== [[changes]] Changes For a description of how schema files are versioned, see link:../VERSIONING{ext-relative}[main directory]. === This version (revisions) - 2017-12-15: Initial release - 2018-03-23: Fix EOL issues - 2018-06-04: Additional EOL issues === Version 4.2.0 from 4.1.3 - Updated industry classification from NAICS 2012 to NAICS 2017 - Added a column +ind_level+ to label_industry.csv similar to the +geo_level+ - Added additional columns to the variable metadata schema for greater clarity * Description, * Concept, * Base - Added a (draft) taxonomy of concepts used in the LEHD data world (link:label_concept_draft.csv[label_concept_draft.csv]) - Fixed the labeling of ownership code +A00+ to correctly reflect scope - Added files describing the number of quarters of data availability required relative to start and end quarters (link:lags_qwi.csv[] and link:lags_j2j.csv[]), and its metadata (link:variables_lags.csv[])