= LEHD Public Use CSV Naming Schema V4.2-rc1 - CSV Naming Convention Lars Vilhuber 18 December 2017 // a2x: --dblatex-opts "-P latex.output.revhistory=0 --param toc.section.depth=3" :ext-relative: {outfilesuffix} ( link:lehd_csv_naming.pdf[Printable version] ) [IMPORTANT] .Important ============================================== This document is not an official Census Bureau publication. It is compiled from publicly accessible information by Lars Vilhuber (http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/ldi/[Labor Dynamics Institute, Cornell University]). Feedback is welcome. Please write us at link:mailto:lars.vilhuber@cornell.edu?subject=LEHD_Schema_v4[lars.vilhuber@cornell.edu]. ============================================== Purpose ------- The public-use data from the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program, including the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) and Job-to-Job Flows (J2J), are available for download with the following data schema. These data are available as Comma-Separated Value (CSV) files through the LEHD website’s Data page at http://lehd.ces.census.gov/data/ and through LED Extraction Tool at http://ledextract.ces.census.gov/. This document describes the file naming schema for LEHD-provided CSV files. Schema for Data File Contents ----------------------------- The contents (schema) for LEHD data files are described in link:lehd_public_use_schema{ext-relative}[]. The contents (schema) for shapefiles are described in link:lehd_shapefiles{ext-relative}[]. Extends ------- This version reimplements some features from V4.0. Many files compliant with LEHD or QWI Schema v4.0 will also be compliant with this schema, but compatibility is not guaranteed. Supersedes ---------- This version supersedes V4.1, for files released as of R2018Q1 Basic Schema ------------ All files are preceded by a file type definition, followed by additional information on the aggregation level of the file, or some other identifier. ------------------- [TYPE]_[DETAILS].[EXT] ------------------- ( link:naming_convention.csv[] ) [width="90%",format="csv",delim=",",cols="^1,<3,<5",options="header"] |=================================================== include::tmp_naming_convention.csv[] |=================================================== === QWIPU from the LED Extraction Tool Files downloaded through the LED Extraction Tool at http://ledextract.ces.census.gov/ follow the following naming convention: ------------------------------------ [type]_[id].[EXT] ------------------------------------ where +[id]+ is the Request ID (a unique string of characters) generated every time Submit Request'' is clicked. The ID references each query submission made to the database. === [[versionqwi]]Metadata for QWI data files (version.txt) Metadata accompanies the data files, identifying provenance, geographic and temporal coverage. These files follow the following naming convention: -------------------------------- version_[demo]_[fas].txt -------------------------------- where each name component is described in more detail <>. === [[versionj2j]]Metadata for J2J data files (version.txt) Metadata accompanies the data files, identifying provenance, geographic and temporal coverage. These files follow the following naming convention: -------------------------------- version_[type].txt -------------------------------- where each name component is described in more detail <>. === [[version_j2jod]]Metadata for J2JOD files Because the origin-destination (J2JOD) data link two regions, we provide an auxiliary file with the time range for which cells containing data for each geographic pairing may appear in a data release. The reference region will always be either the origin or the destination. These files follow the following naming convention: -------------------------------- j2jod_[geography]_avail.csv -------------------------------- where each name component is described in more detail <>. == [[components]]Description of Filename Components === Types ( link:naming_type.csv[] ) [width="90%",format="csv",delim=";",cols="^1,<3,<5,<3",options="header"] |=================================================== include::naming_type.csv[] |=================================================== === geohi ( link:naming_geohi.csv[] ) The geohi component is based on one of two possible code sets: - the lower-case alphabetic FIPS or postal state code based on https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/fips-state-codes[FIPS PUB 5-2] (see also link:label_stusps.csv[] for upper-case variants). - the numeric CBSA code corresponding to the metropolitan areas (see link:label_geography_metro.csv[]) - It is expanded to encompass additional codes denoting national coverage, or a collection of states. [width="60%",format="csv",cols="^1,<4",options="header"] |=================================================== type,Description all,"Collection of all available states" us,"National data (50 states + DC)" st,Any legal 2-character lower-case state postal code NNNNN,Any valid CBSA-derived code listed in link:label_geography_metro.csv[] |=================================================== === demo ( link:naming_demo.csv[] ) [width="60%",format="csv",cols="^1,<4",options="header"] |=================================================== include::naming_demo.csv[] |=================================================== <<< === fas ( link:naming_fas.csv[] ) [width="60%",format="csv",cols="^1,<4",options="header"] |=================================================== include::naming_fas.csv[] |=================================================== <<< === geocat ( link:naming_geocat.csv[] ) [width="60%",format="csv",cols="^1,<4",options="header"] |=================================================== include::naming_geocat.csv[] |=================================================== <<< === indcat ( link:naming_indcat.csv[] ) [width="60%",format="csv",cols="^1,<4",options="header"] |=================================================== include::naming_indcat.csv[] |=================================================== <<< === owncat ( link:naming_owncat.csv[] ) [width="60%",format="csv",cols="^1,<4",options="header"] |=================================================== include::naming_owncat.csv[] |=================================================== <<< === sa ( link:naming_sa.csv[] ) [width="60%",format="csv",cols="^1,<4",options="header"] |=================================================== include::naming_sa.csv[] |=================================================== <<< === ext ( link:naming_ext.csv[] ) [width="60%",format="csv",cols="^1,<4",options="header"] |=================================================== include::naming_ext.csv[] |=================================================== <<< == [[changes]] Changes For a description of how schema files are versioned, see link:../VERSIONING{ext-relative}[main directory]. === This version (revisions) - 2017-12-15: Initial release === Version 4.2.0 from 4.1.3 - Updated industry classification from NAICS 2012 to NAICS 2017 - Added J2J Explorer-specific description of metadata for convenience (link:lehd_j2jexplorer_schema.html[lehd_j2jexplorer_schema.html]) - Added a column "ind_level" to label_industry.csv similar to the geo_level - Added additional columns to the variable metadata schema for greater clarity * Description, * Concept, * Base - Added a (draft) taxonomy of concepts used in the LEHD data world (link:label_concept_draft.csv[label_concept_draft.csv]) - Fixed the labeling of ownership code A00 to correctly reflect scope [IMPORTANT] .Important ============================================== Some of the data products noted above do not exist yet. ============================================== <<< ******************* This revision: Mon Dec 18 16:33:56 EST 2017 *******************