/* Author: Lars Vilhuber Based on code by Stephen Tibbets this program is designed to read the CSV files for the SAS formats into a SAS formats library. */ %let schemaver=v4.1b-draft; %let baseurl=http://download.vrdc.cornell.edu/qwipu.experimental/formats/&schemaver.; data fmtnames; length myinfile $300; input myinfile; datalines; label_periodicity.csv label_seasonadj.csv label_geo_level.csv label_ind_level.csv label_industry.csv label_ownercode.csv label_sex.csv label_agegrp.csv label_race.csv label_ethnicity.csv label_education.csv label_firmage.csv label_firmsize.csv label_flags.csv ;; run; %macro readinfmts(baseurl=,fmtnames=WORK.fmtnames); %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&fmtnames.)); %let nobs=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nobs)); %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid)); libname LIBRARY (work); %do counter=1 %to &nobs.; data _null_; set fmtnames; if _n_=&counter then call symput('myinfile',trim(left(myinfile))); run; %put INFO: reading in &myinfile.; /* now read it in */ filename stuff url "&baseurl./&myinfile."; data fmt; length start $20 label $300 fmtname $8; infile stuff firstobs=2 dsd dlm=',' end=done ; do while (not done); input start label; ** the format name is the first seven characters of the file name **; fmtname='$'||substr(scan("&myinfile",2,"_."),1,7); output; end; run; proc append base=fmts data=fmt; run; /* check for dups */ proc sort data=fmts nodups; by fmtname start; run; %end; /* end counter */ %mend; /* run it */ %readinfmts(baseurl=&baseurl.,fmtnames=WORK.fmtnames); proc format cntlin=fmts library=LIBRARY; proc format fmtlib library=LIBRARY; select :; quit;