb |
sMainBS |
Stable Employment (Beginning of Quarter) |
Stable main jobs held on the first day of the quarter |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
MainES |
fdome |
sMainES |
Stable Employment (End of Quarter) |
Stable main jobs held on the last day of the quarter |
Count |
Employment |
1 |
NEHireSEarn_Dest |
fne2_doma2_kfqearn |
sNEHireSEarn_Dest |
Average Earnings following Stable Hires from Persistent Nonemployment |
Average quarterly earnings following hires to stable employment from a spell of persistent nonemployment |
Dollars |
Earnings |
NEPersistS |
ENSepSEarn_Orig |
fen2_doms2_jfqearn |
sENSepSEarn_Orig |
Average Earnings prior to Stable Separations to Persistent Nonemployment |
Average quarterly earnings prior to separations from stable employment into a spell of persistent nonemployment |
Dollars |
Earnings |
ENPersistS |
JobStaySEarn_Orig |
f4dombe_jfqearn |
sJobStaySEarn_Orig |
Average Earnings prior to Stable Job Stayer |
Average quarterly earnings in the previous quarter when workers stayed in a stable job |
Dollars |
Earnings |
JobStayS |
JobStaySEarn_Dest |
f4dombe_kfqearn |
sJobStaySEarn_Dest |
Average Earnings following Stable Job Stayer |
Average quarterly earnings in the quarter when workers stayed in a stable job |
Dollars |
Earnings |
JobStayS |
5.3.4. Job-to-job flow rates (J2JR)
Rates are computed from published data, and are provided as a convenience.
Indicator Variable | Alternate Name | Status Flag | Indicator Name | Description | Units | Concept | Base |
MHireR |
all_doma2_rate |
sMHireR |
Hires |
Rate of hires into a worker’s main job |
Rate |
Hire |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
MSepR |
all_doms2_rate |
sMSepR |
Separations |
Rate of separations from a worker’s main job |
Rate |
Separation |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
MJobStartR |
first_dome_rate |
sMJobStartR |
Main Job Starts |
Rate of new main jobs due to hires and instances when a previously existing secondary job becomes the main source of earnings |
Rate |
Hire |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
MJobEndR |
last_domb_rate |
sMJobEndR |
Main Job Ends |
Rate of end of main jobs due to separations and instances when another job becomes the main source of earnings |
Rate |
Separation |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
EEHireR |
ee_doma2_rate |
sEEHireR |
Job-to-Job Hires (Continuous Employment) |
Rate of hires following a separation with no observed nonemployment spell |
Rate |
Hire |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
EESepR |
ee_doms2_rate |
sEESepR |
Job-to-Job Separations (Continuous Employment) |
Rate of separations followed by a hire with no observed nonemployment spell |
Rate |
Separation |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
AQHireR |
aq_doma2_rate |
sAQHireR |
Job-to-Job Hires (Brief Nonemployment) |
Rate of hires following a separation with a short nonemployment spell |
Rate |
Hire |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
AQSepR |
aq_doms2_rate |
sAQSepR |
Job-to-Job Separations (Brief Nonemployment) |
Rate of separations followed by a hire with a short nonemployment spell |
Rate |
Separation |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
J2JHireR |
j2j_doma2_rate |
sJ2JHireR |
Job-to-Job Hires |
Rate of hires following a separation (short or no observed nonemployment spell) |
Rate |
Hire |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
J2JSepR |
j2j_doms2_rate |
sJ2JSepR |
Job-to-Job Separations |
Rate of separations followed by a hire (short or no observed nonemployment spell) |
Rate |
Separation |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
NEHireR |
ne_doma2_rate |
sNEHireR |
Hires from Nonemployment |
Rate of hires following any spell of nonemployment |
Rate |
Hire |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
ENSepR |
en_doms2_rate |
sENSepR |
Separations to Nonemployment |
Rate of separations into any spell of nonemployment |
Rate |
Separation |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
NEPersistR |
ne2_doma2_rate |
sNEPersistR |
Hires from Persistent Nonemployment |
Rate of hires following a spell of persistent nonemployment |
Rate |
Hire |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
ENPersistR |
en2_doms2_rate |
sENPersistR |
Separations to Persistent Nonemployment |
Rate of separations into a spell of persistent nonemployment |
Rate |
Separation |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
NEFullQR |
ne2p_doma2_rate |
sNEFullQR |
Hires from Full-Quarter Nonemployment |
Rate of hires following a spell of full-quarter nonemployment (does not include intermittently employed) |
Rate |
Hire |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
ENFullQR |
en2p_doms2_rate |
sENFullQR |
Separations to Full-Quarter Nonemployment |
Rate of separations into a spell of full-quarter nonemployment (does not include intermittently employed) |
Rate |
Separation |
((MainB+MainE)/2) |
5.3.5. Job-to-job flow Origin-Destination (J2JOD)
Indicator Variable | Alternate Name | Status Flag | Indicator Name | Description | Units | Concept | Base |
EE |
ee_doma2 |
sEE |
Job-to-Job Flows (Continuous Employment) |
Job flows with no observed nonemployment spell |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
AQHire |
aq_doma2 |
sAQHire |
Job-to-Job Flows (Brief Nonemployment) |
Job flows with a short nonemployment spell |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
fee_doma2 |
sEES |
Stable Job-to-Job Flows (Continuous Employment) |
Job flows from stable employment into stable employment with no observed nonemployment spell |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
AQHireS |
faq_doma2 |
sAQHireS |
Stable Job-to-Job Flows (Brief Nonemployment) |
Job flows from stable employment into stable employment with a short nonemployment spell |
Count |
Hire |
1 |
EESEarn_Orig |
fee_doma2_jfqearn |
sEESEarn_Orig |
Average Earnings prior to Job-to-Job Flows (Continuous Employment) |
Average quarterly earnings prior to job flows with no observed nonemployment spell |
Dollars |
Earnings |
EESEarn_Dest |
fee_doma2_kfqearn |
sEESEarn_Dest |
Average Earnings following Job-to-Job Flows (Continuous Employment) |
Average quarterly earnings following job flows with no observed nonemployment spell |
Dollars |
Earnings |
AQHireSEarn_Orig |
faq_doma2_jfqearn |
sAQHireSEarn_Orig |
Average Earnings prior to Job-to-Job Flows (Brief Nonemployment) |
Average quarterly earnings prior to job flows with a short nonemployment spell |
Dollars |
Earnings |
AQHireS |
AQHireSEarn_Dest |
faq_doma2_kfqearn |
sAQHireSEarn_Dest |
Average Earnings following Job-to-Job Flows (Brief Nonemployment) |
Average quarterly earnings following job flows with a short nonemployment spell |
Dollars |
Earnings |
AQHireS |
5.3.6. Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes Earnings (PSEOE)
Indicator Variable | Status Flag | Description | Units | Concept |
y1_p25_earnings |
status_y1_earnings |
Earnings 25th Percentile in year 1 (2016 Dollars) |
Dollars |
Earnings |
y1_p50_earnings |
status_y1_earnings |
Earnings 50th Percentile in year 1 (2016 Dollars) |
Dollars |
Earnings |
y1_p75_earnings |
status_y1_earnings |
Earnings 75th Percentile in year 1 (2016 Dollars) |
Dollars |
Earnings |
y1_grads_earn |
status_y1_grads_earn |
Count of employed graduates in year 1 (2016 Dollars) |
Count |
Employment |
y5_p25_earnings |
status_y5_earnings |
Earnings 25th Percentile in year 5 (2016 Dollars) |
Dollars |
Earnings |
y5_p50_earnings |
status_y5_earnings |
Earnings 50th Percentile in year 5 (2016 Dollars) |
Dollars |
Earnings |
y5_p75_earnings |
status_y5_earnings |
Earnings 75th Percentile in year 5 (2016 Dollars) |
Dollars |
Earnings |
y5_grads_earn |
status_y5_grads_earn |
Count of employed graduates in year 5 |
Count |
Employment |
y10_p25_earnings |
status_y10_earnings |
Earnings 25th Percentile in year 10 (2016 Dollars) |
Dollars |
Earnings |
y10_p50_earnings |
status_y10_earnings |
Earnings 50th Percentile in year 10 (2016 Dollars) |
Dollars |
Earnings |
y10_p75_earnings |
status_y10_earnings |
Earnings 75th Percentile in year 10 (2016 Dollars) |
Dollars |
Earnings |
y10_grads_earn |
status_y10_grads_earn |
Count of employed graduates in year 10 |
Count |
Employment |
y1_ipeds_count |
status_ipeds_count |
Count of IPEDS reported graduates of programs included in year 1 earnings |
Count |
Graduates |
y5_ipeds_count |
status_ipeds_count |
Count of IPEDS reported graduates of programs included in year 5 earnings |
Count |
Graduates |
y10_ipeds_count |
status_ipeds_count |
Count of IPEDS reported graduates of programs included in year 10 earnings |
Count |
Graduates |
5.3.7. Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes Flows(PSEOF)
Indicator Variable | Status Flag | Description | Units | Concept |
y1_grads_emp |
status_y1_grads_emp |
Count of employed graduates in year 1 |
Count |
Employment |
y1_grads_emp_instate |
status_y1_grads_emp_instate |
Count of graduates employed in same state as educational institution in year 1 |
Count |
Employment |
y5_grads_emp |
status_y5_grads_emp |
Count of employed graduates in year 5 |
Count |
Employment |
y5_grads_emp_instate |
status_y5_grads_emp_instate |
Count of graduates employed in same state as educational institution in year 5 |
Count |
Employment |
y10_grads_emp |
status_y10_grads_emp |
Count of employed graduates in year 10 |
Count |
Employment |
y10_grads_emp_instate |
status_y10_grads_emp_instate |
Count of graduates employed in same state as educational institution in year 10 |
Count |
Employment |
5.4. Variability measures
The following tables and associated mapping files list the variability measures available on each file. The ''Variability Measure'' is the short name of the variable on the CSV files, suitable for machine processing in a wide variety of statistical applications. When given, the ''Alternate Name'' may appear in related documentation and articles. The ''Variable Name'' is a more verbose description of the variability measure.
Six variability measures are published:
Total variability, prefixed by vt_
Standard error, prefixed by st_, and computed as the square root of Total Variability
Between-implicate variability, prefixed by vb_
Average within-implicate variability, prefixed by vw_
Degrees of freedom, prefixed by df_
Missingness ratio, prefixed by mr_
A missing variability measure indicates a structural zero in the corresponding indicator. This is currently not associated with a flag.
5.4.1. Generic structure
Column name |
[ Identifier1 ] |
[ Identifier2 ] |
[ Identifier3 ] |
[ … ] |
[ Standard error for Indicator 1 ] |
[ Standard error for Indicator 2 ] |
[ Standard error for Indicator 3 ] |
[ … ] |
[ Total variation for Indicator 1 ] |
[ Total variation for Indicator 2 ] |
[ Total variation for Indicator 3 ] |
[ … ] |
[ Between-implicate variability for Indicator 1 ] |
[ Between-implicate variability for Indicator 2 ] |
[ Between-implicate variability for Indicator 3 ] |
[ … ] |
[ Average within-implicate variability for Indicator 1 ] |
[ Average within-implicate variability for Indicator 2 ] |
[ Average within-implicate variability for Indicator 3 ] |
[ … ] |
[ Degrees of freedom for Indicator 1 ] |
[ Degrees of freedom for Indicator 2 ] |
[ Degrees of freedom for Indicator 3 ] |
[ … ] |
[ Missingness ratio for Indicator 1 ] |
[ Missingness ratio for Indicator 2 ] |
[ Missingness ratio for Indicator 3 ] |
[ … ] |
Note: A full list of indicators for each type of file are shown in the Indicators section. In the tables below, only a sample of variability measures are printed, but the complete list is available in the linked CSV schema files.
5.4.2. National QWI and state-level QWI
Variability measure | Alternate name | Variable name | Units | Base |
st_Emp |
st_B |
Standard error of Beginning-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
st_EmpEnd |
st_E |
Standard error of End-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
st_EmpS |
st_F |
Standard error of Full-Quarter Employment (Stable) |
Count |
1 |
… |
vt_Emp |
vt_B |
Total variation of Beginning-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
vt_EmpEnd |
vt_E |
Total variation of End-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
vt_EmpS |
vt_F |
Total variation of Full-Quarter Employment (Stable) |
Count |
1 |
… |
vb_Emp |
vb_B |
Between-implicate variability for Beginning-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
vb_EmpEnd |
vb_E |
Between-implicate variability for End-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
vb_EmpS |
vb_F |
Between-implicate variability for Full-Quarter Employment (Stable) |
Count |
1 |
… |
… |
df_Emp |
df_B |
Degrees of freedom for VT of Beginning-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
df_EmpEnd |
df_E |
Degrees of freedom for VT of End-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
df_EmpS |
df_F |
Degrees of freedom for VT of Full-Quarter Employment (Stable) |
Count |
1 |
… |
mr_Emp |
mr_B |
Missingness ratio for Beginning-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
mr_EmpEnd |
mr_E |
Missingness ratio for End-of-Quarter Employment |
Count |
1 |
mr_EmpS |
mr_F |
Missingness ratio for Full-Quarter Employment (Stable) |
Count |
1 |
5.4.3. National QWI and state-level QWI rates
Variability measure | Alternate name | Variable name | Units | Base |
st_HirAR |
st_AR |
Standard error of Hiring Rate (All Accessions) |
Rate |
1 |
st_HirNR |
st_HR |
Standard error of New Hiring Rate |
Rate |
1 |
st_HirRR |
st_RR |
Standard error of Recall Rate |
Rate |
1 |
… |
vt_HirAR |
vt_AR |
Total variation of Hiring Rate (All Accessions) |
Rate |
1 |
vt_HirNR |
vt_HR |
Total variation of New Hiring Rate |
Rate |
1 |
vt_HirRR |
vt_RR |
Total variation of Recall Rate |
Rate |
1 |
… |
vb_HirAR |
vb_AR |
Between-implicate variability for Hiring Rate (All Accessions) |
Rate |
1 |
vb_HirNR |
vb_HR |
Between-implicate variability for New Hiring Rate |
Rate |
1 |
vb_HirRR |
vb_RR |
Between-implicate variability for Recall Rate |
Rate |
1 |
… |
… |
df_HirAR |
df_AR |
Degrees of freedom for VT of Hiring Rate (All Accessions) |
Rate |
1 |
df_HirNR |
df_HR |
Degrees of freedom for VT of New Hiring Rate |
Rate |
1 |
df_HirRR |
df_RR |
Degrees of freedom for VT of Recall Rate |
Rate |
1 |
… |
mr_HirAR |
mr_AR |
Missingness ratio for Hiring Rate (All Accessions) |
Rate |
1 |
mr_HirNR |
mr_HR |
Missingness ratio for New Hiring Rate |
Rate |
1 |
mr_HirRR |
mr_RR |
Missingness ratio for Recall Rate |
Rate |
1 |
5.4.4. Job-to-job flow counts (J2J)
5.4.5. Job-to-job flow rates (J2JR)
5.4.6. Job-to-job flow Origin-Destination (J2JOD)
6. Categorical Variables
Categorical variable descriptions are displayed above each table, with the variable name shown in parentheses. Unless otherwise stated, every possible value/label combination for each categorical variable is listed. Please note that not all values will be available in every table.
6.1. agegrp
( label_agegrp.csv )
agegrp | label |
A00 |
All Ages (14-99) |
A01 |
14-18 |
A02 |
19-21 |
A03 |
22-24 |
A04 |
25-34 |
A05 |
35-44 |
A06 |
45-54 |
A07 |
55-64 |
A08 |
65-99 |
6.2. education
education | label |
E0 |
All Education Categories |
E1 |
Less than high school |
E2 |
High school or equivalent, no college |
E3 |
Some college or Associate degree |
E4 |
Bachelor’s degree or advanced degree |
E5 |
Educational attainment not available (workers aged 24 or younger) |
6.3. ethnicity
ethnicity | label |
A0 |
All Ethnicities |
A1 |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
A2 |
Hispanic or Latino |
6.4. firmage
firmage | label |
0 |
All Firm Ages |
1 |
0-1 Years |
2 |
2-3 Years |
3 |
4-5 Years |
4 |
6-10 Years |
5 |
11+ Years |
N |
Firm Age Not Available For Public-Sector Firms |
6.5. firmsize
firmsize | label |
0 |
All Firm Sizes |
1 |
0-19 Employees |
2 |
20-49 Employees |
3 |
50-249 Employees |
4 |
250-499 Employees |
5 |
500+ Employees |
N |
Firm Size Not Available For Public-Sector Firms |
6.6. ownercode
ownercode | label |
A00 |
State and local government plus private ownership |
A01 |
Federal government |
A05 |
All Private |
6.8. quarter
quarter | label |
1 |
1st Quarter of the Year (January-March) |
2 |
2nd Quarter of the Year (April-June) |
3 |
3rd Quarter of the Year (July-September) |
4 |
4th Quarter of the Year (October-December) |
6.9. race
( label_race.csv )
race | label |
A0 |
All Races |
A1 |
White Alone |
A2 |
Black or African American Alone |
A3 |
American Indian or Alaska Native Alone |
A4 |
Asian Alone |
A5 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Alone |
A6 |
Some Other Race Alone (Not Used) |
A7 |
Two or More Race Groups |
6.10. seasonadj
seasonadj | label |
S |
Seasonally adjusted |
U |
Not seasonally adjusted |
6.12. Industry
6.12.1. Industry levels
ind_level | label |
A |
All Industries |
S |
NAICS Sectors |
3 |
NAICS Subsectors |
4 |
NAICS Industry Groups |
6.12.2. Industry
Only a small subset of available values shown. The 2017 NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) is used for all years. QWI releases prior to R2018Q1 used the 2012 NAICS classification (see Schema v4.1.3). For a full listing of all valid 2017 NAICS codes, see
industry | label | ind_level |
00 |
All NAICS Sectors |
A |
000 |
All NAICS Subsectors |
A |
0000 |
All NAICS Industry Groups |
A |
11 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting |
2 |
111 |
Crop Production |
3 |
1111 |
Oilseed and Grain Farming |
4 |
1112 |
Vegetable and Melon Farming |
4 |
… |
2382 |
Building Equipment Contractors |
4 |
2383 |
Building Finishing Contractors |
4 |
2389 |
Other Specialty Trade Contractors |
4 |
31-33 |
Manufacturing |
2 |
311 |
Food Manufacturing |
3 |
3111 |
Animal Food Manufacturing |
4 |
3112 |
Grain and Oilseed Milling |
4 |
3113 |
Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing |
4 |
… |
6.13. Educational Institution
6.13.1. Institution Levels
Educational institutions are tabulated individually in the current data release. Future releases may aggregate to institutions to higher levels, such as state or Census Division.
inst_level | label |
I |
Institution |
S |
State of institution |
D |
Census division of institution |
N |
All institutions |
6.13.2. Institution
Institution identifiers are sourced from the U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid office. This list has been supplemented with records for regional groupings of institutions.
institution | label | institution_state |
0 |
All Institutions |
1 |
Institutions in New England Division |
2 |
Institutions in Middle Atlantic Division |
3 |
Institutions in East North Central Division |
4 |
Institutions in West North Central Division |
5 |
Institutions in South Atlantic Division |
6 |
Institutions in East South Central Division |
… |
E00214 |
MA |
E00215 |
MA |
E00233 |
MD |
E00234 |
MD |
E00235 |
MD |
E00254 |
CA |
E00306 |
OH |
E00341 |
CA |
6.14. Degree level
The degree levels are sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
degree_level | label |
00 |
All Degree Levels |
01 |
Certificate < 1 year |
02 |
Certificate 1-2 years |
03 |
Associates |
04 |
Certificate 2-4 years |
05 |
Baccalaureate |
06 |
Post-Bacc Certificate |
07 |
Masters |
08 |
Post-Masters Certificate |
17 |
Doctoral - Research/Scholarship |
18 |
Doctoral - Professional Practice |
6.15. Classification of Instruction Programs (CIP)
6.15.1. CIP levels
cip_level | label |
A |
All Degree Fields |
2 |
2-Digit CIP Family |
4 |
4-Digit CIP Codes |
6 |
6-Digit CIP Codes |
6.15.2. CIP code
CIP codes are sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data are reported using 2010 CIP codes, for all years. In 4-digit CIP tabulations, select degree levels are collapsed to the 2-Digit CIP family, using custom codes (e.g., 01.XX, 02.XX, etc.).
cipcode | label | CIPDefinition |
00 |
All Instructional Programs |
All CIP Codes |
01 |
Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences |
Instructional programs that focus on agriculture and related sciences and that prepare individuals to apply specific knowledge, methods, and techniques to the management and performance of agricultural operations. |
03 |
Natural Resources and Conservation |
Instructional programs that focus on the various natural resources and conservation fields and prepare individuals for related occupations. |
04 |
Architecture and Related Services |
Instructional programs that prepare individuals for professional practice in the various architecture-related fields and focus on the study of related aesthetic and socioeconomic aspects of the built environment. |
… |
10.XX |
Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services (Consolidated 10.01-10.99) |
Instructional programs that prepare individuals to function as equipment operators, support technicians, and operations managers in the film/video, recording, and graphic communications industries. |
11.01 |
Computer and Information Sciences, General |
Instructional content for this group of programs is defined in codes 11.0101 - 11.0199. |
11.02 |
Computer Programming |
Instructional content for this group of programs is defined in codes 11.0201 - 11.0299. |
11.03 |
Data Processing |
Instructional content is defined in code 11.0301. |
11.04 |
Information Science/Studies |
Instructional content is defined in code 11.0401. |
… |
6.16. Grad Cohort
This is a 4-digit number representing the first year of the graduation cohort. The number of years in the cohort is reported in the separate Grad Cohort Years variable.
If grad_cohort is 2010 and grad_cohort_years is 3, then the cell includes graduates from (2010, 2011, and 2012).
When tabulating across all cohorts, the value 0000 will be used for grad_cohort.
6.17. Grad Cohort Years
This is the number of years in the cohort of reference (see Grad Cohort). It varies by degree_level.
If degree_level=05, grad_cohort_years=3 (3 year cohorts for bachelor's degrees) otherwise, grad_cohort_years=5 (5 year cohorts for all other degrees).
Tabulations are not done across degree types, so grad_cohort_years will be reported when grad_cohort=0000.
6.18. Geography
6.18.1. Geographic levels
Geography labels for data files are provided in separate files, by scope. Each file 'label_geograpy_SCOPE.csv' may contain one or more types of records as flagged by geo_level. For convenience, a composite file containing all geocodes is available as label_geography.csv. The 2018 vintage of Census TIGER/Line geography is used for all tabulations as of the R2019Q1 release.
Shapefiles are described in a separate document.
geo_level | label | description |
B |
Metropolitan (complete) |
Identifies 5-digit CBSA code for metropolitan areas provided by the Census Bureau’s Geography Division. Balance of state including micropolitan areas are identified by custom codes as [ST]999 |
C |
Counties |
Identifies 5-digit FIPS/ANSI code for counties |
D |
Divisions |
Identifies 1-digit multi-state Census Divisions |
M |
Metropolitan/Micropolitan (state part) |
Identifies 7-digit code constructed from the 2-digit state FIPS code and the 5-digit CBSA code provided by the Census Bureau’s Geography Division |
N |
National (50 States + DC) |
Custom code using '00' to denote national scope |
S |
States |
Identifies 2-digit FIPS/ANSI codes |
W |
Workforce Investment Areas |
2-digit state FIPS code and the 6-digit WIA identifier provided by LED State Partners |
6.18.2. National and state-level values
The file label_fipsnum.csv contains values and labels for all entities of geo_level 'N' or 'S', and is a summary of separately available files.
geography | label | geo_level |
00 |
National (50 States + DC) |
N |
01 |
Alabama |
S |
02 |
Alaska |
S |
04 |
Arizona |
S |
05 |
Arkansas |
S |
06 |
California |
S |
08 |
Colorado |
S |
… |
45 |
South Carolina |
S |
46 |
South Dakota |
S |
47 |
Tennessee |
S |
48 |
Texas |
S |
49 |
Utah |
S |
50 |
Vermont |
S |
51 |
Virginia |
S |
53 |
Washington |
S |
The file label_geography_division.csv contains values and labels for all entities of geo_level 'D'.
geography | label | geo_level |
1 |
New England Division |
D |
2 |
Middle Atlantic Division |
D |
3 |
East North Central Division |
D |
4 |
West North Central Division |
D |
5 |
South Atlantic Division |
D |
6 |
East South Central Division |
D |
7 |
West South Central Division |
D |
8 |
Mountain Division |
D |
9 |
Pacific Division |
D |
Z |
Unclassified |
D |
6.18.3. State postal codes
Some parts of the schema use (lower or upper-case) state postal codes.
( label_stusps.csv )
geography | stusps |
00 |
US |
01 |
AL |
02 |
AK |
04 |
AZ |
05 |
AR |
06 |
CA |
08 |
CO |
09 |
CT |
10 |
DE |
11 |
DC |
12 |
FL |
13 |
GA |
15 |
HI |
16 |
ID |
17 |
IL |
18 |
IN |
19 |
IA |
20 |
KS |
21 |
KY |
22 |
LA |
23 |
ME |
24 |
MD |
25 |
MA |
26 |
MI |
27 |
MN |
28 |
MS |
29 |
MO |
30 |
MT |
31 |
NE |
32 |
NV |
33 |
NH |
34 |
NJ |
35 |
NM |
36 |
NY |
37 |
NC |
38 |
ND |
39 |
OH |
40 |
OK |
41 |
OR |
42 |
PA |
44 |
RI |
45 |
SC |
46 |
SD |
47 |
TN |
48 |
TX |
49 |
UT |
50 |
VT |
51 |
VA |
53 |
WA |
54 |
WV |
55 |
WI |
56 |
WY |
72 |
PR |
78 |
VI |
6.18.4. Detailed state and substate level values
Files of type 'label_geography_[ST].csv' will contain identifiers and labels for geographic areas entirely comprised within a given state '[ST]'. State-specific parts of cross-state CBSA, in records of type geo_level = M, are present on files of type 'label_geography_[ST].csv'. The file label_geography_metro.csv contains labels for records of type geo_level = B, for metropolitan areas only.
Scope | Types | Format file |
US |
N |
D |
B |
States |
AK |
S C W M |
AL |
S C W M |
AR |
S C W M |
AZ |
S C W M |
CA |
S C W M |
CO |
S C W M |
CT |
S C W M |
DC |
S C W M |
DE |
S C W M |
FL |
S C W M |
GA |
S C W M |
HI |
S C W M |
IA |
S C W M |
ID |
S C W M |
IL |
S C W M |
IN |
S C W M |
KS |
S C W M |
KY |
S C W M |
LA |
S C W M |
MA |
S C W M |
MD |
S C W M |
ME |
S C W M |
MI |
S C W M |
MN |
S C W M |
MO |
S C W M |
MS |
S C W M |
MT |
S C W M |
NC |
S C W M |
ND |
S C W M |
NE |
S C W M |
NH |
S C W M |
NJ |
S C W M |
NM |
S C W M |
NV |
S C W M |
NY |
S C W M |
OH |
S C W M |
OK |
S C W M |
OR |
S C W M |
PA |
S C W M |
PR |
S C W M |
RI |
S C W M |
SC |
S C W M |
SD |
S C W M |
TN |
S C W M |
TX |
S C W M |
UT |
S C W M |
VA |
S C W M |
VT |
S C W M |
WA |
S C W M |
WI |
S C W M |
WV |
S C W M |
WY |
S C W M |
6.19. Aggregation level
6.19.1. J2J
Measures within the J2J and QWI data products are tabulated on many different dimensions, including demographic characteristics, geography, industry, and other firm characteristics. For Origin-Destination (O-D) tables, characteristics of the origin and destination firm can be tabulated separately. Every tabulation level is assigned a unique aggregation index, represented by the agg_level variable. This index starts from 1, representing a national level grand total (all industries, workers, etc.), and progresses through different combinations of characteristics. There are gaps in the progression to leave space for aggregation levels that may be included in future data releases.
agg_level is currently reported only for J2J data products.
The following variables are included in the label_agg_level.csv file:
Variable | Description |
agg_level |
index representing level of aggregation reported on a given record |
worker_char |
demographic (worker) characteristics reported on record |
firm_char |
firm characteristics reported on record. These will be the characteristics of the destination firm in O-D tabulations |
firm_orig_char |
characteristics of origin firm reported on record (O-D tabulations only) |
j2j |
Flag: Aggregation level available on J2J counts tables |
j2jr |
Flag: Aggregation level available on J2J rates tables |
j2jod |
Flag: Aggregation level available on J2J O-D tables |
qwi |
Flag: Aggregation level available on QWI |
The characteristics available on an aggregation level are repeated using a series of flags following the standard schema:
cip_level - degree field reporting level of table
inst_level - institution reporting level of table
geo_level - geographic level of table
ind_level - industry level of table
by_ variables - flags indicating other dimensions reported, including ownership, demographics, firm age and size.
A shortened representation of the file is provided below, the complete file is available in the link above.
agg_level | worker_char | firm_char | firm_orig_char | j2j | j2jr | j2jod | qwi | geo_level |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
2 |
Sex |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
3 |
Age |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
4 |
Sex * Age |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
5 |
Race |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
9 |
Ethnicity |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
13 |
Race * Ethnicity |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
… |
129 |
Firm Size |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
257 |
NAICS Sector |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
258 |
Sex |
NAICS Sector |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
N |
… |
1029 |
Race |
State |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
S |
1033 |
Ethnicity |
State |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
S |
1037 |
Race * Ethnicity |
State |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
S |
… |
6.19.2. PSEO
Measures within the PSEO data product can be tabulated by characteristics of the graduate (e.g., institution attended, instructional program, degree level, etc.) and by characteristics of employment (state, industry). All measures may not be available on all levels of aggregation - for example, earnings variables may not be available when tabulating by place and industry of work, though counts are. Every tabulation level is assigned a unique aggregation index, represented by the agg_level_pseo variable. This index starts from 1, representing a national level grand total (all institutions, graduates, industries, etc.), and progresses through different combinations of characteristics. There are gaps in the progression to leave space for aggregation levels that may be included in future data releases. Aggregation levels that are available in the PSEO release will be flagged.
The following variables are included in the label_agg_level_pseo.csv file:
Variable | Description |
agg_level_pseo |
index representing level of aggregation reported on a given record |
grad_char |
Characteristics of graduate and program |
firm_char |
Characterstics of place of employment |
pseoe |
Flag: aggregation level available on PSEO Earnings |
pseof |
Flag: aggregation level available on PSEO Flows |
The characteristics available on an aggregation level are repeated using a series of flags following the standard schema:
inst_levels - institution level of table
geo_level - geographic level of table
ind_level - industry level of table
by_ variables - flags indicating other dimensions reported, including ownership, demographics, firm age and size.
agg_level_pseo | grad_char | firm_char | cip_level | inst_level | geo_level | ind_level | by_grad_cohort | by_degree_level | pseoe | pseof |
38 |
Degree Level * Institution ID |
A |
I |
N |
A |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
40 |
Degree Level * CIP 2-digit * Institution ID |
2 |
I |
N |
A |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
42 |
Degree Level * CIP 4-digit * Institution ID |
4 |
I |
N |
A |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
44 |
Degree Level * Start Year for Graduation Cohort * Institution ID |
A |
I |
N |
A |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
… |
188 |
Degree Level * Start Year for Graduation Cohort * Institution ID |
NAICS Sector * Census Division |
A |
I |
D |
S |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
190 |
Degree Level * CIP 2-digit * Start Year for Graduation Cohort * Institution ID |
NAICS Sector * Census Division |
2 |
I |
D |
S |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
192 |
Degree Level * CIP 4-digit * Start Year for Graduation Cohort * Institution ID |
NAICS Sector * Census Division |
4 |
I |
D |
S |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
… |
188 |
Degree Level * Start Year for Graduation Cohort * Institution ID |
NAICS Sector * Census Division |
A |
I |
D |
S |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
190 |
Degree Level * CIP 2-digit * Start Year for Graduation Cohort * Institution ID |
NAICS Sector * Census Division |
2 |
I |
D |
S |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
192 |
Degree Level * CIP 4-digit * Start Year for Graduation Cohort * Institution ID |
NAICS Sector * Census Division |
4 |
I |
D |
S |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
… |
7. Status Flags
( label_flags.csv )
Most indicators in the LEHD data products have associated status flags. Each status flag in the tables above contains one of the following valid values. The values and their interpretation are listed in the tables below. Unless otherwise specified in this section, a status flag will take the values described in 7.1 Standard Status Flags.
7.1. Standard Status Flags
Note: Currently, the J2J and PSEO tables only contain status flags '-1', '1', '5'. Status flags with values 10 or above only appear in online applications, not in CSV files. |
flag | label |
-2 |
no data available in this category for this quarter |
-1 |
data not available to compute this estimate |
1 |
OK |
5 |
Value suppressed because it does not meet US Census Bureau publication standards. |
6 |
Value calculated from other released measures - no significant distortion |
7 |
Value calculated from other released measures - some of which have significantly distorted data |
9 |
Data significantly distorted - fuzzed value released |
10 |
Aggregate of cells - no significant distortion |
11 |
Aggregate of cells not released because component cells do not meet U.S. Census Bureau publication standards |
12 |
Aggregate of cells - some of which have significantly distorted data |
7.2. IPEDS Count Status Flag
Graduate counts are provided from public use data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Counts are linked to graduation cohorts in the PSEO data and included in the PSEOE tables. In a small number of cases, misalignment in programs (CIPCODE) is observed between the IPEDS and PSEO counts. In these cases, the IPEDS counts adjusted to be consistent with those on PSEO, and the count is flagged accordingly.
flag | label |
1 |
IPEDS counts as reported |
2 |
IPEDS counts edited for consistency with PSEO categories |
3 |
IPEDS counts not available |
8. Metadata
8.1. Version Metadata for QWI, J2J, and PSEO Files (version.txt)
Each data release is accompanied by one or more files with metadata on geographic and temporal coverage, in a compact notation. These files follow the following naming convention:
where each component is described in more detail in lehd_csv_naming.html.
The contents contains the following elements:
Component | Source | Description |
product |
[type] |
Type as described in lehd_csv_naming.html |
fas |
[fas] |
(optional - concatenated with product) used for QWI to distinguish separate tabulations from the legal [fas] values as described in lehd_csv_naming.html |
geo |
[stusps] or METRO |
Covered [geography] (uppercase state postal code including entire nation or the word METRO) |
geonum |
Numeric geography code |
start |
yyyy:q (QWI, J2J) yyyy (PSEO) |
Start year and quarter |
end |
yyyy:q (QWI, J2J) yyyy (PSEO) |
End year and quarter |
schema |
Vx.y.z |
Version of the schema |
release |
RyyyyQq |
Release quarter (identifies when the data was created) |
internal |
various |
Internal identifier used for provenance tracking |
For instance, the metadata for the latest_release QWI release of Delaware (obtained from here) has the following content:
QWI_F DE 10 1998:3-2018:3 V4.4.0 R2019Q2 qwipu_de_20190530_1602 QWI_FA DE 10 1998:3-2017:4 V4.4.0 R2019Q2 qwipu_de_20190530_1602 QWI_FS DE 10 1998:3-2017:4 V4.4.0 R2019Q2 qwipu_de_20190530_1602
Similarly, the metadata for the latest_release release of Delaware J2J tabulations (obtained from here) has the following content:
J2J DE 10 2000:2-2018:1 V4.4.0 R2019Q1 j2jpu_de_20190508_0952
Some J2J metadata may contain multiple lines, as necessary.
The PSEO metadata will contain separate lines for the PSEOE and PSEOF tables. The year range for PSEO tables is based on the Grad Cohort, the start year of the graduation cohort. An example for Colorado institutions has the following content:
PSEOE CO 08 2001-2015 V4.5.0 2019Q1 pseopu_co_20190617_0839 PSEOF CO 08 2001-2015 V4.5.0 2019Q1 pseopu_co_20190617_0839
8.2. Additional Metadata for J2JOD Files (avail.csv)
Because the origin-destination (J2JOD) data link two regions, we provide an auxiliary file with the time range that cells containing data for each geographic pairing may appear in a data release.
variable | type | label |
geo_level |
Char(1) |
Geographic level of destination region |
geography |
Char(8) |
Geography code of destination region |
geo_level_orig |
Char(1) |
Geographic level of origin region |
geography_orig |
Char(8) |
Geography code of origin region |
start_year |
Num |
First year regional pair may be observed |
start_quarter |
Num |
First quarter regional pair may be observed |
end_year |
Num |
Last year regional pair may be observed |
end_quarter |
Num |
Last quarter regional pair may be observed |
The reference region will always be either the origin or the destination. National tabulations contain records where both origin and destination are geo_level=N; state tabulations contain records where geo_level in (N,S); metro tabulations contain records where geo_level in (N,S,B). Data may be suppressed for certain combinations of regions and quarters because the estimates do not meet Census Bureau publication standards.
8.3. Metadata on Indicator Availability
Each Indicator potentially requires leads and/or lags of data to be computed, and thus may not be available for certain time periods. Only two QWI will be available for all quarters of the time span described by start and end in the version.txt files: EmpTotal and Payroll. The date range for QWI, QWIR, J2J, and J2JR can be found in version.txt; the date range for J2JOD can be found in avail.csv.
For each indicator, the following files contain the quarters of data required to be available relative to the overall date range described in the metadata for the release:
The files are structured as follows:
variable | type | label |
Indicator Variable |
Num |
Name of the Indicator |
Quarters_Required_Prior |
Num |
Number of quarters of data required to compute indicator relative to start quarter |
Quarters_Required_Subsequent |
Num |
Number of quarters of data required to compute indicator relative to end quarter |
9. Changes
For a description of how schema files are versioned, see main directory.
9.1. This version (revisions)
2019-05-16: Initial release
9.2. Version 4.5.0 from 4.4.0
Added PSEO draft schema csv files
Added PSEO sourcing and documentation