****** LEHD Public Use CSV Naming Schema v4.0.2 - CSV Naming Convention ****** Lars Vilhuber 01 April 2015 Table of Contents JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to display the table of contents. ( Printable_version ) Important This document is not an official Census Bureau publication. It is [Important] compiled from publicly accessible information by Lars Vilhuber (Labor_Dynamics_Institute,_Cornell_University). Feedback is welcome. Please write us at lars.vilhuber@cornell.edu. ***** 1. Purpose ***** The public-use Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) data from the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program are available for download with the following data schema. These data are available as Comma-Separated Value (CSV) files through the LEHD website’s Data page at http://lehd.ces.census.gov/data/ and through LED Extraction Tool at http://ledextract.ces.census.gov/. This document describes the file naming schema for LEHD-provided CSV files. The contents (schema) are described in lehd_public_use_schema.html. ***** 2. Extends ***** This version extends v4.0. Any file compliant with LEHD or QWI Schema v4.0 will also be compliant with this schema. ***** 3. Basic Schema ***** All files are preceded by a file type definition, followed by additional information on the aggregation level of the file, or some other identifier. [TYPE]_[DETAILS].csv **** 3.1. QWIPU from the LED Extraction Tool **** CSV files downloaded through the LED Extraction Tool at http:// ledextract.ces.census.gov/ follow the following naming convention: [type]_[id].csv where [id] is the Request ID (a unique string of characters) generated every time Submit Request'' is clicked. The ID references each query submission made to the database. **** 3.2. Other files **** Full CSV files downloaded from the LEHD website at http://lehd.ces.census.gov/ data follow the following naming convention: [type]_[fipsalpha]_[demo]_[fas]_[geocat]_[indcat]_[ownercat]_[sa] where each component is described in more detail below. Schema files detailing legal values for each component can be downloaded from this website. ***** 4. Description of Filename Components ***** **** 4.1. Types **** ( naming_type.csv ) type Description Explanation url qwi Quarterly Workforce The Quarterly Workforce http:// Indicators Public Use Indicators (QWI) are a set lehd.ces.census.gov/data/ Counts (QWIPU) of economic indicators #qwi including employment, job creation, earnings, and other measures of employment flows. The QWI are reported using detailed firm characteristics (geography, industry, age, size) and worker demographics information (sex, age, education, race, ethnicity). **** 4.2. fipsalpha **** ( naming_fipsalpha.csv ) This component is the alphabetic FIPS state code equivalent to the numeric FIPS code in label_fipsnum.csv, based on FIPS PUB 5-2. type Description st Any legal 2-character state postal code (see naming_fipsalpha.csv )) **** 4.3. demo **** ( naming_demo.csv ) type Description d All demographics rh Race by Ethnicity tabulations sa Sex by Age tabulations se Sex by Education tabulations **** 4.4. fas **** ( naming_fas.csv ) type Description f All firm sizes and ages fa Tabulations by firm age fs Tabulations by firm size **** 4.5. geocat **** ( naming_geocat.csv ) type Description gc Counties gm Metropolitan/Micropolitan gn National (50 States + DC) gs States gw Workforce Investment Areas **** 4.6. indcat **** ( naming_indcat.csv ) type Description n all industries ns NAICS sectors n3 NAICS subsectors n4 NAICS industry groups **** 4.7. owncat **** ( naming_owncat.csv ) type Description fg Federal government (QWI Code A01) op All Private (QWI Code A05) oslp State, local, and private ownership categories (QWI Code A00) **** 4.8. sa **** ( naming_sa.csv ) type Description s Seasonally adjusted u Not seasonally adjusted 5. Changes **** 5.1. Version 4.0.1 from 4.0 **** * 2015-02-24: removed obsolete flag values * 2015-04-01: updated IL, NE geography definitions **** 5.2. Version 4.0.2 from 4.0.1 **** * 2015-04-01: switched NAICS coding from 2007 to 2012 This revision: Wed Apr 1 11:20:02 EDT 2015 =============================================================================== Last updated 2015-04-01 11:20:02 EDT